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fljgINESS DIRECTORY. JTJJaLD MACiiKAÏJ, M. r., Physiclan and Office and reBÍdence, 71 Hurón street, n Arbor. Office hours f rom 8 to 9 a. m. and f rom ; 1 3 P ___ rfjTsOPHIA VOLLAÏÏD, M. D., Physi1 cian and Surgeon. Office at residence, 44 Ann Jí. WH1 attcnd to al] professional calis promiitjáíjorniglit. ftfH. JACKSON, Deutist. Office corner of y t Main and Washington streets, over Bach & ? j-g gtore, Ann Arbor, Mich. Anesthetics admiu%tti f rcquired ñjíES & WORDEN, 20 South Main street, y Aiiu Arbor, Mich., Wholesale and retail deal.'u Diy Goods, Carpets and Groceries. rACK & SCHMID, dealers in Dry Goode, öroceries, Crockery, etc., No. 54 South Main JiB pACH & ABEL, dealers in Dry Goods, GroK ceries, etc., No. 26 South Main street, Ann 5bor, Süch. jï. WiGNEK, dfaler in Ready-Made Clothing, Cloths, Gaseiraeres, Vestinge, Xrunks, Cjrpot Bags, etc, 21 South Main street. CSCHAKBKKXK, Teacher of tüePiano-forte. , Pupils attain tlic desired skill in piano-play'M by a systematic course of instruction. For ennB,apply at residence, No. 12 W. Liberty atreet, unArbor. Prompt attention paid to piano-tuning. K"ATÍE J. KOGERS, Portrait Painter. Portraita painted to order eltherfrom life er phoiMcaplis. Insti uctions given in DrawiDg and punting by the system used in Academies of DeáíD. Studio, No. 7, cor. División and Ann streets. "jTd. hartley, m. d., AND MBS. SOPHIA HARTLEY, M. D., GEEMAN AND ENGLISH PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. 015cE and reeidencc, No. 18 Thompson, corner of fhompson and Wüliam streets, Ann Arbor, Micb. Hre. Dr. Hartley wiUL Jimit her practica to the treat„ent of diseases peculiar to Ladies ana Chüdren. "liiss 'mantie m. milner, TEACHER OF THE PIANO. Inetruction given at the residence of the pupil if deeired. For terms inquire at residence, No. 48 South State iteet. 1614 EUGENE K. FRUEAUFF, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND JÜSTICB OF THE PEACB. All business promptly attended to. Office No. 8 gwt Washington atreet, Rinsey & Seabolt's block. NOAH W. CHEEVEB, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office east side oí Court Houso Square, Ann irtor, Miei. JOHN L. BURLETGH, Attorney and Counselor at Law, No. 24 Bank Block, second floor, ANN ARBOR, - - MICHIGAN. HENRY E. HILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Dealer in Real Estáte. Mee, No. 3 ODrra House Block, ANN ARBOE. EVEBYBODT SAYS THAT REVENAUGH IS IEI Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. 28 East Huron Street, vp-stairs. C. H. WIINTSLOW, DEALEB IN PICTURES, FRAMES AND BBACKETS, VIOLINS AND GUITARS. All kiuds of Rcpairing promptly attended to. No. 30 East Huron Street. J. H. NICKELS, FRESII & SALT MEATS, Huns, Sausages, U; rl, etc, 8IAIE STKEET, OPPOSITE NORTHWEST COEKEB OF UNIVERSITY CAMPUS. Orders promptly filled. Farmers having meaiB ell Bhould give him a cali. 1568-yl THE ANN AEBOR SAVINGS BANK Ann .A-rtoor, Müchigan. Cayital païd in $ 50,00000 Capital security 100,000.00 Traoeacts a general Banking Businees ; buys and Eel!s Exchaïige on New York, Detroit and Chicago ; Pi Sight Drafts on all the principal cities of "O$te; also, sells Passage Tickets to Liverpool, wndon and Glasgow, via the Anchor Line of Steamps, whose rates are lower than most other flrst■■ Hdm, Iiiia Bank, already having a largo business, ïc■'te merchants and others to open accounts with tiem, with the aBsurance of the most liberal dealing WMUteat with safe banking. B the Savíngs Department interest is paid at the r'tof Jiveper cent per anmim, payable semi-anElll-ly, on the ürst days of January and July, on all !"&s that have remained on depoeit three monthu imtotu to those days, thus affording the people of '■s city and county a perfectly safe depository for W funda, together with a fair return in interest ior the eame. Money to Loan on Approved Securitles. xrectobs- ChriBÜan Mack, W. W. Wines, W. D. öïrriman, Daniel Hiecock, R. A. Beal, Wm. Deubel. 'ad WiUard B. tjmltó. OrriCERS : 3niSTUN MACK, W. W. WINES, President. Vice PreBident, CHAS. E. HláCOCK, Cashier. Tbeebach & son, ïFtiisls ml P&armacists, 12 South Main St., tfps ou hand a large and well Belected stock of ÜBUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STÜFFS RTISTS' & WAX FLOWER MATERIAL. Toilet Artielcs, Trusses, Etc. % WINES AND LIQUORSS i.S?'cial 't'ntiou imid to the furniPhing of Phy M ik1"'"'1' Schools, etc., with Philosophica 0 ,; ímical Apparatu, Bohemisa Cbemica i"we PorceUin Wars, Puro Hesent8 eto. M' príBcriptjnp orfqlly prspired t


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