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TnK New York school junitors' salaries have boon iucroasod from $725 to $825 a year, wMle the salaries of tho teacher have been reduced from $S50 to $800. A BENSATioN has boen created in Fhilade'.phia financial oiroles by the busponsion of tho heavy grain ahipping firm of A. O. Oattell & Co. Tho liabilities are about $260,000. Cattell was formerly a United States Senator from New Jersey John Dippold t Son, coal dealers, Pittsbiirgh, have failed. Liabilitiea, $200,000. The animal report of the New York Fire Department shows that during the paBt yor thero were 1,450 fires in the city, causing a 'loss on buildings of $1,008,446, and damage to properly of $2,207.24. The insurance on bnildiuk'S was $5,298,960, and on proportv $7,209,C47 ; uniiiHured Iosbcr, $128,085. This is an inercaso of ninety-four flros ovor the previons yoar. Sixteex loading Crispina have been arrested at Marlboro, Mass., on indictments oharging them with conRpiracy in connectiou witü reoeul labor troublos. THE WEST. The Iindell Hütel, the loading hostelry of St. Louis, hf.s been tho scène of a senaational tragedy. A young mau and woman called at the hotel, regiKtei-od as John and Maggie Oumbingor, and engaged a room. The uext morning pistol-sbots woro heard in the room ocoupied by tho couplo, and upon iuvestieatioa the piocking dixcovery was made tüat the yoniig oau had shot the girl and tlion taken his own life. They were both rosideut of tbocity, and belongod to respcctable families. Tho'cause of tho tragedy waa tho refug&l of tbo girl's pareuts to fanction the marriage of the young mau with their danghter Many portions of California have juut been visited by rain-storms of unususl violeuoe. The btreams were swollen w an oxtraordiuary deprree. and imir'h property was destroyod D. J. Calligan, boot and elioedoaler, IVoria, Ul.,haöfailcd. Liatiilities, $40,000 f. terrible accidtnt oecurred, lat week, ucar Pal mya, Mo., rosulting in the death of four men A boiler m Shields1 Bteain saw-mlll exploded mstantly killing threo meu and sca'.ding a fourth bo badly that he died shortly after Is August lant a packago of Canadian cur renoy, amounting to $5,000, mailed a Montreal, Canada, and destined for Helena Montana, was mypteriously abstraeted fron the United States mails at some point went o Clücago. All tiïorta of the detectives to ferre out tho robber were unavailing untll recentlv when a man from Nebraska entercd a Chicago bank and tried to negotiate the exchango o the idéntico 1 nionev. He wás pouuced upon by the officers of the law. This man (Harmon by name) informed tho offi cers that he got the money from a postal clork named John J. Moore, 'living s Fremont. Neb., andthiit Moore had hired'him to exchango it for other money. Moor han jnt been arrested, aud oonfeM to tu ooberv. Nklson Morris' extensivo slaughtor-houee, near tho Union Stook Yards, Chicago, iith all its oontents, was destr-ycd by flre a few days ago. Loss about $120,000; insuranco only $10,000 The Tnsane Asylum at Winoskt Sucboygan county, Wis., has beeu dentioyed by 6re. Fuur inmatea perishod in the llames. 8omk cxcitement has been produced In 8t Louis by the dcovery of a heavy defalcation on the part of John F. Thornton, Clerk of the Circuit Oourt. The two tmirderers of Hugh McConville, who committed tho crimo at Chicago some weeks sinoe, have boen fouud guilty and penteuced to death .... Chien gn pork-packors have hnd!ed and packed 2,374.310 hoga from Nov 1 to date, being 888,581 mo;o than for the oorrospoiiding period laai Bêason Frank Kande, the GUaon (I;l.) desperado, hs boen found guilty of mnrder and sentenoed to the ponitentiary for lif c. Duncak, tlie dffaiüting President of the Piouoer Bank, of San Francisco, has at last been arreeted, and wiU be prosecuted for hú crirno. He had been hiding in the city ever