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NEW ADVERTÍ SEMENTS TT OUSE AND LOT VOÜ BAJLE. Loc:itL"tl in a deslrablo pftrl f thö city, :ind i rood repair. Also u houae tri root on i'ivorabl (cruis. Inqiiirr al the ABOUï office, i iBTHOMtiüN STREET. Ann Albor, Muroh ü, 178. l67Ht& Itcgistration Notlee. Xi'iio' i herrUy ui vi 'ii lliHt for Ih' piirpow o lomplotiiig thü list o! (ualificil voter, the Hoard ui KcgLstration rf tin s; . r:iJ wurdsof the city Ann Arbor, wtll b.1' i h vwn on Wetlntsda} Mareli 27, in.-i . frnni iifhi1 o''-lik , r, in eve u'clock ip. m., ui Iho fcl Inwint naiucd : Kir.-I wanl- F. iiuiul sliii. üecoiid ward- liOoim ra lfonc Th i ni uw ShoriflTs níñt ■■ in nurl Moiiü Kourili ward M. :: en1 otii-.-. l-'ilïh ward Knghie I lonse, Sixtti Kard McDonald - Öated, Aun Arhor. M.hI. 11, 1;. By order of the Board oi Rcristrution. II. K.'jl. (tortea, .1 .MKs li. iUTT, Sci-i-'-tai y. lmrman. Estáte of Sub u eider Minors. STATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Waabtenaw ss. At il si'ssion ot the Probate Court ïo the oouniy of yhtEnftw,'íiolueíi nt the Probut Otlicn in ihecítyoí Ann ArÍKrf on Tuusday, th twelflh day oí Maruh, in ihe yer ono thou Band eight liunrircd and Beventy-eight. Pi'useot, Williinn D. llarrlmuu, Judgeof Probate In the matt er f t li1 est ate of F. Edwa rt Schn eider, Jxisn Joëepliln Bchneider, Margare Sclineidcr, and Thèódore Schofeïder, mlnóts. Ourcadinxaiirt tiling thepotition, duly verilied of DOTOtbea Schncider, utudian, prnying tlint h may be licenscd to tnoxxjago ceitain real cstat belonginí; to hí1 minors. Thereupon it is ordcred, thut ruemliiy, th Bixtoenth day ot' April iioxt, at ten oclock i the forenoon, bé aMigned for the hear ini ot Kiiid petition, and thnt. the next of kin o Huid minors, and all other iH-mirh interestei in anjd estáte, are required to appcar a anexión of said court, then to be holden at th Probate Office in tbc city ot' Ann. Arbor, an how cAuse, if uny there be, why the pruye of the pelitioner should not be granted : Am it is turther ordered that said petitioner giv notice to the peraons inturested in fluid estáte of the pèndenoj of said petition ml the hearincr tliereof, by cauwini; a DOpy oí tliis order to b published iu the Michiyan Arjut a newspupe priutod and circulatod in sriid comity, four auc eeBtfivé weeks prcviouB to enid duyof hearing. W1LIJAM 1 HAKltlMAK, f A truc copy.) Judjo of Probate Ww. G. Doty. Probate Register, 167H Estáte of John Coe. STATE 01' MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss. At üsusüion of the Probate Court for th County of Wahtonaw, holden at the Probate Ol !ii ■'■ in thé cily ol' Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, th thirteenth day oí March, in the year one thoiiisaud eight buadred ind scvonty-eight. Present] Wllllani ï. Harrinian, Judgc of Probate In tlie matttet of the estáte of John Coe, de coasti. Peter Cook, adminlstrator qL wid eatatt, come into court and represewts that fa'e Ia now preparec to reuder his final account as such administrator and ahkiny to have hi account heurd and allowel for an order of distribution, nnd