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Tuesday, March 5.- Bésate.- Mr. Thurman introduced a bilí to prohibit members of Congres from becomuig enreties on cortain bonda. Referred - Mr. Spencer, f rom the Comniittec on Military Affairs, icported adveraely on the Senate bjll extcnding the timo for presenting ciaims for oolleoting, drilliiiR, or organizing volunteorsfor the war of Ihe Kobollíou, and it wbh indfliiltely poBtponed. Mr. Bock dellvered a long argument in support of nis rwiolution directing the Secretary of the Treasury not to parchase aj;y bonda for the sinking fund during thcnext fiscal year. Heniiintainfd that by an erroucous method of bookkeopii)g an cxccbs of $37,000.000 ha been carried to thfl credit of the fund. He bhimcd Senator Morrill and Dawen for tbls, and üuMed tliat, in the doprefwcd condition of the induptries, no more money Hhould be ppropriated for tliis purpose. The resolntlon w.ib rcfrrred to the i'inance Commlttee. Mr. Morrill Bpoke iu reply to Mr. Ueck, after wliich tlie Senato adjourned. Houbk.- Hr. Marsh offered a rcsolution directing the Judiciary Committee to take tepg looking to the colloctlon of the 28,000,C00 indcbtodnesB due tho United State from tho Central and Union Paclflc liaüroad Companies. ...The FnrtlAcution bilí, appropriating $Í7S,()00, was pansed. . . ..Jiidge Kelley delivered a two hourB' speech on n nance. It wa designod a a rcply to Gen. Qirfleld'n November speech on silver. Judge Kellcy's review f Garlleld'u speech was caiiBtic. Ho said it was devoid of Ioríc, and wiw a mere rhapsoily, ujid whh iraloomed bj (lic Ixtllionit prfBH as an answer to the silvcr argument, and was dixtributod through the ofllcc of the CÖniptroller of the Currency, and thus posscHecd a eemiomcial character. .. . Mr. Itiddle, froni tbc Oommtttee on Torritories, reported back alversely the bijl to eKtablish the Terrilory of IVmbma. Laiil on the tnble. . . Ihc House, in committee of the whole, discussed tho bilis authorizing tho Sccretary of tho TreaBury to employ temporary olerkB. and making an approprifitlon for tho ssme; making appropiiati'-ns lor detootlog trespus on public land, and for hrioRiiiK iato tho marknt public lauds in cortaiu States. Wednesday, March 6.- Sexatf..- The Senato bill to aulhorize the Worthington nnd fiioux Kails Rallroad Compauy to extend it road into tho Territory of Dakota to the village of gioux Falls was taken p, dlHcnssed and puaad Mr. Chaffee, from the Committee on Public IaikIr, reported a nlwtitute for yie Seniite li]l aulhoriziug eitizens of Colorado, Nevada and the Territories to feil and remove timber on the public domáis for mintug and domestic pnrposcB. PLiced on the calendar.... Mr. Plumb, froni Ihc Committcc on Public Lands, reportod, with an aniendinent, tho Senate bill .!■ BnIng the marnier in vhlcb oartaln laud-Bcrip muy be, íísigned nnd locatcd or applied by actual letÚers, 5U1 providing for the issije of píllente in the namo of tho locater or hiH legal representativo. Placed on ho calendar After a lengthy debato, tbo öonato passed th blll authorizing tho ísbíio of bonds in iinall denominationfl, running flfty yeart, aud bearug 4 per oout. intorest. IIoube. - The üonflo passed the Fortificaron bilí oud tho bill nuthorizing the erection of a Government building at Kansas City, Mo A moceado wafl recolved froin the President vetoiiiK Ehe bill a special term of thö Umted StateB Court n Misslssippi to (ry tho tirobor depredatorn. The document was very brief, and titated, in substance, liat not euough timo was allowod by tho jill to allow tho Government to prepare te caso, find that therc wcro no funds on Land to pay the expenso of an extra session of the court. Tho bill and message woro referred to the Judiciary CouunitUiO Tho House pent a largo shflre of tho day in ooiumltteo of tho whole on tho Deflcie.ncy Appropriation blll, tho time bcing principally connuiued by Mr. Garfield in a Bet Bpeoch in reply to Mr. Kcllcy's speech, dclivored on Tueoday. Thüesday, Jlarch 7.