tiace the discovery of his defalcaron. THE SOUTH. James M. Davis, United Siatea Deputy Revenue Collector, has just returno 1 to Nashville frora the mst successful revenue raid over innde iu Tennessee, having deatroyed fourteen illicit concerns in Pat nam, White, and DeKalb coauties. James Milim and Frank Lewis are among the capturod. Bosides illicit diftilliug, they are chargej with a peciiliarlv atrocioui) murtler. .. .Thomas C. Andereon was called before the bar of the Superior Crimiual Oourt at Nöw Orleans, the other day. The motion in iwcct rt jmlgjiiciit was overruled, and, wheu asked if hu had anythingto offer before big sentence, Andergon said that he considered his caso a cruel proneeution under tho forra of law that he was in the power of the cour.', and ready tn reentre his fcnX enco. Jndge Whiltaker answered that tho acouaed iiadhada fair trial before au inipartial jnry, and that the verdict wus fully juatified by tho svldenoe. Ho tlitn Hcutencei Anderson, in conequencü of the recommendation of the jury to tho mercy of the oourt, to tho loweat term under the lrTw- two years at bard labor in the State penitaitiary, and coft (. Washington. Thf. Hni80 Banking and Curreney Committte have agrecd upon Mr. Buckner's bil! proporing to Hiibstitutc for nntional bank notes a new descriptiva of troasury notos, which hall be rcceivablo in payiiie'ut of customs, due, and all claims or demanda againtt the Jjuited States, exoept obligations made paysblu in coiu by existing laws, and shall be rëceivable at por for 4 per cont. bouds. The Comptroilcr of the Curreney made an argument before the committeë against the bilí. He contended that ita cnaetmeut would be an iufringemeut of vested rights, and that the Goverr-nient has no conBtitntiunal power to take Ibis action in regard to natioual banka while their charters couliune in exiatence. The House Coinmittee ou Public Landi; has decided to report Sèveral bill., the effect of vrhich is to caueo all land grante to railroadb which up to this time have not oomplied with thetr chartirj to revert to the United States. The effect would bo to cause to revert 700 000 - 000 acre. ' ' was thronged with agriculturista laat weck. They came from the East, the South and the West The occasion that brought them toj;ether was the meeting of the National Agricultura! Congres. Heaolutions wc-re adoptc-d urging upon Congreps the expediency of upplying snch additional endowmect as is necessary to the carrying out of the objects for which the act establishing agricultural colleges was passed ; declaring that ia view of tho vital importaiice of traDüportaticn t opricnltx'.ral iutcrostp, it is the stnse of the Agricultural Congress tha,t the (íeneral Government tlinll on ana opérate Unes of railroad.-i in the country, aud that Congress should be inatruoted to have one of iis committeë examiue into tbc question ; recognizmg the subalantial beueüu already conferred by act of Congiess to encourage agricultural collegef, and dtclariug against any furthor diatribu'ion of pub ie lancls by railroad corporations. In the course of the proceedings speeches were mado by varions delegates, giviug the conditiou of virious a'-ricultural interests. As NOTiii) in our Congressional üumniary, the Senaie of the United Statei-, by a m.-ijority of twolve, has voted for tho reitoration of tho franking privilege. Follosving is thu vote iu detail : Yean- Ailison, Boclr, Burnsido, Butler, Camcron of Püiinsjlvmiii!, Chriütianoy, Conklini;, Conover, D&wea, Doreey, Ediuunds, Garlond, Orovor, HamÏ.V' , _urriKT Howe, Hoar, lugslls. JohustoD, Jones of Florida, KirltH-oud, I,:imar, McDnuald, Matthcws, Morgau, Paddock, Banaom, Sanndors, Spencer, Teller, Windom, and Withers- !);). Sant- Bailey' Bayard, Booth, Camarón cf WlsoonalB, Cocimil, Cpke, Pavi of Ilünola, Euton, EiMtir, Ferrv MrCreery, itoUUlan, Mnrtaum, Morrill, ORlcBly