Local Affairs

__" April shmvci" and plenty oí mud. _Prof. Z. Truesdel lias removed bis f:imily lo Pontiac. _ Work on tlie new (,'ourt House is to be resumed April 1. - Tlie Higli School junior exliiliitioa will ie piuca next Friday eveuiug. .. There aie ssven divorce case o tho bomng' tena Calendar ui the Circuit Court. J Clement Loveder, an oM resiilent of Ypsiliiuti, Jit'il on tha (Stli iust., age I 9J years. _ The caudidates lor city aai wan] oilioes are just uow doiti!,' preliroinary Bkfrmishing. Z-" Want your garden spaded r" is tlie questionnow put to the average citizen half a doz,11 liraes a day. - Gréorge V. Cropsey is clialnuau of tlie Democratie City Ooimnittee, ;uid will probably slort the politieel ball in due season. _ Yesterday the last pieco of right of way „js secured fór fhe Toledo and Aun Albor IJailroad betwoen tliis city and the county line. GeoigeS. Wheeler, of Salem, chairman „[ tlie Boaid of Supervisors, was in town ïisterJay,- to countersign the Court House loan bonds. - Gcorgo Fruncís Train eueoeeded ui conTineing a liraited Opera House audience on btgrday eveuing last that he is crazy ou more ■ Hun oue subject. _-A mortgage was put on record iu the Kegister's office on Monday providing for payment in gold " or its equivalent." Hedging milist tlio K'eenbackers. - The Manchester Enterprise says: "We lijrn that Mr. and Mrs. ltichard Green, of this loïfnship, ïntend to visit tha Paris Exposition „ld take a trip through England." - Iu the estáte of Mrs. Lucy Wiuter ou Mouday Judge Harrimau made an order for Jistributiou. ïho Detroit Conference ot the H, E. Church got ÍKi.OOO as residuary legatee. - Lawrance Kirk, who was kicked by his 1UM, at his residence near Manchester, on hmJay of last week- as reported in last teek's Aegl'3- has since died of his injuries. -l'rosecutiug Attorney Babbitt has noticed ll,e case ot The People vs. Edward A. Hyde, mformation for assault with intent to murder, lor trial at the ensuing term of the Circuit Oourt. -Prof. Olney, of the Uuiversity ; and Profs. Perry and Nichols and Miss Crittenden, of the High School, will particípate in the work oí the Teachers' Iustitute to open at Dexter, April 1. - Mack & Schmid havo broken ground for 11 aJdition to their store, which will close up lie gap on Liberty street and make their store[oum 101 f eet long, witb a wool-room in the lusement. - A large number of Ann Arbor people U76 been to Detroit this week, to hear Kel..:?, Cary, Eo.e & Co., in Italiau and Euglish iipera: II Trovatore, Mignon, and the Boheoaii Giii. -A large font of oíd style loug primer, Dtiraiid beautiful, just received at the Aegus tice: jast the letter for record and brief inrit. lf you want a good job in that line ire us your orders. I -C. S. Milieu, of the Uve firin of C. H. ! Milieu & Son, is now in Jíew York, which j neans that a seasonable and ohoice stock of j uew goods will soon be in store. Look out tor ment next week. - Au oration, ilebats, select readings, declai aslions, etc; sueh is the bill of tare for a liteBty entertainment tobe giveu next Tuesday ivening by the Alpha Sigma and Cliosophic .Soeieties of the High School. -- Charles Martin, of Ypsilanti, pummeled lm Polhemus on Sunday last, foi refusins . t Kim have a horse, and Justice MoMnhon ;:.', ranke an effort ou Saturday uext to disI jcse uf a resultïug complaint t'or nssault and dtery. - Supervisor Webb, ot Saline, has pubi letter to his coustituents explaining tu vote for Edw.ud Duffy lor Superintendent .: Iho Foor at the last animal session of the Board of Supervisors, - an explauation which J.t to be satisfactory to all. - Secretary Haniilton advises us that twelve ailes of irou hid been laid on the Toledo and on Arbor Eiilroad up to Tuesday, and that iiou will be down to Milan by to-raorrow. :!pany has a locomotive and couátruc. train, and push is the word. - The recelpts of the village of Saline for il yeat ending Btarch 2, includiug Ó6. ü balance in hand at beiuning of year, were , ! , oi' which L487. -0 came from liquor The expenditures were Yl,'31.80, aving bnlance unexpended ot $43.91. - The Calendar for the March terra of the ürcuit Court to open ón Tuesday next is not ■ ei; heavy affair. The cases noticed may Iwsified as follows : Criminal, 13 ; issues r, 26; imparliince, 2; chaucery - lst -. 12 ; 2d class, 1 ; 3d class, 1 ; 4th cluss, ' Tntal, 62. - We are indebted to Represeutative Wil-iora copy of Senator Bayard's very able feeehon the Si; ver bill. Also 'o RepresenIitive Mcöowau for his speech ou the Pension and tor the volume of proceedings of s and the Electoral Commission onting in " Hayes and Wheeler. - We are advised that we omitled one and mi Bt prominent candidato tor postmaster !ie roll published last week,- that is - A. Chapm. In the absence of Mr. C. he State wc had supposed that he had up the contest, and our omission of his "me was unintentiona!. The books are still - At the recent meeting of the Pioneer ■ tjr held at Ypeilanti, Mrs. Mary E. Fcster "1 .Messrs. L. Davis, Dor Kellogg, and M. n. Goodrich were appointed a committee to "range the material now in the archives of lociety for publication in the second volBmeof "Pioneer Collections " to be issued by e Society. -William Kerr died at his resiüence on reet on the llth inst., aged 7-4 years. r Kerr, though not rauked as au " old reshad a large circle of fnends- especially '■''- M E. Church with whicli he was oonMcted- who bear tribute to his worth both as ised and an exemplary Obristian. His ■'OTaltook place yesterday afternoon. - At the recent annual meeting of the ïes' Charitablc Uuion of this city, the old cers were ro-alected. The reoeipts of the förwere: iiiilividual donations, Y102; mom:i!' iees, f21; thanksgiving collection, ""S-; halance at begiuniiig of year, $34.64. Total funds at command of society, $198.56. kpeuded In relief of poor, $189.88, leaving FW.68 in trcasory. A subscriber writes us this froin Biver ii : " Friend Pond, I have not been the t'aee ot the Akoüs in two weeks. ■hk there is a screw loóse in the department !"Where. If I canuot get the Aequs by pKc convcyance I shall come after it, as I lbound to have it anyway. That's so ! ! " M Aeous is regulai ly mailed to I3ro. Palmer's ldJress, and we hope that the postal agents ll] see that he gets it hereafter.
Old News
Michigan Argus
William Kerr
Clement Loveder