to be diBcharget witïi his bond. Xhflreupon H is ordereU, Ihat Wcdni-sday, tli tent ti diiy of April next, at ten u'clocl in the forenoon, be assigned for oxamining an( allowing gucb account, and for hearing said requeg tor distributiou and diaehare, and that the heir ;tt la w of said deceasea) íiiki uil otlier persons in tetésted in Eiald estiiÉè, are rétyulred to appear at a eaalOD i said court, then to be holden at the Probate Ofltce In the city of Ann Arbor in saü County, anl show cause, Ir any there be, wliy the aairi account should not be a'llowed and reques firaijtcd, And it i.sfurther ordered that aaid ad lalnistrator gire notice to the persons intereste in said estáte of the pendeuey of suid accoun and xenejst i'or distribution and discharge, an( the lieurlng thereof, bycausing a copy of thi order to bo published Ín the Michigan Argus, a tfdtt'gptfper printed and oirculatfng in said county tl tree successive weeks piwinus io s;ücl day o hearing. W1LUAM I). HAPJUMAN, (A true copy.) .ludgeof Probate. Wm. U.JÜoty. I'iobate Uegiator. Iti78td Estáte of Ella McCollum. STATK OF MICHIGAN, County of VVaöhtenaw Atasessïonof tlie Probate CÖurt for tb t, County oí Washt-Miaw, holden at the Probate Oí lice in the City of Ann Arbor, on Wedutwlay, th thiiteunth day ot' March, in tlio ye;ir one thousaiu ei.'ht hundred and aeventy-eiht. Present, William I), líarriiuui., Judtj of Probate In the matter of the efttjtte of Klla Mci'ollum deoeased. David Oepue, administrator oí suid estáte corner iuto courL and repieaenU that he is now prep;ired to renáer u filial account aa sueh ad minislrator. Thereupon ü is ordered, thut Suturduy, tho sixth day of April next, ut ten (k'clook m the forenoon, be ussignod for examining and allowin( Huch account, and that the heir at law of snit deceased, and all other persona intcrented in pai( estáte, are required to ippear at a seHaion of sai Court , then to be holden at the Probate Oftice in the City of Aun Arbor in eaid county, and show cause, if iny tlujie b. whythe sjiid account ehuuh not bonllowcd: And it "is further ordered. tha aid adimnistrntor give notice to Iho persons inter ested in aaid estáte, of the nendeney of uaid uc count and tbt hearing thereot, by eanaing a copy o this order to be published in the Michñan Jöfcut a newspttper printed and oirculating in .said connty tlirce Bucccaaive weeks pwvious to aid day o hearing. WlLLIAvM ). HAIÏKIMAN, (A true copy). Judpc of Probate.. Wm. g. Dotï, Prooftte Register. 1678 Koul Ksttito tor Sale. (Ji ATK MH HlUArÑ, CuUllty 01 W ushti n;iv C3 BS. .1 n tlic matter of the estáte of Fredciiek. Müler, deceaed. Npiipc i-. hcioby Lïvun, tliat in pursuance oí' ao order granted to the mul er-j gncd cxccntor of the estáte of Bttid Frödericfc Miller, bj the IIon. .ludv ui' Probate tur the coiiiily of WushtiMiiiw, 00 tho uinth day of Marrh, A. 1). 1878, thert Will bc áo!d at public venduc, to the highest bidder at the nurth door of the Con&t House, iu the citj of Anu Arbor, in the county of Washttiimw in sáid State, on Tuesflay, lbo Uifrtietïi day of April A. 1). 