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_ Uegular meeting of Common Council n8St Mondny evoning. „Next Wednesday will be " Ash Wednës,,, and the fítst day of Lent. _ Inspection of Compuny A noxt Monday venia? at 8 o'elock, at tho Armory. .-Xliree watolies were stolen from the res■jenceof Mrs. Dr. Grisson, onjefferaon streot, (Jeff days siiiae. __The railroad fever is breaking out at OwosCounection witli Aun Arbor and Toledo is „hst they want. _Zina King ]iubliahes a card in the iei■,(frprotesting that he is nota caudidate for cjporvisor or for auy other olfica. _ Ve have fine linen fibre paeket note papers, - ust the paper for business men and tbers having foreigu oorrespondeuts. _ V.itson Hess, of Bridgewater, recently jjto Messrs Cook & Fisk, of Clinton, three yp hich weighed 1,500 lbs. The " boss " i ticketl tho Benin at GIS Iba. _A lurje lot of Louisville, Ky., pressed brick fr ne new Court House, has been reaittd. l'ue brick ure of handsomo color, uiootli surïace, and superior quality. _Ata meeting of the Aun Arbor Bcien[üc As3c'aon e held to-morrow (Saturj,,) eveinng, March '1, papers vvill be read by jlisLouKeed au 1 Dr. Steere. All ara iiiviteil- Bev. J. il. Gregófy, of the Illinois Iauilii.ü Uuiversity, formerly of this city, and jjate Superintendent of Schools, has beeu jnpointed an houorary coramissiouer to the fjrls Esposition. A Texas man named Hamiltou has brought ■(0 car loads of Mustangs to this city and une . Ipailanti, the proceeds of whioh ho deaires . .nvoit into sheep. Wo have seen better png horses. .-Leonard Vaughn, of the Sixth ward, bejjsatisfied that üov. Ashley intends to and ,;ii completo tho railroad from Toledo to this tjwithin the contract time, has paid his (tooription note in advauce oL its becomin luí_0n Tuesday evening next the Eev. Mr. jileo will read a paper on " Chivalry and H'oinen," in the parlor3 of Mrs. Israel Hall, a the benefit of the Ladies' Library. Readjto oommence at 8 o'clook. Admissiou 10 .:!:s. All are invited. - There is a littl " onpleasantness " in fjinpaiiy A, and report says that Capt. ReveliUgh proposes summary discipline of thos9 Biinbers who disobeyed orders by uot turniug .: on Washington's birthday: a druin-head :: martial or something else, we suppose. - H. Wade Rogers, a young lawyer of this ■v nul a gradúate of the Xiiterary Departjuutof the University, has gono to St. Paul, Hun., to enter upon the praetice of his proton. Mr. Rogers stood well as a student, _ 's youug man of good habits and princiila. We wisli him success. -The contract for ooiupleting the grading ::!he Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad through i innty has boen iet: from Crittendon's, in . thie way, to Hiram Kittiidge, and i,a the southern terminus of his contract to je couuty line to Messrs. Williams & Budd : L York. The work is to be corajileted j ivMay 15. - A corrysponduiit writing Ironi Brooklyn, II, asks as lo propound the followiug co.;aJruin to the ' oldost in habiten t " horeaiouts: "Did there ever reside near Ann Arbor :i faunly by the name of Foster, having Kïeral ohildreu, a daughter, Jennie May, uow ibout 40 or 4ö years of age ? Can it be ascerliiued who she married, and if her husband lideaJor alive P " Send informatiou to Ar.ra office. - Sheriff Case received two novv boaideis sa Monday. Their names aro (ïreen and Hiyeliug, anti thcjr cuine over from Manches:er, whore, on the preccding Saturday Slgh Üeyliad broken open and robbed the clothing are of ilr. Wilkuis, - Mr. Mahrl the tailor .-.t Mr. l'iïck the puporintondont beiug large -ferers. They were traoked by gloves, neckas, etc, droppo 1 in their hasty flight, and Mtt of the stolen property was reoovered. A .fedérate matte his escape, a J I - At Jackson on Fridny night last, Mary i iae,wife of John Barry and daughtev of Vrm. i Pirker, of this city, was sufïocated by the esape of coal gas from an Empire stove. Mr. Barry, a night hand at tho junction, returned ild o'elock a. m. Saturday, í'roin liis work, lud iouncl her sitting up in bed, dead. Mrs. Birry was 22 years and S days o!d. A little iughter, Luella, aged 3 years and 3 months, ilsodied from suffocation. The remains of wth were brought to this City on Mondav lad ioterred in tlie Cathohc Cemetery. -March 20, 1S77, Miss Mary Wheeler leit tliiscity for San Francisco, accompaníed by : bthsi ; April 3 she was niarried in San fmiciscoto Mr. Robort Lilley, of Yokohama, .. ::. and sailed for that distaut land the aae day by the steamer City of Pekin. Januyl", 1878, she gavo birth to a daughter, and Jmuary 2') s!ie tlioú. Her reirmins were brought bact to San Francisco on the same : lamer by whicli she went out a bride. An il another column tells the story of leautiful, but not uneventful life. In -ter elieii m Qermany and was irought home for bunal across the Atlantic-iugU3tus Phelps, treasurer oï tlie townP of Augusta, reporta that his house was -'--I ou íjunday night last, 1317 of tax ken from undor bis pil lo w, and his Btbroken open and a S10 clieek stolen. He '■ítta there were two men. He was wakened 'I one of them tryiiig to get his hand under iras seized by the throat, and the le mouey deinanded. To his assertion that liad no inouey tlie reply was "I know I so he did. Mr. Phelps returned olleoted tases and is still in debt mty Treasuror's office $159. -TlieHigh School Junior Exhiuition will Aplace ou Friday evening, March 22. The :icmber3 of the class have been ap[inted for orations and essays on the occa: C. W. Belser, Aun Arbor; Lulu B. ■AniiAruor; Cooper, Aun Arbor; Whc Greene, Newark, Ohio ; Mary Hiscock, too Arbor; Henry J. Jacksou, Wood líiver, ftkraska ; Korah Leo, Lancaster, New York ; "ight Page, Ana Albor ; Henry Page, Ann j A. H. Potter, Fall lliver, Mass.; Aimie 'í'or, Aun Arbor ; Allice Yaughan, Aun i:lir; Jvittio VÓu Harlingon, Ann Arbor; " Williams, Anu Arbor; Julia Wüson, 1 Arbor.


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