Pluuib, Sargsnt, Saulsbury, Voortacs, Wadltieb' and Wa-Uncf - il. Paired-VuUeTKon (who wa In favor of) awd Armstroni? (who was agaiunt the bilí). The National House of Iiepresentatives bas passed, by a large majority, a bilí giving women lawyers the right, to practico in Uuited States Courts. Secbetary SHEnjLVN says ho will execiite the Silver bill in the spirit iu which it passed Tho Western wool-growers and Eastern woolmanufacturers are not iu harmony on the subject of the woel tariff. The wool-growir . vista the tariff to ri-maiii as it is. The wool mar.ufactmers desire a considerable rednotiOD, in order that they may compete more easily with Brilish niauufaciurerc TntBE is no ctango in the positiou of the Government on the Moxican (iiiostion. Whilo a friendly feeling is expresaed toward Mexico, there are no eigns at present of au immediate jpcogmtiou of the administration of President D,az. Masy n-embors of Congreas are of the opinión that the Wood Tariff bill will bo defeated ....Robert W. Taylor, First Comptroller of the Troasury, died of paralysis last week. GENEKAL. A ciREAT curioaity, in the shapo of a Chinese war %'essil, v.ith American officers and a Mongoliau crow, nill shortlyvisit the United Died, at Boston, Feb. 21, John McCoy aged 110 ; carne day, at Halifax, N. ., Jlrs. Catheriue Jarvis (a colored woman who eacapo'4 from öoijthern slavery jn 1782), &ged 110. Visible supply of grain in tho States and Canada: Wheat, 9,091,292 bnshels; corn, . ,009,403 trashels; oats, 3,297,716 bushols; 17e, 86,026 bushels; barley, 4,184.476 bnshols j ñie: At Waco, Toxati, loss $50,000; CheKter, Pa., loss $35,000: Oinoinnnti, Ohio, loss $30,000. Foüb üovcrnmont veseols are to be dispatchod io France with full loads of American gooda orxrehiblt at tlio Paris ExpORitiou. All tho paco allowed to tho United States has been already assiguod by the Chief Commissioner. POI4TÍOAIi. In the looal elections throuRhotit Pennsylvania, last wook, the Doinoorats carried Pottstown, Lock Haven, Allontown, Chester, Oil City, Williamsport and York. Tho Kepublicans oarricd Norri8towD, Euston, Westchester, Lancaster, Lebaiiou and Erie. ïho Greebickers carried Sheuamloah, Bollefonte, Titusville and Scranton. Tho Indupendents carried Bethlehetn and Pottsvillo. In Philadelphia 1he Rcpublicans woro Buccesaful in a very light voto, 75,000 bv,üiK polled out of the full voting trength of 140,000. In tue rural districts gaina were about oqually divided botween Kepublicans and Demócrata, ívith a tendency toward the Greenback party at tho oxpense of both. New Hakfshihe is having a quict poütica canipaign witb. littlc champagne Tfco election occurs Tuesday, ïklarch 12 Porsons prornineutiy identified with Louisiana politics say that Gov. Nicholls will pardon the Returuiin; Board ou considuration that thu Prosidont romtn es the threo that aro ncw holding Federal offices froon those oflices, and agree not to appoint any of tbo Board to Federal offices in the State of Louisiana. So reporta a New Orleans telegram. Tuk Indiana Democrtlo State Convention met at Indianapolie, on Wednesday, Feb. 20, aud organized by tho Belection of ex-Gov. Thomas A. Hendricks as Chairman. Tbe fol lowiug ticket was nomiaated: ForSocretary of State, Juhn G. öhanklin ; f or Auditor of State, Mahlon D. Manston; for ïreasurer of btate, WilliamPleming; for Áttorney General, Tliouias W. Wollen; for Superintendent of Public Iutrucüon, J. H. Smart. The platform lulopted demands retirement of nationalbank nokis and the iusue of groenbacks, instead of legal-tender notea, for all debts, public and private, oxcopt when ooin is stipulated; the remonetization of a 412W-graiu eilver dollar; uuliiuitod coinage, uudur the eaine regulationu as gold if) coined ; favors the sale of bond in this country inntead of abroad by means of a Byndicato; demanda the puninhment of thoae