187, at urn ö'clook in the forenoon of that day (subject to all eneumbrauces by mortgagc or otberwíse existing at tije iivfke of the doathof said deceasyd,) the following described real estáte to wit: All bhose certain tracia or pareéis of land sitúate in the city of Ypsilanti, bouuded and destrribcd as followu, viz : Beinniug-on iho north lineof Freuch claim Ö91, iiv4! chaina aml five links east of the east boaodfl of Hu ron strwí, tlience north Lwenty-eight degrees west to the south line of land loruierly bclonging to Jumes M. und Newton Edmuudt), 1 henee westerly alODg said last nientloned line prolonjred to an alky on the east side Of u lt owaed by William Jarvis, thence south on said alley to a rond on tho nurth line of Frcnch claim 691, and leaxttrig achS8 the Uuron Rivcr near und abovo the Kaijl'1 and .'Kt na Mills site, thence eusti-rly aloug said. road to the place of begnnÍDgpt exceptlúg ana rèeerrfng nn alley twenty feet wide on tbc east side of the above desoribed land. Alo the following described picee or pared of land, conuneiicing at tho soutli bounds of the public hlghway at the northeasi corner of Case und l'eny's adiittiuii to tlie riliagè (now city) of Ypsilanti, tlience north 7ü east along the south bounds of said highway onc chatn and tweuty-five links, thence soulh sixteen degre-s one chai ü and meveuty-tliree links, thence south seveuty-six and one-half (7(}4) derees west one chain and twentyiive links tothe cast bounds of Case and Ferry's :ul(lition, thence áorth sixteen degrees west one cliain uud sereoty-three links to place of begin - ning, contoioing thirty-alx rodfl oï land bé the santé more or lo6. Duted, March 9, 1878 I6?8td I i K )!!( !E M 1 LLKR, Kxeeutor. Court House Loan. Xoüci' is hereby iven tlmt pnipii- ín will be received at my office up lo Uareh 2G, at iuhu, for 3X2,000 Court House Coupon Bonds, drawing C per cent. interest, payablu the fint day of Fobruary in each jear; said IkuhIs to be paid, 4,000 Fcbruarv 1, i.(MK) February 1. 1SS1 : aud S4.000 February 1, 1S32. Froposals shimld be in sealed envelop, indorHcd ' t'ourt Houw I,oan " on the outside. The right to reject any and all proposals is roserved. Ann Ahbor, MarchS, 1S7R. 1677W8 1'KTKR Tl ITK, i'ounty ('lerk. #COUGH, COLD, Or Sore Throat MQVUfftS I.NÍMEDIATKATTKNTION A uu t iiiiiuix for auy leiigtlt of time, canse ïrritmion of tlie laiugs, or snuif clironic 'l"nro:i affnetiou. Seglect ofteutinies resulta iu mhuu incurable Lung Uaease, itrou n Itront-Iiial Troches lave proviíd their efíicacy, by a test of many years, ind will almost invariably givo immcdiate relief. Obtain only ItruuuN 'Hroncliia.1 TrocIicn, and do not tak e any of the wiirthless imiations that muy be otfered. 166im4 THEDIftGEE&CONARDCO'S Bbavtiful and Ever -Blooming ROSES. Wc Iclivcr STRONK POT lLoi:s, ïnr iiiincrtiiite riuiviriuu, safclj by muil, ut uil poNtofflces. E-'iVC splrlldit) v ;i rit-t M-s, jour cholee, uil lubol;.l, for l ; i ■_' lor _ : lS)for 3; liiorvi: :;." or ,;: T.itorsio: !