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Thb Persian Minister in Eugland sout tho Shah a telephono. A onb moord man was nrrested in Pittsburgh for kickiug a boy. Thiktbbn African wemen accompanied Stanley's oxploring party cross the African continent. A farmer drove 1,400 turkoys into Concordia, Neb., the other day, to be shippod to Chicago. The works of the great Germán gunmaker and manufacturer, Krnpp, are insured for $9,500,000. Dbacon Blook has been expelled f rom the Presby terian chnrch in Atlanta, Ga., for permitting a dance in his parlor. The number of persons of nearly all nationalities who have this year taken part in the pilgrimage to Mecca is 132,450. Ca ft. Boïton is about to swim f rom Toledo to Lisbon, a distance of 70 miles; then he will try to cross theStraits of Gibraltar. Thb prairie groase is gradnally following the progress of tho railroads from the Nebraska prairies westward. California's effort to introduco nnd ncclimate them has failed. The following dispatch to theEmperor William from an insane man, and for which he paid $'20.41, was sent from Albany : "I am the couqnerer of the worid - don't vote for the Pope." Thb celebrated Eddystone lighthouse in the British channel, which has suffered tb. j waves of a century, will probably soon disappear, owing to the underminiug of the reef below it by the waters. Thb native press of India regard tlie Russo-Turkiah war as an indication of coming dangor to Great Britain, and some of them even express the hope that British rule may shortly be overthrown. William Pavttt, of St. Paul, on being arrested for branding his unruly son's tongue with a hot iron, said that things had come to a pretty pass when a parent could not discipline his own children. Mr. Ffrdinand Lbssepr, of Suez canal celebrity, is now 70 years of age. His young wife, Mlle. Autard de Bragard, whom he married in 1869, recently presented him witli a pair of twins. A Dubuque man, some fonr years ago, bnried $4000 in a field, and soon af ter left the State. He roturned, and only fotind his treasure after many months of search, tlie old la .ilimirks having been removed. Of the sixty-four members of the 8acred College, all but Cardinal Godefroy Brossais Saint Mare and Cardinal McCloskey were present when Cardinal Pecci was elected to the Pontifical throne as Leo XIII. A book and $35, which a lndy of New JSritidn, Ct,, had lost over a year ago, were recently returned to her by a Moody and Sankey convert. Moody's sermón on "Bes titution." at Hartford, did the business. President Bahtlett, of Dartmouth College, argües elaborately that endless punishment is the just result of sin. Ho says that it "harmonizes with tho whole current of nature and the general Bcheme of God's word. " A Mr. Higgin is called tho " Grand Khan of Kern," becauso he owns and pays taxes on 187,281 acres of land, covering over 292 square miles, in Korn county, Cal. Only five British peers own as largo or larger tracts of land. The nnmber of British subjects in Constontiuople is under 4,000, and of these more than half are not Englishmen, Irishmen or Scotchmen, but Greeks, Levantinos, Italians and Turkish subjects, who have clothed theniselves with British nationality. Somk of the English scientific men are disposed to do with the tolephone as they did with the telegraph - claim it as an English inyention. Mr. W. H. Preece, C. E., has just delivered a lecture beforo tho Boyal Institution, in which he finds that tho telfiphone was "shadowed forth" by Hooko in 1667, and "practically applied " by Wheatstone in 1819. Thb Army Medical Museum at Washington has among ita curiosities the withered and parched hand and arm of a man who left it on tho battlo-field of Gettysburg. A cannon-ball carried it to tho top of a high tree, where the wind and sun shriveled it to it present welltanned condition. THKday of lawlessness is over in Deadwood, and the streets are as safe at any hour of the day or night as those of New York. It has school-houses, two churches, two daily papers and five weeklies, and well-organized flro and pólice departments, and efficiënt oounty and United States eourts. Paris is to have an extensivo underground railway system, with four principal lines, all meeting below the garden of the Palais Boyal, where an immense depot will bo erected. Twenty-one million dollars are to be furnished for the work by the General Government, the Department of tho Seine, and the oity of Paris.


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