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_ See the new card oí the Ann Arbor Sivog3 Bnnk on first page. - The filling insido tho new Coiyt House iv.,lls was completad last Friday. __ We are indebted to Frank Febh for a package of late San Francisco papers. W. L. Jenks, a University senior, has suceeided Mr. Beunett in the High School. - At the Manchester charter election, held On Mondny last, tho Democrats elucted all the „flicers except Marshal. -The building next the Savings Bunk, receiitly purchased by Sondheim, is bcing thor01,(rlily overhauled and repaired. - The owners of Cook's Hotel are arrang„ig to build u. fine brick bam on the preraises, _-a building both ornamental and useful. - Too late for msertion we aio handod resolutions of the High School junior class on the death of a membor, - Haunah Jane Williams. -Ou Moiiday last, Lawrence Kirk, a farmer living near Manchester, was kicked ia the besa by a horse he was leading and his skull cracked. - Ex-County Clerk and ex-Postmaster John j Thompson, now a Milwaukee lawyer, was d towu a fow d;iys ago, and looked very much DS Of Old. -Charles Durheiam, a workman in Keck's (uruiture factory, hail three fingers aud the thunib of his right hand badly mutilated in the fflnttler on Tuesday afternoon. -Will Schottorly, firemau and "general utility " boy at the Register office, got his hand ciught in the cogs of the press, on Tuesday aflernoon, and badly mashed. - If you want choice roses for house or grounds wb can recommencl the Diugee & Couard Co., whose card appears in another column. We have tried their roses. -A thunder shower on Wednesday afternoou, and yesterday the birds were holding high-jubileo. Dou't anybody spoil the present eujoyment by croaking " we'll get our pay for this." - Iu justice to Judge Huntingtou, who has no personal organ of his own in which to repel attacks upou his judicial action, we copy a letter from Mason to the Free Press, and ask for it a candid readiug. -Col. Burleigh proclaims that a pair of duelmg pistola have been stolen from his office and wants us to give certain parties " waming." Wel!, Mike, Jim, and Ben, take uotice that we " are getting a good ready." 'Twas a torkey fee. - Mrs. Ann Burke, of Northfield, mother of Vniham Burke, of this eity, diel on Sunday ereaing last aged GO years. The deceased was themotherof 12 children, 8 of whom survive her. Of the survivors, 2 reside in California and C in this State. -At last the Session Laws of 1877 have heen received by the Couuty Clerk. Officials aod 0 hers are advised to raake haate in posting themselves as to the contents of the volume, as a uew grist will be ground out kn a little over nine mouths. - Ia the laboratory suit Hou. Wm. L. Webber, of counsel the llegents, filed ari auswerto the cross-bill ot Dr. Douglas on MonJay last, and on the same day Hou. B. F. Qrauger, successor to Judge (Jhnstiancy, filed & demurrer. " Vich is vich ?" -The Fioneers report a good meeting at ïpsilanti on Wednesdny, with a capital dinner. And that is oue of the thinga pioueer's like. Over it they wili teil many tales of the past and nárrate hair-breadth escapes and daringventures and pinching deprivations without end. -The paper on " Womau and Uhivalry" read in the parlors of Mrs. Israel Hall on Tuesday evening, by Rev. J. H. Allen,wa8 both Ml of interest and thought : not mere glitterin eulogy. The Ladies, Library Assoeiation and the reader loth tleserved a larger wdience. -In the U. S. Senate on tho 2Gth uit, Senator Christiancy presented the petitiou of Mrs. Malony, of this city, widow and adminstratrix of the lato William P. Malony, praying for compensatiou for eertain property sold to a quartermaster af the United States army in New ürleans diring the war of the rebellion. - The following candnlates for po&tmaster of this city are entered up to date : Charles GK Clark, present incumbent; E. D. Kinne, yer and ex-Mayor; N. W. Cheever, lawyer snd ex-Judge of Probate ; A. A. Terry, City Treasurer; and Oeorge W. Moaré, bookkeeper and geutleman ot leisure. The books are ííill opon. - ïhe íour local treasurers tiine for collection of taxes was extended have now paid their score to the Oounty Treasurer and got tbeir discharge. They returued as.uncollected as follows : Augusta, $634.85 ; Saline, $174-27; York, $38.-30 ; Ypsilanti City, $703.67. Total return for county, $4,030.05, against areturn last year of {4,013.17. - Attention is directed to the notice of the Couuty Clerk, iuvitiug proposals for f 12,000 of theCourt House Loan. The Building Comfflittee has wisely concluded to make the bonds ' bearbutüper cent., at which rate they have asurance that every doüar can be got without paying auy premiums for the loan. Aud it is onr prívate opinión that tlie loan vvill even coiamand a small premium. - A State Teachers' Instituto will be held tDexter, commenciug at 2 o'clock p. m. on Monday, April 1, and closing on Friday. The Superiutendent of Public Instruction will íirnish a corpa of instructors and leoturers, Md gives assuranco that ampie arrangeinents iUbe made for the accoinmodation of teachs. He urges a full atteudance of teachers, ftof. H. E. Kratz, of Dexter, has the local srraogements ín chargo. - The Dexter charter election took place on Monday, with three tickets in the ñeld- ooe of them beiug made up from the other 'o. The following officers were elected : President, Harrison Ball ; Trustees, C. S. Gregory, John Croarkin, and Denuis Warner ; Kecnrcler, Volney H. Potter; Treasurer. ü!orge B. Sill ; Assessors, John C Tuomey H1 William Warner. Judge Crane who leiiled the successful ticked was defeated.


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