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Common Council

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The regular monthly meeting of the Common Council wa9 held on Eonday evmiing. Present i'all board except Aid. Kyer, Oitmao and Schmid, and the following business transacted : PETITION'S. Of A. D. Markhaui and others for erection of Street lamp at intersection of Williara an3 West Third strcets. To General Fund Committee. Of Mrs. A. D. Wright and othera tor plank sidewalk on west side of Thayer street, between North University and Washington streets. To Sidewalk Committee. Of Chas. G. Sutherland and others, relative to building of sidowalk on West Third street, heretofore ordered, and asked that the matter be roíerred to special committee with power to act. Eeferred to Aid. Gott, Besimer and Woodruff. FBOM CIIY OFFICEBB. City Attorney reported in relation to the several matters referred to him at last meeting, as follows : lst. The bond of Cari Hauser, saloon keeper, should be approved. Approved. 2d. That the Constitution and by-laws of the Ure department are sueh as are not ín conflict with the Charter, and the Council have the power to approve them. Approved. 3d. The matter of Aid. Woodruff'a resolution in relation to the power to collect the saloon tax that had accrued beforè the ordinance was repealed, I would say that I have carefully examined the law on the subject, and am of the opinión that tho repeal of the oidinance destroys all power to enforce it- even fortaxes that remained unpaid at the time of the repeal. Such is always the case when ii penal law is repealed unless there is a clause in the ropealing act saving the right to prosecutesuch cases as are pending or of enforcing rights that existed at the time of the repeal. There being no saving clause in the repealing ordinance the repealed ordinauce is dead and eanuot be enforced. This question has been ilecided in our own State by the Supreme Court in two cases (Engle vs. Schurtz, 1 Mich. 150 ; Tivey vs. People, 8 Mich. 128). Filed. lhe Marshal reported niño arresta during month oí February, of which six were for being drunk and disordorly, one for larceny, and two for disorderly conduct. AIso that he had disbursed 199.0" poor fund amoug the poor, divided among the several wards as íollows : First ward, $14 01 ; Seetiid ward, ?( 67; Third ward, $21 02 ; Fourtli ward, $39 51 ; Fifth ward, 14 80 ; Sixth ward, $3 U. Filed. The Treasurer's mouthly statement shows the tollowing amounts in his hands : General Fund, $1,075 60 ; General street, $126 85 ; First ward, $50 66; Seoond ward, Í375 72 ; Third ward, 109 97 ; Fourth ward, $108 75 ; Fifth ward, $203 30 ; Sixth ward, $108 5-i ; Cemetery, $10 88; Contingent, $1,G96 47. Filed. The Keoorder submitted his itemizod report of the receipts and expenditures for past year, the correotness of which was certified to by the Mayor. The report was ordered published ia the aewspaper that would do the same for the smallest sum of money. KEPOBTS OF OOMMITTEES. Finalice- Aid. üott reported list oí bilis extunined by the committee, reconiínended tlieir allowance at suois stated. The report was accepted and warrants ordered drawn on the several f unds for the following amounts : (Jeueral fund, $140 52 ; General Street, $0 02 ; First ward, $1 20 ; Third ward, Ï7 6.r ; Fourth ward, $2 25 ; Fifth ward, $1 50 ; Sixth ward, $7 00 ; Contingent, 1226 08. BOAKD OF ItEGISTBATION. The Council took a reca3s duriug which the Board of íiegistratiou was organized. Aid. Gott was elected Chairmau, and Aid. Bower Secretary . The following placea were designated tor holding the coming sessions of the Ward Boards of Registratiou and election polls : First ward- Fred. Sorg's shop. Second ward - Leonard House. Third ward - Sheriff 'a office, Court House. Fourth ward- M. Rogers' office. Fifth ward- Engine House. Sixth ward- McDonald's store. The Chairman and Secretary were directed to advertiso the meetings for registratiou, and to procure tha printiug of the registry lisls and have the same posted in tho several wardft, ün reassembling tho CounciL ctmHrmed the actiou of the Board of llogistritioii. MISCELLANEOUS. By Aid. VVoodruff, that Charles B. Porter be appuiuted Alderman tor the Sixth ward for registration and election purposes. Agreed lo. By Aid. Rogers, that the tax-roll for building sidewalk in troot of preinises of M. H. Goodricn, on North Fourth street, be extended 30 days. Agreed to. By Aid. Besiraer, that John Kaisch be allowed to use the building on the east side of Fourth street, betweeu Hurón and Washington streets, for stabliug purposes, providing the premises be kept in a respectable couditiou and that no hay be stored therein. Agreed to. The Mayor stated that the city had been very free trom disorder during tho past winter, hut feared that some disorder miglit possibly occur during the coming month, and as a precautionary measure recommended tho appointment of an additional pohcemau for one mouth. He also stated that receutly numerous complaints had been mado of violations of the Sunday laws by saloon-keepers, but he had been unable to obtain evidence upon which to prosecute. He gave notice that any evidence of such violations would be thankfully received and that prosecutions would be speedily institutsd. After some discussion of the city's poveity the matter ot appointment of an additional policeman was lef t with the Marshal, he to employ another assistant if occasion should demand. Adjourned to Weduesday eveniug, April 3, unless sooner convened by the Mayor.


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