- Sexatf..- Tlio Senate I: rut-srtl the bill rolating to reopeniug the courtmortial cano of ex-SurgeoM General Hammond without reacbing a voto Mr. fíargent callcd up hís joiut reaolution in regard to Chinese iinmigratíon, an-i mad3 a hnig speoch thereon. ...Mr. Cockrell preaented a bilí to próvido for the. oiganization of a Missismppi ltiver Improvement Coiufuírsíoh, and for tlie improvement of navigation ou that river. House. - Tho Ilonso Commltteo on Accounts bronght forward the Democratie caucus rosolution authorizing Lhe appointmcnt of a numberof experts to work in connectíon wiïh the Bovoral inveBtigating committoes. A fipírited diBcUHsiou cnsued, but the rOBOlution was paesed - 183 to 101. Fkiday, March 8. - Senate. - Not in session. Houbk. - Communications wero rcad from American f ounders. protesting against certain potitions for thc abolitlon of tno tariff duty on typo. . . The IIouho debatod tho bill to appropriate $375,000 to pay 8onthern mail contraclors for services rondertid tho Government prior to tho war. Satobdat, March 9.- Seiíite.- Not iu session. HorflE.- Mr. Foator, from tho Committeo on Approprlations, reported a bill providing for tho anpropiiatlon of $1,533,445 for deflcionrios for tho Bervico of the Government for tho fiscal year endlng Juno 30,1878 The O onmilar and Diplomatio Appropriation bill was Ín commltteo of the wholo Mr. Kelley deliverod a speech In reply to Mr. Garfleld's speech of Wodnenday, and Mr. Hubbell addrcssed thñ HoilBO iu favor of tho extensión of our foreign commerce. Monday, March 11. - Senatb.- Mr. Blaino callod up tho resolutinn calhng upoa tho President for tho correspondenca rclatlng to tho Iluüfax flahfry award, and in a short spoech tho award, clalming tbat it ws:excefsivo nnd obtained by unfair moanB, and ought not to bo pald. Mr Ilamlin appealed to tho Senate not to projuaice the case, and aaid that, while tho award might not be Just, natlonal honor deinanded lts payinent. The rOBOlution waB adopted - Mr. Hamlin submitted a rcBolufiou appointing Gen. Willlam T. Shonnan a meinhor of tho Board of ngcntBof the Smltlisonian rnstitute in placo of Oeorfro })mcroft, resigned. Agreed to. .The bill providing for a cmmteslon on the aicoholic liqíior traffic, wi'h tho amendment that one member bo engaged in tho trame, was passed- yeae, 2 ; naya, 19. Houbk- Mr. Ewlng introduoed a propoBrd anieudment to tho constltutlon providing for tho issuing of popor monoy, and maklng it a legal tondor for all purposes. ...The Diplomatic Appropriation bill waa discuseed andameuded in commltteo of thowholo. Durlug the conBideration Mr. Hewitt, of Now York mado a eet peech against tho Prcsideut'i civil-service policy, nevorely criticising bis foreign and Cnbiitet appointmonts....Mr. Clynier, f rom the ApproprlatlOQ Cninmittee, rpportfd the Naval Appropriatlon bill. Hie total amount appropriated is L14.048,684. ....The followiDg bilis were!ntrodiced: By Mr Riildle, to reduce the present hlgn tax on diRtillcd spirits and tobáceo ; by Mr. Knapp, to issne certifioatea on the deposit of uilver bnllion or bars' by Mr. Crittenden. to Isbuo certifleates on the deposit of Rilver bnlllon ; by Mr. Martin (by rennest) to abolish the Court of Claims ; by Mr. PgtterBon, Oxinj; the rueasnro of dainages in snits waged by the Government for tlmbcr cut on public lands; by Mr. White, to repeal the act providing for tho paynicnt of certain Southern mail ontractors ; by Mr. Fort, for the preparatlon of uniform silver bara of the value of $100 and $1,000 standard eilvcr, and for tho ifsue of certlncates thereon whieh shall bc recelvable for all pnblio due Mr. Harmcr presentid a pelilion of citizena ani typc-fouDdoM of the United Statie, protcting asamst any chauge in the duly on foreign type An evening seesion was held, for debate only, a which half a dozen wt speeches were delivored.


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