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Picture Of War By Dr. Rush

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Tliegrowthof a military spirit in this country, is infinnely to bc tlejirccaiei'. Dr. Rush regrettcd the total lenco of i.'io Federal Constitütiorl un ihe subjïct of an okkick for promoting and ïreserviog perpetual peacc in our country. Indeed, it is nut improbable thst one-fourth ihe mohey expended ihrough 6üch an office fot tbë irevt-ntion of war, would efiict moie good, thü .11 that was expended by the War office, in tho support of aruiie3and the persecation of war.- Afier exlnbiiinj; the outlines of lch a Peaca Office, the Doctor adds: "Let tho followin sealenco bc inscribed, in leners of gold, over tho doors of every Stat and Couft-house iii tho United States: Tïie Sc. or Mix came Sot ik ro THE WU1U.D TOü-STRor MEÍí's L1VES, BCT TO SAVJf TUEM. And to i.ffact the irinds of the people of ths United States with a eeusc of tho blessings of peace, as contrasted with hte ovils uf war, tbs Skt'ctor proposed titc following inecription to )opainted oüa sign over tho door of the War O#cs. 1. An oflico for bdlchcfiojjj tho humaa tpfl cies. Q. A wtdow and orphen making offico. 3. Abroken bone ninking office. 4. A woudon-ICi; inakin oiHcö. 5. Arroáca for creuting pjivata and publifl vicos. 6. A n office lor creaiing speculators, stockibbers, and bankrupts. 7. Aii oiïico lor creatinjj faniine. 8. An ulfice for creaung uoliticai dieue9. 9. An ofllce for creaiing poverty, and tha destructton of hbeiiy, and nmional hoppinMtThere was quite a little snow elarm ia NeW York city on the twenry-secondof Tune last.