()( lor MI!. Sena tur uur Vi:V il Iin; TO HUSK. C!ln UU, and clkOOM; from over 5OO iim-si sorts. (reut Spocinlt)' is l'ioiiïiik umi ilislrihlltinu' Ku-. s. TUI-: IIIM.Ii: A (OMUI) CO., l(uw(;iuH('ls. Wt-sl (.rur, 'lii-stt-r Co., Pu. 1677-eow 110 ROSES MAILEDFBEErOB$T Bpleodid aesorinieut ui' riuntü neiit Hiifely by BXptew or maU. any diatanoe. Satisfatïtioii niaranteed. Sond toree cent tamp for catalogue. Address, R. G. HAXKOKI) & SO. Columbus Nuisery. (ïulumbuif, Oino. T?AKM FOE SALE. RARE OH ANOE. The undersiifiiod hns íor s:ile a ftirm t' ;tO4 acres w!l ïmprored] ; lti t with "o noren ot' tbe best orehardinji in the cotinty. Locntcd within half a niilc of u railroad depot, with auother dexwt hood to be locütcd near. The larm cjin be eaaily divided into on e of ISO acres and anothor of 118 acres, each havin buildinffa and orchards. A renaouuble payment down and balance on lonf time. A nu Arbo, IV-biiittry 7, 1S7H. 1679 'UAS. 11. UU.'HMONl). FACTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES ï Ashtou's Salt SOLD AT NEW YOEK, SACKS 1876 - - 96,170 1877 - - 60,000 Decrease, 37 per cent. HIGGIN'S SALT SOLD AT NEW YOEK, SACKS. 1876 - 5,950 1877 - 32,800 Increase, 550 per cent. Thv folio wiug Fxtract, from Lettert! nnd Certifícales, are reapcctfully subniitted : After a long and variod experience in BftlHng tli different brand of Liverpool Fine .Salt, we are con vinced that for Dairy use there never has boen a brand offered for sale equal to Higgin'n "Eureka1 I'rii' Modal brand. In purity and color t is ex celled by none, while in grain and texture it icr tainly has ncver been equaled. We hereby espna our unqualified opinión oí its superior excellence for all uses in the dairy. TODD & CO., J. P. G. C. RORINSOX Iruporters and dealers in Snit. New York, Doe. 13, 1877. Our heat dalrymen here tliink the "Eureka" i abead of anything they ever uscd, and for ray part after submittïng to varïousdairyinen and recelving favorable opinión, cannot see where it can be bet tered. Idon'tthink the saltean posslbly be bot tercd for dairy use. CHAS. HARLEY. Grand Gorge, N. Y., Xov. 19, 1877. Wc have had but onc kind of the Salí, and tha is the l Kureka." We like it very mueh, indeed and expect a largc trade for it another mm-uu. We don't know as we could suggest any improveinent in t)u' Salt - it seema to be about perfect. E. DKLAVAN & i o. Cooperstown, N. Y. Tbe Iliggin's Salt va$ given gcnerül satishictioii We. would like to continue the ayency (Signed) Deposit, N. Y., Feb. 11, 1878. FORD & PEltRY Wc think the sales of Higgin's ' Eureka M Bram iu Jïoston will exceed the sale of Ashton's. Yot c:n order 100 sacks from Liverpool at once. (Signed) BRTOGW & i)A VKNPORT. Boston, Fcti. 11, 1878. 1 take greut pleusuro in recoiiinieuding to dealer, and duirymuu Hfggiu's l Eureka" Salt, bulicving it to iossc3 all the quulitics necessury lui' the niaiiutm luie of a strictly üue article uf butter. I have handled aevcral thousand package.s the past ycar o Dairy und l''ancy Crcaineiy Butter salted witl Higgia'a Salt, and have iiot f'ound a Kiuglc iostance wlien it failed to give satisfactlon (Signed) Nrw Vork, Feïi. l:i, 1878. J. S. GATES. Dui'iug the last ycur, I sold a cur-load of Iliggin's Prize Medul Salt, and In uo case was there a siugle coniplaint, but on the contrary diiiryiuen wouk come in and cali for the Higgius, saying they prelerrcd it to AshtonN. The "Eureka" Ucertainh splendid. CSiKriu-.l) STEPHEN D. PREER. Cortland.N Y., Fel). 