Republicana who were engaged in the Presidential frauds; favore the most rigid economy in piiblic expendttnio', and proteBts against subsidies by the Federal Governmeut. The Ohio State Prohibition Conveution, held at Coliimbus last week, nominated the following ticket : For Secretary of State, K. N. Kobinon, of Cuyahoga ; for Judgo of the Supreme Court, Wiliiatn F. Hosb, of Miami ; for Memborn of the Board of Public Works, Delmont Lock and J. ltass. ...In an interview with a Washincton renorter. the other dav. llr. ley Matthows admitted that ho knew of no pledgo or undtrstanding made by or with Nicholls, tho Goveraor of LímiHiami. iurolation to amnentying the Iïoturning Uoard. He tbought the resolutions adopled by the Legislatura covercd tho cuse, howevjr. A call has ben ssued for tho meeting of the Illinois Democratie State Conveution at the State Capital oa Wedaesdav, tho lltn day of April, 1878. Jüdof. Wiiittaker has refused the applicaion of Auderson, of the Louisiaua Keturning Joard, for a new trial. At a meeting of the Socialistic Labor party of New York city, the other day, tho red flag f tho Commune was dieplayud. Kesolutione were adopted denouucing a etanding army and ,he existeuce of armoriea in oitios, and setting orth that moro protection fihould be given to 'ree speech. " Only let the army be abolished," one speaker sai.], " and labor wonld mako snch a move as wonld innure its rights, and render t eqnal vith capital." FOREIGX NEWS. Tite Tliessalian insurgonts are not inclincd ja fall in with the general peace moveinent which has been acquiesced in by all the other powen, great and pmall. Tho insurrectiou in :hat province is rapidly groniug more formidable. Greek has met Turk, and tho Moalem, collectively nnmbering somo 6,000, has been defeated in a desperate battle, with a loss of (0() alone. Tiïk Eastern qncst-ion was debated in both the Gtrmau and Austrian rarliaments last week. Prince Bismarck stated tliat ho did not believe in a Eoropean war; was in favor of an early assenibling of tho Congress of the pnwprtj anA kiio tLiu lioverument was willing to act as a mediator, it did uot wish to be contidered tho arbiter of Europe. In tho Austrian Chamber, Princo AuCTöpirg, Probident of tho Conncil of Ministers, stateu (bat the basiR of the peace conditions wero coneidered detrimental to the intcrests of the monarchy; that they could not be accepted uk lina] by the Government, fearing an alteration in the Emopean balance of power, and truated that the Congrcas of Powers would settle mattors on a lautiug and equitable batis. IxsriKED by ötanley's successee, and petitioned by tlie Paris Geographical Society, the rroucu uoverumenr, turougn me iuimster oí War, han authorized tho Comte (lo Semello, an Algerian officer, to proceed to tho survey oí equatoria] África, frum east to west. If adviees frora Havana, Cuba, are to be bolieved, the insurgent resístanos to the Spanish authority is over, and peace once more reigus in that long-aftlicted island. All the rebellions chiefs have acknowledged their allegianoj and Bubscribed to the peace conditions. Tliose are, in eubstanco, as followa : Tlie Mand of Cuba to rcceivo the same political orgatization and i adminUirative concossions as enjoyed by Porto Itico ; ampio pardon for all political offenses oommittt-d eince 1868, and liberty for those persons uuder sentenco and political prisonerp, and a genorai pardon to deserters from the Spanish lineH ; liberty to be given to nía ve and Chinamea withia the insurgent line ; all persons desiring to leavo the ielaud to bo furnished with means to do so, without touching cithcr vülago or city if bo desired. Cardinal Joachim Pfcci, an Italiin, has been elected by the Conclave of Cardinal in Romo an tho successor of Popo Pius IX., whoso appointeo he was as Camerlengo, or High Chamberlaln of ihe Yatican, and who, it is