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Hurrah For Chicago!!: For The Signal Of Liberty

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Nit.Ks, June :)0. 58!6 Wo atteiulcd the grcnt Western A n isla very Oqhvenúnn, held i;i Gbicago, ;n ihe S4ih, 25h. and 'Jütli of Juno, scverrl 'lious.-irul assembled to delibérale wpon the yils o American Sl.ivery. wii!;out regard lo rank, culor, sects oí páVty. And we are happy 10 say, that froni cvitty State and Territory rejirésonted in the Convention, the cause of' i.uh.kty is on the dvanoe. just in proportion to the l.ibur expended uion ihe oneidca. The Chicago friend.s are going nliead, holding meetings once every week. singing and talkingabuut Lïic-ti, and nothing but liberiy. - Tliey hnve ths best Liberiy Choir wc have heard sing. The young ladies and gcnilemen are not afiaid uur ashn:ned lo talk upon tiie Abolition of Slavory. }'c can tay for Miehignn, if ou: (Vicnds v.-ill only have faiih nnd work wiih us Irke our Chicago Iriends upon the one idea, vtctoky must bo uurs. Iet i'.s liold Up the wickedncsrt of Slavcry in this Nation. With tiuih on our side wo must prevail. This was ihe opinión oi a largo tnnjoriiy of tiie Convention, and t was dccidedly the opinión of the Ministers of the Goipcl, who spoke in the Convention o this subject. Lel Libtrtrj be the cry uniil Slavery ia abulished throughout our land. We have some strong advocates in Ilüuots. The Kev. Mr. Codding, ono of ihe most able speakers I ever heard: and Rev. A. St. Clair, Rev. Lovejoy, and Dr. üyer, of Chicago, thecolored man's l"i end, who is ulways on hand to release the Slnyè. He is n pence man, sj wo ore-iuformed, and a friend of Justice; and in order to carry out these principies, it beeomes sometimes necessnry for the Dr lo uso the soit end of his walking cancovern Slavcholders head to defend himsell against tho bowie luii.'o and pistol. Our colorid Iriends in Chicago seemed to be doing well and ure awuke to the great subject of Libektv. 1 réjorce to hear thore is very lutle prejudice existing in Chicago ugainst the colored citizens - Fiiend Trend well and niysclf, were several linies during ihe Convention, invited out to dir.e ond to takc tea by respectable colcred families. We aceepied their invuations nnd were very kindly treatcd. In conclurion. I can say, that I never auonded u Convention before in my life, that I regretted to leave se much as I did that. I had ihe honor conferred on mo, to ppenk several timea dunng its protracicd sesstons, and althourh itvas to large and nuxed multitudes of thousunds, í'ct good order provailed during the meetings. - The interest of ilio Convention rose higher and liglier to the las', and the lust night of the Con entioul addressed a crowded audience in the l' Churcli, until I was obliged to leave a 10 dock, at th? ringing of tho Sttfambout btill. on whicli vre took passage over the Lake. - [ wos confidciu ihni.tbe wholc Convention dcep'y sympathizcd with me and my bretliren in bondiije: and tho best cvidence thai I have of it is, hat thcy feit not only in llieir liearts, but in their uocketa.