13, 1878. Wc are now supplyiug sonie uiue or ten Cieaniürtoa witli Iha "Eureka" Brand of Blggte's Balt and wc, as well as the proprictors, are uioru tliai sntisüud that it is the puretund best Salt now n the market. It necd no rolling and silting before usiug, as the Higgiu'j Pri.e Medal and Ashtou's braud have always done, and it is entirely free ftom pan-scalcK and other impurities. EIgiu, III., Jan. 19, 1878. MANN ASIIKKWIN. Ji is with plutisure that we rucüiiiuieiid Thomas HigginsA Co.s Frisse Medal Salt lor the íiianuíacture of Butter and Cheesc, and consider it a long wuy iihead of the New York Dairy t ur Ashtou's Salt, as it givea a bet ter fiavor to Butter and Cheesc and adds to the keeping qualities of the same. W. A. BOIEtí A 00. Marungo, McHcury Co-, III., Dcc. 7, 1877. Huviiig osed suvt'ial differtni branda oí salt in the manufacture ui' Buttcr and Cheose, ani BftUsfled Ui:it Htegtn'É ia superior to aiiy other brand we have iis-:l. Huve :töO Cows iu our Kactory. J. P. BOCEBOÊOCGH. Gcncva, III., Dec. 17, 1877. "Thi is to (SérUif that the tialt UflOd in the nuttufíicture oí the Itutter which drew the lirat premium on Creamery Butter at the Northwe.stern Duirynieu'rt Aggociatioii Fair, at Chicago, December 20, open to the competition of the world, was ' Higgiu's Prize Medal Balt,1 " D. E. WOOD VO. Jluntley, 11. "This is to ctiitiiy tbut the Salt used iu the rnanuacture oí" the Bulter which drew the iirat premium on Dairy Butter at the NorthwLstem Dairymen's im tciaUon Fair, at Cliicago, December 20, open t lic competition of the world, was ' Higym's Prize MedalSalt." BOOTII BROS. Salem, "Wis. lIiK'iiiV Prize Mcital S;ilt has yivtn U:tter salisaction thau any salt ever wold by us. Evt-ryoue is dennet! with it. The "Eureka" is bighly eomiifï 1, being alrcady for usc. DARKAGH & CbÈSEBBOUQB. Detroit, Mieb., 8D. lü, 1877. We have reeeivcd your aaiuple of lligyinri "Eueka" Salt, and cousider it splendid. We have ised lligin's Prize Medal duriug the last .suiuiucr nd f all, and eau say we have uo fault to tind with t. HÍh new brand, the " Eureka," we thliik will e better, becauKe it will .save u.s the troublc of .siftug. Hereafter send us the " Eureka." We have Bed the llig#in'ti Balt in nine c reame r les, and it kis given good satistaction. BRAMAX, HORR A WAÏIXKR. Elvira, Ohio, Jan. 12. Iu regard to Higgiu's "Eureka" Salt, we uan miy t is all that is claimed lor it, and is appreciated by 11 using it. AVhen fulïy introduced to consumere, he deniand will be largely iucreased. 