uaderstood, had, before his deatb, piivately expressed a prefcrence for hira for fho Pontifical succesaion. Pecci is C8 years of age, aud is a uative of Carpenetto, in tho dio ceso of Arragui. He was croated a Cardinal Dec. 19, 1853. and, in addiüon to being Camerlengo, was the Archbishop of Perugia. Popo Pius had great confidenoe in hlin, and Anlonelli, tko late Papal Premier. was exceedingly jealous of hini, nnd dreaded hi iníluence in tho Vatican. Pecci will be the 258th Popo of the Chnrch of liome. Ho will asmune thé title of Leo XIII Iu a Londou dispatch it is reported, ou what is said to be good authority, that the number of persons suffering f rom" famino in the uorthern provinces of China is 70,000,000. Cable dispatches of the 23d of February are to the effect that there was a serious misunderstanding between Busfia and England, and that the former threatoned to occupy ConFtantinople if the British fleet was not withdrawo from tho Soa of Marmora. The ooncentrulioii of largo bodies of ümsians sonth of Aelrinnople continued, evidently for the purpone of moving with resistless force upon Conetantinpple and tho straits, iu tho event of any failure of the peace negotiations. ïlie di.spatche report that tho prospecta for tho early auRembUrig of the cougress are not fiattering. Iluxsia in hantening negotiations for peace at Adrianopl ), and also concentxating a Urge foren of troops in Bonmelia, as if anxiops to próvido agaiust aiiy ])Ossibility of Austria cuttiiïg clï her lino of comumnication. From Vienna come dicquieting rumora as to Austria' warliko preparatious, and alcogethcr the prospect is not so peaceful as had heen hoped . . . . Namyk Pasha, a leading Tuikish statesman, has gone to St. rotersburg to endeavor to obtain from tbs Czar a moditicatiou of the terms of peace, e;pecialiy those touching the witüdrawal of the MuHsulmauf) from Bulgaria, and the limita of the new prineipality. . . .Server Paslia has been deposed from thn Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairn John Walter, propriotor of the Londen Times and Libtral member of Parliament, hns beon blaokballed by a prominent Kdinburgh cmb. on account of bis pro-Kuain sentimenM The Turks havo be.en at sonie of their favorito deviltry amotiy tho Druses in Syria. On pretext of arreeting a vülager for Borne triviHl offenpe, tlio place was rlsited by Turkish Boldier, and thirty men veré killed nñl a mimber wounded The British Foreign Oí; given notice to Lloyds that prohiliitiou nf ialnrt of rain and other produets from Black sea ports lias been raised. Tiie aiinoiinceinent is made that t'io Gi.vernments of Germauy and Frunce have expressed fiatisfaction with the choico of a Pope. This is cspecially important in the cafe of Oermany, becauso it my lead to the niodification of tlio the (.'ccletiiai-fical laws by which Bifmarck contrivus to exeludo from tho Gemían nation any ideas exceit euch as the Hohenzoliern house mipht choose to -religious as we] I aa poli!i:al. DisrATcirES of Fcb. 25 state that Itussia nd Servia aro at loggerhcads regarding the oceupation of tho teiritoiy in what h knov.n as Oíd Servia wiiieti ths troojís of Princo Milán held at tho time of tho Ruspen:ii oí hostilities {b,e anti-Itussian onstration in London was a auccess as to uunibers and brute forco, 100,000 persona being prosent ; and that clauee in the peace conditions which contemplates tho ooonpation of Bulgaria by Iïuasian troops íor two years after the recoustrnetion of that province into a principality ík likoly to meet with a vigorous protont f rom Austria A.n explosión of dynaamite at Parnia, Italy, recently, killed nix and wounded sixty-three poraons. The Shah of Persia is about to pay a visit to the Czar at 8t. Petersburg, and will be entertained magnificently by tho imperial Court of Ilussia.


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