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Only sixty-threo deaths occurred iu Cincinnati last week, agaiust eightyfour the week previous. The falling off in mortality is the first benign result of tbe passage of the silver bill. Cincinnati has been very much agitated about silver. - Washington Post. There is a frankness in the plea of tbe Returning Boards counsel that " they (the board) disoovered that a certain nuinber of votes carne under the provisions of a legal eliniination, and they oliminated them." " Elimination " is a new name for it. - N. T. JSun. Forgery is a politiual offense, if it happens to be dono on a return of votes rather than on a bank chook. If Audorson had shot down a few Tilden voters at the polls, or stolen thoir horses, or picked their pockets, or burned their barns, on the same plea ho must beheld guiltless of murder, theft or arson. - Boston Post. That tho American bonds should have ad vaneed in Kurope is wormwood to the inflationists. Theycan't understand why foreignors should have more confidonco in the honesty of the American poople than home repudiators who are trying to make usa nation of swindlers. - llichmond, Va, Sítete. Garfield Bays tho troops were withdrawu froin Louisiana in accordance with the mandates of constitutional liiw, and he is right ; but he is vory f ar from being right when he thinks it is in accordance with constitutional law for tho Federal Executive to set all the iniichinery of tho government to work to save a common felon from the penitentiary. - Si. Louia Republican. As a man, I have nothing to say for or against William E. Chandler, except that he is evidently a disappointed man, and, further, not ono whom Icould consistently recommend for a responsiblo governmont office. His business has been prosecuting claims against the government, and such education is not the best, in my judgment, to fit a man for any high government position. - Secretary Sherman. It is related that u nephew-in-law of Mrs.Hayos thought a residonce for a time in tho Bahama islunds would be good for his health, owing to tho salubrity of tha climate. So he has been appointed consul at Nassau, Now Providence, in place of a gentleman who has discharged the duties of tho position acceptably for eight years. This is civil service reform, you see. Porish the iibaudoned wreteh who shall dare to cali it nepotism. - Jachson Citizen (Bep.) It is encouragiug to know that while the Louisiana bulldozers are prosecuting the meuibers of tho Returning Board, beoause they counted him into office, the President still maintains that calmness of mind which characterized him when he was told that the policy was destroying the Republican party. Arternus Ward was happy, too ; he livod by the sacriiice of all his relations in the war. - Boston l'raveller (Iteji.). " The big white dollar " is the lasi pet name bestowed by its doting sponsors in the West upon tho tbreutenec silver coin of 412 1-2 grains. As to the biguess, the coin would be bigger if il wero a whole dollar; and botter, oi courso. As to the whiteness, we don'l feel inclined to risk much on that. It will turu blue with age, and in thoso days it is to be feared the wearied eyes of tho " debtor West " will turn for relief to the green of paper money. Tho long, green, four-cornered, thin, pliant greenbaek tbe West will cali for then and reckon an unanswerablo argumenl for every adjectivo. - JV. T. World. To punish four scoundrels for falsifying election returns in Louisiana, is a demonstration to the unhappy Garfield that the policy of peace and home rule is a failure. The South may be peacefu] ■ ■■■ J t ifcvyua ULiuci WHO Unir 1U1L', UUU the people of the Nortb entirely content ; but a century of tranquillity wil] not reconcile Garfield to the thought that men who stuff ballot-boxes in the interests of the party are to be punished. Better perpetual war, in Garfiold's opinión, than the consignnient of foursuper-serviceablepolitical rogues to the penitentisry. How can theru be reconciliation and fraternityand mutual respect between the South and the North if four men are to be punished for elpction frauds ? Can Louisiana be trusted to govern horself without tho assistance of bayonets if she permits the courts to try and sentenco four politicians for manifest fraud and forgery ? Whatever Mr. Hayes may think, field can't see it. -


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