8ECOR, BERDAN t CO. Toledo, Ohio, Jan. 14, 17S. Having used and sold your Higgiu's Prize Medal alt, we tuko pleusure iu rccouimending it as the liest Salt wc have ever handled. Wc think the "Eureka" eannot be excelled. IRA Bí. DA VIS A CO. Milwaukcc, Jon. 22, 1878. We have used the Higgin's Prize Mcdal Salt fur oiic y ar, aud we ure convinced it is the best Salt ïcrc ix ior Butter or Cheesc, and consider it fur head of the A.shton Balt, or New York Dairy Salt. Ve have a Dairy of lifiy cows. Marengo, Dec. 7, 1877. MI M.M BliOS. You ask how I like Hlggin's " Eureka " Salt. I nswer, it i just the thing, and suits our customers erfoctly. I consider it better tlmn Awhton's wliü-h not o gooi as fornicrly. The "Kureka" is free rom pnn-HCalcs; Ashton's is not. I expect to aell u -'e ma 11)11 Ifll of the IIiggin'8 the coming season ; it is just fine cnough, and being siftcd improves it for butter. H. HIUSH. Klyria, Ohio, Jan. 12, 1878. The Higgiu's " Kureka" Prixe Medal Salt gites splcndid satislHction to our Dairymen, and wc are ■Huil: it ni-.o for tablc use, for which it is equal to any Salt we know of. No one eau tiud any fault wilh it. R1NSEY & SKABOI.T. Ann Albor, Sfich., Jan. 15, 1878, H.K.&F.B.Thurber&Co. IMPORTERS, 1C78W4 SEM MACHINES! BUY THE SINCER The best and most popular machino in the world - .300,000 sold in a single year, after being on tho inarket over twenty-five years. Beware of Imitations ! To secure the genuine biiy of 1. I.. Grinnell, the authorized aent for Washtenaw County. It is ouly a question of time, and not inuch tirne either, when the majority of tlie wild cat machinen v.ül not bo built, then the warrant of cut-tl:ront dealera will be of littie imtil. To buy a sccond clasa machine on a third clasa warrant for five years is poor policy when auch a ínuchinc na the Singar can be had at u reusonablc pricc. I keep jjenuiue parta for the Sinter, best'Oil, Needlea, PlaiterB for dresa maWew- "5c to il. 25, I.inrulu's frinin machine, nnd have a laigo numtwrof aeoond-hand miichincs. Second-liaud Siuuer, $20 to 30, Sccond-hand Howr, $lj lo 116. 8ccoud-hand Americiin, 'rovor tt títk.r, Whceltr & Wilson, anti othcis, il to?li). $W Sewing Maiihinos repaircd and caret'ully adjusted. I. L. CRBNNELL. NO. 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, 155U) Opposile 1'iiM IV a tluiiiil Bank. j UINSEY & SÜABOLT'S BAKERY, GR0CKRV - ÁNDALO IJ tt & FKKÜ STOK E. We keep oonstantly on nund, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC.f FOR WHOLESALE tifffi KKTAIL TRADE. We shutl h1ü"o keep a supply of OELHI PLOUR, . M. SWIFT & CÜ'S BEST WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, UVE PLOUK, BUCKWWHEAT FLOUU, COHXMKAL, FEED. Ac., &c. At wholcstile aiui A general stock ui GROCERIES AND FKOVISIONS conntantly on hand, which will bo 8old on na reaHOnuble terniH an ut itny other house in thig city. ■ Cash paid for Butter, Kyga, and Country Protoce ií.'inT)ill . ■y Goods delivert' o any pjtrt of the city with out extru chttrg't'. kim:y a sKAHOir. nn Arbor, Jan. I, 1876. 15C4 .ETNA. UtANCH COMPANV. Capital, - - $:M00,()00. Assets Jan 1, lí7li, $6,792,649.93. Loases Puitl in 5 Years, $ 44, 760, 391. 71. Surplus over all Liabilities, ineluiiïng Re-Insurance Keserve, $ 4, 735, 092. 