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Ann Arbor Markets

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The following prices were puid yesterday b; dealers in this city : Apples, green, per bu. $ 1.25(5l.4O Apples, dried, per lb, G(37c. Beans, per bu., 76Q$U6O. Butter, porlb., I(. 17c. Chccse, per lb., 13c. Kggs, per doz., 12c. Huy, per ton, $11.00(_; 13.00. Lard, per lb., 7(48c. l'oultry, cüicken, 75 Se tuikeys, 0iöl0c. Beef, per lb., i)ie Pork, per cwt., $3,W 4,0. Clover seed, per bu., $-1.25 Corn, per bu., 25c. Fotatoes, per ba., 3D@35c. Wheat, ber bu., 1.12@1.I5. Wood, per cord, i4.OOiqlG.OO. Flour retails at $2.83 per cwt. DETROIT 1IARKKT. The Detroit Free Press in its regular woekl; review of the Detroit markets, under date o Feb. 27, says : The jobbing trade the past week has boei destitute of any new features, and the coni plaiut of quietness, has been universal in al branches. Certain lines of spring goods are being exhibited by tïie dry goods houses, bu orders tor cithor this class or reassorted stook nre light. There is a iair seasonable trade doinar in drugs. Quinine is a trine lowcr. am _■ ■ . "- ,n.. „,„ „.„i.. - Miitinery, notions, clothing, hats, caps and furs are dul Trade in hardware is quiet. Xails are firm but tiu-plate, lead and lead pipo ure quotec lower. Dealers in groceries have cnjoyed a fair trade. Sugars aro stroug, with staml;ir( A's held at 9 5-Sc per lb ; oif A's, 3 1-S a 9 3-8e per !b; granulated, 10 a 10 l-8c; powdored 10 3-8 a 10 1-2c; erushed, 10 l-2c; yellows 7 1-2 a 8 l-2c per Ib. Teas, cotïees, spices aiu: nee are ñrm and in fair request. Canued goods, salt fish, rasins, pruues and dned fruits sell slowly. Orangos and lemons are more firmiy held, the former at $7 a 7 ;"ï0 per case or ï3 a 5 25 per box, and the latter at Ï3 70 a 1 25 per box. The receipts of flour and grain for the week under review were as follows: Flour, 7,117 barrels; wheat, 108,733 bu ; corn, 2,284 bu ; oats, 5,881 bu ; barley, 5,710 centals ; rye, 400 bu. The shipnients were: Flour, 1,123 bbls ; wheat, 70,245 bu ; coru, 490 bu ; oats, 2,007 bu: barley, 560 centals. The following table shows the opening and closing prices paid for extra and Xo. 1 white, cash, and No 1 March and April wheat at the noon session of the Board of Trade each day of the past week: WHEAT, CASH I'EICES. " Extra Whito. No. 1 Whiti'. " Opencd Closed Opcned I Closed Tucsday, SI -2]4 SI 2X', SI 22 I SI 22V.' Weduosday, 1 29 129 123 1 23Ö Thursday, I 80}j l :M], 123J4 125J4 Fridivy, Saturduy, I 1 30 1 29% 1 120 I 125 Monday, 1 29 1 29 I l 24'4 I 1 24'4 FUTUEES. No.l White Jan Not 1 February Opeaed Closet Opcned Closed ïiusduy, SI 234 $n% 1 25 il 25 Wednosnay, 1 2H], 121 1 26 126% Thursday, 1 20 120 1 28 1 2 Friday, Baturday, 11 25V 12JU i 2S]4 127' Monday. 1 24?j 1 24yj 1 27 1 26% The movement iu general produce the past week has been light, the demaud almost entirely local and tho weather unfavorable for the handling of receipts. Apples, good to choice, are firmly held at $4 a 4 50 per bbl. The bean markot continúes dull ; city haudpicked, 7üc a $1 ló per bu Choice table butter is scarce and in demand at 18c per lb, with occasional soles at a botter figure. The market is overstocked with low grades, best solections irora which sell slow at 15 a 17c per lb. For coimnon and low grades there appears to be no profitable outlct or marketable rato. Greaso stock noiniual at ü a G 1-2. Cheese is quiet and steady at 13 a 13 l-2c per lb for selected packagcs. Clover seed is dull, with free offerings at $4 per bu. Drossed hogs are stoady and in fair demand at $4 40 por cwt. Dried apples dull at 5 1-2 a Cc per lb. The supply ot eggs exceeds the demand at 12 1-2 a 13c per doz for tub and cratft lots ; limed lots unsalable. ünions, quiot and steady at $1 7ö per bbl. Potatoes are quiet ; Early Rose in fair (Iemand at 35c per bu ; Peachblows, nominal at 38 a 40c por bu. Mes3 pork, lowor and easy at $10 ï per bbl ; Iard, 7 l-2c per lb for tierces ; ham?, 8 1-2 a 9c per lb ; shoulders, ö 1-2 a üc per lb.


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