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RAILROADS. MftlHÍÓAS CKSTK.U. iï a 1 1 üoui NOV. II, 187?. l NO ' t.y'l . ■ L .'i o -. é -í- .-= í á . ■- ■ iiMiHenv : mi ) r, 'i 'i.i ''■ l:" ';■! ü.T. Jinicüoii. , ■' :' W.ijm ■ JurW.or. : Id í. ; . _■ ■; ... ,;, !' ■ mti, s li! i! :;:, ( mi ir.; V ,,■ u ■ V". tfrWI S 0 1(1 "■ ■ li SO i .;■ R :.'xt,.-r, .mí i ;.:; .-, i ,i s ■. Clielseu, 1Ü Tu tu sÍMki . ■''!--. . .," ■ 1'. M Jacltsou, 10 ■_'■ li 15 S 00 6 20 a ... , Buttle Creek, li ñ 1 SS Pü 8 a 11 -■ Qalenburg, 12 ::, g S2 12 o ;' k. M. A"j, " Kiiliiinnzijo, I 16 '1 40 4 (10 9 15 [j Lawton, 1 Mi - 1 4ii 1 2 " Decatur, 2 13 S (1(1 1 2j ' I Dowágiac, 2 11 .1 25 1 51 Niles, 3 11 I "7 6 M 2 i&CTZ Buchannn, :i 23 ■; "1 -, ' ;' Threc Onks 3 S 7 ij 3 .is ' NewBtfflalo, tul 4 ! 7 jo .. " Michigan Cily, 4 40 5 20 ..l 4 i5 "T Lata, .' 23 G W 6 411 5 04 p Kuiisington, C03 6 50 0 Id 5 5,; : ;■ Chicafro, nrrivc, G ■'.'. 7 4u 1 00IB0IA8T. f_ .1-AL 8 A. M. A. M. t. yK51 pT Chicago, leave, 7 00 0(0 3 45 S 15 sí Keiisiu(jloa. 7 40 9 50 4 -'ir. o 05 i Lake, S 40 10 JS 5 23 c 48 lí Mioliisaii City, 9-J8 H'iO 8.C3 7 85 H i Newffuífalo, r 4811 Vi 0 48 - 1! Three Oaks, 10 VS 7 UT Iiuchaüan, 10.8S 7 40 Miles, 10 40 12 l.í 8 14 9 i.] Dowagiac, M 18 8 42 i DfCiitur. 11 :■' 1 Lawton, .11 .'.7 S 24a. m. 1 Kuhimnzoo, l' 85 1 04 lít 00 7 00 10 26 íl' (íuleHbur, 12 ;'.' . 7 2:í -- Ijj Battle Creek, 1 J2 i 1T M 8 03 11 08 j Marahall, J - ■ S 00 ? S 40 il ; Tí A.jr.l Albion, ! 52 3 21 a.M. 9 10 12 05 4' Jackson, 3 45 4 05 5 20 10 15 1 50 j í. Dual Lake, 4 M 5 I 10 :;s " Cbelaea, 4 40 R 1", n 0(1 Dexter, 5 00 6 SO 1 1 15 . „ Delhi, 9 10 6 Mt _ Ann Arbor, 5 20 " 1 7 '0 11 35 2 10 f . Geddes, S 28 ' 7 05 __; Ypsilanti. i 3S 5 24 7 15 11 55 2 2; ■ WuyneJunc, (i 02 5 45 7 40 12 18 2 48 i ; O. T. . June, 6 33 0 l.'i 8 :, 12 45 3 20 ;,- Detroit, Ar. , . li 4ó 8 30 S 41) 1 00 3 35 s 0 Sundoys exceptctl. tSaturday and i cepted. IDaily. H. B. LKDYAHD, Gen'l Supt.. Dotrod H. C. Wkntwoiitii, (R'n. 1'iiKs. Agt., Chicago. DETEOIT, HILLBBiLE AXi SOUlfíWESTERM ÜA1LROAD. To tnko offect Nov. tl, 1SÏ7. GOIKG WEST. OOISO ER. 8TATION8. Mili:. Exp. STATION8. X( } ] A. II. 1". M. Ypiiilmti.... 8:W ' "■ ' Bajine ;):05 0:43 Banken 6:05 HrirtRewater.. 9:2; 6:68 HilMule ... 6:30 Manchester, 10:06 ;:;o Manchester.. Ui: ■'■ V. M. Bridgewatíi II HillBdule 12.65 B:95 tíiilini 11:10 til Banker 1:07 D:35 Ypaibinti... . 11:4. Trains run liy Chicnffo time. W. V. PAKKER, Sup't, YpsilwtL , THE NEEDHAM Musical Cabinet THIS nciv and wonderful Instrumenl enablos any oc, wliothcr understanding rausic or not, to playanydesired raclpdy or liarmony, sacrud or secular, from the most plaintiye dirge to tlic most lively dance miisic. It possesses a inecbanism of marvelous simpli-1 city, requiring but thc intetíigence of a child to manipúlate, yet rupablcof reproducing, without fimltation, the musical npositions of tlic tast, present and FUTJfflE. ïho execution is faultless, ';t in nielody, harmony and rbythm, and the instrument is cmincntly adapted ;or Sunday Schools, prayer and revival ::icctings, home devotional cxercises, and in all cases wherc good, correct music is required, and no musician isat band to peribrm. Address, 33. F. NEEDHAM & SON, O MANUFACTURERS, .143, 115 & 147 E. 23d St, New York. INSLltE YOÜU PItOrElMÏ wiTii fin; ui.ii Insurance Agency c. iï. millj;n. Huiuk lnsiiraiicc Va. o!' Assels, X. v.,l.ntOL si;,oi)o.oii CViitiiienliil Ins. Co., N. Y., :{,ü(M),00fl Niágara F i ro Ins. Co'., I,-i(M,000 iraní, of Pli ila., 1,000,OW ürieni.ol II:irtfonl, 700,00 K:ili?s ;ik Iow os any reliuble Insurance CompuníLöatfl prompt 1 y vnd honornbly ruljusted. -' Two ValuaSle Houses FOU SALE. Th property belonsliií! to the WELLES ESTAJ5 situated on DIVISIÓN STREET, al the ln-aJ j AXX STBJEET, and the propertv lately ownl s dow occupied liy A. WIDENMÁNN, will be s :ll :i VERY I.OW PUICE, AND OS LONG TIME IK DBSIBED. Apply '" s. 11. i)oi;(;i.s. TRLCLM)K L1MK KKDi'OBD. Ohio linie wil! licivaftcr be solil at wholeïil'" linie room, in this city, ut 35 cents, a'"1 s' ''' roe linie at Uclceuts per buahel, A!.s . foi n tftfge stocli of (íraiid liapids PI a ster. Ai priceq to suit t in;-. Aun Albor, Fi'lru.Dy 20, 1878. J. VOLLANDLE IJAUOX & CO., DEALERS IX Gfroceries, Provisions, AND AI.l. KIM) OF Country Produce, SALIXI3, TIICIÏ. JALL BEFOHE UUYIiVG OK SEttlSÖ' APPLE TREES.- Jk ttoclt of lirst-ol tV lr-s- Bm liii, Bal.Win, Kin}:, St"1 irimes' (Solclon. Dominio, Northern Kpy. lweJ luset, IÍAinbo, Uhio Is'oupariel, CoImi'. tlfl" il hor approveil sorts, at low ratos. Seini irc'i; t-ui htamp tot ilescripfivo cfitalo'lie. P..O. HAN'FÖKPi: SON, K.77 C'olumbus Nuraery, Cohimbus, Ohio.


Old News
Michigan Argus