86. Net Surplus over Liabilities, inohuling Re-Insurance and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.36. C. MACK, Atfent, AnuArbor. D. CRAMER, Attorney una Counselor at Luw Will attend to collections nnd settlements of K-tjitOs. Makes it a Bbeoifllty to keoi pusteü uu u)l buaineus mattors. Will borrow 01 loaa money at any time or buy god iwiper. inüi-; i,poiuüregory liuuae, Anu Arbor, Mih. iw7 tiiu A DOLLAR SAVED ! IS A DOLLAR EARNEI) ! o NEW GOODS ! Andpiiccs LO'.Vl.lR TUAN j;VKU. I have purelmaed in New York, for cnsli. und I mi now recivins; ono oí thc largest aud mant select stocks oí Gruceries in WashUjnnw County, con3istinj oí a lutl and well selected LINE OF TEAS, All of thfl Dew erop - incliirliii uupawdors, Impuriiils. Yoimg: Hysons, II suiis, Jiipaiix, (loloiiss, ForIlIOSUK, ('ollülls, KoilCllOllN. :l.l Twankuys, Tosrethcr wilh a full line of COFl'KKS. coouinlin? of the followiiii.' bninds: MOCHA, OLU GOV'T JAVA, MAUACA1BO, LAGUAYllü.SANTOS :url RIO, b.jth tpRStcd and ground ; a full and well select t;d Ktoek of SUCARS, S Y RUPS AND MOLASSES, Togctlier with everj-thini.' in the line i f Ture Spices, Ounned fruit, und Vegetables. We hiive fuli ano complet" line of BOOTS & SHOES, ILVTS, CAPS, GLOVES And Huaiery. Alsö, a choioe ftsort.ment ot tindlas1 nndGeniIenien' Underwear. 0tll and ex.-nnim1 Ooüd? and Piicea and we wül mauiosjuwñtction. KDWARD DUFFY. " Mítynard'a Block,-' cor.ïlBiu and Ann tit-eta Ann Arbor, Mich. BriTlIi}K'.-,t. oaah pricc paid fpt all iurm produce. 15 FURNITURE! J. KECK & CO., JViANUFACTUKERS OF FURjVITUKK OF ALL I)KS( ULPTIONS, Are iiow ÜfferJpg (roiit Iiidiiceinciits N I'urcliiisers. BUYIÜKS WILL SAVE MONEY BY BUYIXü TIIEIR FURN1TÜRE Direct f the Mhu'nfiictiiror, Manufiictory, conier of William and West Fourtli Streef s. Salesrooms, 52 South Main and 4 West, Lilerty Streeis, Aun Ai'lior, Mieli. RAILROADS. JICIUUAS CKSTlUl, rHAI,.,MMh. IOIMO WEST, M . f . k = . :.,, „,„..,,.-.. í5' ■ i'. l.Junctiuu, 7 ij ii ,,.i ;. i'u ; .,- :. '-'.'o A uyiie Jiincllon ; . , . "í lo paUanti. Kj , ,: : !' ( 4j (,..i,i,... -i ' .NjjMiei : V i ■ i Aii.i.i. S iW lil ; ij ;ío ■! o ,„" - 1.,-iJ,,, ., I_.P ! M, i, . ,,.,.; ,-, i,. , , fft! ■ UL.I . ■:,: , ., „ "', " l'. M -__ " - liick,)!., III -JU - 1 ■ 9 un ,; ..,, ,, ■.,i,i]. uso 1 34 7 „.!;;:; i'. Ui v 3 l BetUe Cieok, 12 21 1 :.h 7 s i n Qelbmrg, 12 Sí 8 M j{ _M Kslamazoo, 1 15 -i 10 4 ixi 'i 15 í.;í; , I.iiwtou, 1 6I 1 4li ' ígi' Dwatur, 2 15 6 (K -i Uowngiao, 2 4i 5 25 . ! - Nües, g 41 1 0; tí 111 2 ,í " lliiclialian, 3 23 li 2.", 5 ?; ! Thr! Oak 3 S 7 02 " Ntw liuifulo, 4 OS 4 67 7 20 3 jí " Hicbigan Cjly, 4411 6211 7 ki 4i?7 Luko, S 13 1. 02 M'i i J tumsmgtoii, (i 08 i se 'j 111 - ■". Chicago, arrive, r. 55 ; 4Qiiu;!,, jJ M OOISÍ KASX. d ?. - l _?_. -ü Lü --l - A.M. A. M. p. M. l'7ÍTr (Ihifíijfo, leave, 7 00 11 00 : 5 li Ktíii8ingtn, W 'J 50 4 3', 6 0S: ! Lako. S 4" 10 28 8 ! 0. ? Michienn Oitv. ; 2111 10 I!j 7 S 1 1,., a -ís 11 i (J, --- í Tlu-ao Oakí, 10 M - - 7 n; ! Budbanan, IQS3 ; a ,( Nilcs, 10 45 Ií 1.', 11 SOliTT DOWafffaíj 11 15 8 42 -'-i; Dcoattir, 11 3B 08 . !! Lftwtohj 11 57 'j 24 a. h. - Kulnmuzoo, 12 3.r) 1 04 10 00 7 00 loaTT Giilesl.niL', 12 5 -■: L ■■. Btlleüwk, I S2 S ITj M ,r,- ,(M : Marehall, 2 28 3 00 p s 40 iijjT AlbioB, 2 .-.2 :21.i.ji. Jlofi',. Jaoksun, 3 4". ! 