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Trust him little who praises all. Fifteen-hail pool is getting to be the rage among billiardists. There are 2,000 barber shops in New York aud 7,500 barbera. American polaco eors are dof to he ! lound almost the world over. The popula tion of tlie world is estimated in round nunibers at 1,250.1 000,000. Tkere are nearly 70,000 cases before the Pension Bureau at Washington, awaiting actiou. They say in Paris that both Víctor Emmanuel and Thiera died from the effects of Qambetta's " evil eye." A man was lately sentenced in Nashville to three years in the Peoitentiary for stealing three boxes of pepper. A tobacco tax is to Bupply the deflciencies of the Berlin exchequer - pro bably as unpopular an impost as could bc devised. A bartender in Eichmond, Va., neglected to register a glass of ale which he sold, and has been fined $49.80 for the omission. PitiNCE Aiïthüb, the Duke of Connaugbt, bas been installed, with complete Masonic ceremonies, as Great Prior of Ireland. Since the temperance work began in Fort Wayne 9,000 persons have signed the pleilge. The work commcnced during the year 1877. The New York Htrald knows a young man who has offered to bet that he can walk a million honrs without sleep, if his girl will only walk with hirü. Titplebs in Maine circumvent the Prohibitory Liquor law by forming private diinkiug clubs. Bangor has fortytwo of them, and Bangor is not a large city. The New York Chief of Pólice avers that guilty persons always weep and betrsiy great anxiety and mental distress, while the innocent are indignaut but self-porsessed. Ben Butlek took his little $2 fee the other day as a witness before a House oommittee, put it in hia vest pocket, and then pulled down his vest as jauntily as if he'd just bagged a retainor of $5,000. Seventy hours witlioiit f ood or drink was the recent experience of a tramp who stole a ride on a freight train from Hannibal, Mo., to Toledo, Ohio. He hid himself in a car of wheat, and when bo tried to get out ho found the door scalcd. An owl shot near Burlington, Vt. , had a steel trap and two feet of chain belonging to a Hinsdale (N. B.) man on ite leg. The trap was eet five weeks before in tlie Hinsdale man's ben-house, and was carried about 100 miles by its captive. The Massachusetts Board of Agriculture complains tbat the rurnl horsetrot atcounty fairs lowers tbe tone of the exhibition, and flils New England with a cluss of horses that are of little practical benefit. The eattle-show managers, however, say tbnt tbe trotting is the only paying feature. Investigation into tbe opium-eaticg habite of residente ot the Sbenandoah valley reveáis the fact that in the town of Stauuton 100 pounds of the drug are sold every week. Many young women and " ladies of the tirst families" are slavee of tbe habit. Mus. Justice Harlan, a sfcitely and handsome lady, is a sister of the Messrs. Sbanklin, editors ( f the Courier, of Evansville, Ind. One of these brothers is 6 feet 6 inches in height, and the other is nearly as tall. The lftttér is a prominent oandidate of the Indiana Deroocracy for Secretary of State. The English army bas long enjoyed the repntation of being the most expensively dressed in Enrope. The mos costly uniform is that of a Staff-Sergean in the Foot Guarda, to clothe whom en titila upon the country about $70 por man per annum, and tho cheapest man to equip is the negro private of the Wes India regiment, whose picturesque zouave costume costs about $12 per an num. The Third Regiment of French Zouavcs, obaerving Victor Emmanuel's bravery at the battle of Palestro during tlie wnr witb Austria, elected him a cor poro] of their regiment, a distinction o whioh tlie King was proud. His name was, iintil recently, daily called by the officer ou duty, and the oldest soldier present would advance and reply, ' ' Ab sent on leave." The regiment has con fcrretl tlie same rank on King Humbert. The exportation of foreat-tree seeds is assuming dimensions in this country. O.diforuia sends $10,000 worthper year. The principal purchases are made for Gerraany, Austria, England, and the coloniesin Australia and New Zealand; and at pxaeent the demand exceeds the snppiy. The seeds of the Oregon pine, known also as the yellow fir, are most in demand. The timber of that tree is as good as the British oak for ship-building, and has been found sound after eighteen years'uso forthis purpose. Accobdino to invariable custom, since tbe detectiou of the gunpowder plot in 1G05, a detacbment of the Beef-Eaters, who guard the Tower of London, marched at 10 o'clook in the morning previous to the late opening of Parliament, tbrougb the cellars of the two houses, in order to ascertain if any gunpowder migbt be concealed there. Tko Beef-Eaters are selected from among the non-commissioned officers of the British army who have meriU-d notice through services or good conduet, and wear the uniform selected for them by Henry VIII.


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