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Antislavery: Anti-slavery Papers

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The Annual Report of he American Vovoign Anti-slavery Society ha the following rfotlce of the antislaVöry papefs pjblisheJ ïa this cojntry. The Gommittee d nat know how" to gveabetter idea of the numbers, resources and influence of the abolitionists, and of what they are doing, as such, for theprogressoffreedom, than will befurnishedby a simple exhibií oC the papers sustained by them, and dévotèd' sptícialjy to the anti-slavery cause: Tliey begin with those who begun and support the Liberty Party. They are, iri the order of tatë$ as follows r Matne. - Bangor Gazette, Bangor, wcekly: Liberty Standard, Hallowell, weekly; Flag of Freedom, Hallowell, monthly. New Hampshire;-úrútiité Freöman, Goncord, weckly; Ycrmont. - Green Mountain Freërtian Montpelier, wëékly. Massachusetts. - Emancipator, Boston, weekly; Worcester Co. Gazette, Worcèster, weekly; Hampshire Herald,Northampton, weekly ; Beacon of Liberty, Taimton, weekly. fCíhürter Oak, Hartford, weekly. X.-w York. - Christian Investigatof, Honeoye, inonthly ; Anti-Slavery Reporter, New York city, rnonthly ; Albariy Patriot, AÏbany, V'eekly ; Liberty Press, weekly j Hcrltiriïër Frëe inan, Little Falls, veékï'y; Thè" True American, Cortland Village, weekly ; The Liberty Intelligencer, Syracuse, weekly ; Impartial Countryman, Perry, Weekly. iVvtí Jersey - N. Jc.vsey Freeman,Boonton, monthly. Pcnnsylcania. - American Citizen, Philadelphia, weeekly ; Washington Patriot, Washington, weekly 5 Mörcef Lumina' ry, Mercer, U'éëkly '; Spirit dt Liberty, Pittsburgh, weekly ; Glarion of Freedom, Indiana, weeklyiOhio. - Morning Herald, tíiñciñnati, daily ; Philantliropist, Cincinnati, weekly; Cleveland American, Cleveland, weekly ; Liberty Advocate, Cadiz, weekly; Liberty Herald, Warren, weekly ; Aurora, New Lisbon, weekly. Indiana. - Indiana Freeman, Indianapolis ; Free Labor Advocaíe,New Garden, Wöcklj lllinoi s. - Western Citizen, Chiogo, weekly ; Liberty Free Press, Chicago, monthly. Michigan. - Signul of Liberty, Ann Arbor, weekly. Wisconsin. - American Freeman, Prairieville, weekly. ïn all 36 papers, specially and mainly devoted to the antislavery cause, and politicaïly supportihg the Liberty Party. N ow add to thosè thé antislavëry papê rs that represent the uold organization," so caJled, which are as follows:- Anti Slavery Standard, Ñew York city, weekly ; Liberator, BVstcfri, Week l.y i Pennsylvania Fréeman, Phiiádelphia, Weekly j Ariti Slavery Bugle,SáÍem,Ohio, weekly ; ilörald of Freedom Concord, N H. semi-monthly. In all, five papers of this class. And then add, as incapable of classification - The Herald of Freedom, Concord N. H., semi-monthly ; The Voice of Free dom, Brandon, Vt., weekly ; The West ern Aurora Centre Iai weekly ; The Colored Citizen, Cincitthati, OhiOj week ly ; The Mysteíy [color.] T"he Nón Slavcholder, Philadelphia, monthly j The Cliristian Citizen, Worcester, weekly The True American, Lexington, Ky. weekly ; Christian Contributor, Utica N. Y. weekly j The True Wesleyan, N York, weekly; [the orean of the new Weslyari connëctioh, that allows no fel lowship with slaveholders, and has now a ministry, of bëttreen 4 and 500 and a membership of' over 20)000.] The Mom ing Star, Dover, Ñ: H: weekly, [the organof the Freé Wiií Baptist connexion that embraces 1,200 hündrëd öhUrchës 1,850 ministers, and 60,000 mëmbersj and allows no fcllowship with slavëhold ers.lWe have in all 53 papers, most of them issued weekly, that raay be regarded as djstinctivefy anti-slavery papers- -devotec speciaÜy and directly to the overthrow oi slavery; NoV add to these, from the general secular, literary and religious press, those papers that makë the abölition of slavery ; that are hiostly edited by known and ivoveci aboiitionists, and are conducted more lëss fülly upon anti-slavery principies. Add thesö and südi togéther, and thên rémënrlbë; that sixteen yearsago thë Liberator at Boston, less than the siz of acornmon penny papërj Was thë óniy distittctively abolitiöri paper Ín thë country, and ivho can doubt that ábolitioH is going rdpidiy to its grave! íláthor; that the days of slavery are numbered ; that thé Jubilee of emancipated millions is coHivtgx The IWagneticTelegrnph which Works . by lightning refusos to goduring a thuilrierstorm. The wires, t is said snup so loud during a thiinder etorm, as to alarm the operators


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