05 5 20 10 13 jo 55 , Oriwn I.ukp, 4 Oft 5 48 10 38 Chelsea, 4 40 6 15 1100 Dcxter, S 00 , C 30 11 18 Delhi, 9 Id i; i: Aun Arbor, 5 SO 5 lo 7 ('0 11 35 j [a 1 ' Gedd8é, 5 28 7 05 --.v? Ypsiliiuti. ó 3 6 24 7 15 11 fifi 1 in Wuyne.Jlinc, 0 02 ö 45 7 40 12 1.1 2 -. (i. 'I'. June, (i :i3 B 15 0 25 12 45 3 ■ í- Detroit, Al., . G 45 0 M 40 1 00 S jj jfc -Sundays excepted. Saturday and 8undy ri cepted. I Daily. H. B. LEÜYAKD, tien'l Supt., Detroit H. G. W'KNTWOnTH, (ien. l'asa. Agt„ '.'liiciu. DETROIT, HILLSDALK AM SiCTHWKSTBRN EAIlROAD. To tnko effect N'ov. 11, 1877. OOING WEST. GO1SG lm. 8IATIOS8. Blaf;. Exp. STATION8. ,; , A. M. V. M. Ypsilantl.... 8:10 6:6 . Mr, Saline 'J:Oj (1:43 , Baukers 6:ü.i H', BridgewnU-r.. i):5 6:68 Hillsd:ile ... &Ï0 í:l Mancliesíer. 10:(J5 7:20 JlnclieBttr..l(hiï5 tü i', u. liridgewatvr 10:3(1 4: Hillsdale... U.:,.", '.:■, Saline 11:10 ü Bankers - 1:07 'J:3S Ypsilnnti.... li:4j .:. TiainH run by Chicago time. W. F. 1'AltKEB, Sup't, Ypíilu'i. , THE NEEDHAM Musical Catinet I J I I o - i ■I ril '"PHIS uciv and v.-onderful Instrument 1 cuatíes any onc. whether understanding niusic or not to piayanvdeiiiíl .ulody or liarniony, sacrcd or : ccular, írjm the most plaintive dirgc to tlic most lively dance inusic. It a inechanism of marvclous simplicity, requiring but thc i:i'. jlligcnce of a liiM to manipúlate, yet c.i;).ib!cof reprong, without liiniutioii, the musical ■ lotions of ílio past, present and The cxociition is fauUlcss, .net i:i nielody, harmony and rhythb, :;.; in.stnnncnt is cminently udapted for Sunday Scliool.:, praycr and revival :.n-ftings, home dcvotional cxercises, and in a!l cases where good. correct music is required, and no musician isat hand to perform. Address, B. 3?. XffBESKAIME ÓL SON, O MANOTACTURER3, 113 145 & 147 E. 23i St., New Yorfc rxsiRE Youii PRorr.urvi tVjTH Xlli: OUD Insurance Agency C. H. MILLEN. Home Insnraiir.' . o! Assett. s.ï., .s;,j(io.oiH' rontiiieiMal Ins. Co., N. V.. :i.OOi).tW Niágara Fli-e Ins. Co., 1,40,OM (iiranl, or l'Iiila., 1,000,000 Oriënt, ol HarlTonl, 76OiKI Rates au low us uny relinbU: Tnsurauce OouipsBíLo'sáés prompÜy and honorubly adjusted. ï0 Two Valuatile Houses FOB. SALE, The proporty belongiog to tho VELLLS ESTATft sitiuit-d mi 'división sti:i:i;t. at the i"ï ,NN STREET, ari.l Ihè piioperty lateiy ovnti J' dow occupied bj A. WIDENMANN, wlll '"' ■' al YKltY LOW PK1CK, AND UX LONG T1MK IF DE8IBED. .p]y to s. ii. noi (J. as. PPJ('F OF LÏStE EEDÜCi:] Oliiolimfwillhereafti.Tbe.solJ ui wl.ole11''' my linie ruuu, in tlusnity, ut 36 nis, i"'l Xonroe Ifme at 30oenta per bathol. Abto lui salí .i hirjje stock f ftrand Kapids Piaster, v J -1 íl"l li Al lo suil ti..' limo . Aun Albor, Fehuiai 20. l7.s. .1. VO1XAM. Li: HAKO3Í CO., DEALERS IX Groceries, Provisions, AN'I) AI.L KINH di' Country Produce, sai.i.m:, R1ICH. i VI, r, UKFOKK IírYl.( OU SBtLfffl' Al'l'LE TUEKS.-A lm t.vk of íiist-a traas - Baa Davia, Baldwin, King, "";:i,r ' Utiioea' UoMeu, Doiainie, Norllu-ru !'Vi '" „ï RasMt, Bambú, Ohio .N'onpariil , Colvett. " otlu-r npproved soits, :il. low rate. sena 'nrr ((■ui tamp for deacripliTe catalana. U.G. HANFOKD&íitlN. 677 ('olumbua Nuraery, Columbu,


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