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- Sugar snow yesterdny. _-SVho;vt is reporteil looking linely. -High School Junior Exhibition this oven-Waguer Iris in his Spring goods. Seo liis (lKertisement. - Henry 11. Cocker has returned from his jisit to England. -Geo. B. Moroy, formerly of Manchostor, jicJat Jettersville, Va., March 10. - Mack & Schmid chango their ad this week. On-e thoir uow one a caref ui roading. - A. V. Bobisón and U. T. Foster go to IuJiana to-day, - atter a car ioad of horses. - Charlie Milieu is back from New York, ,n,l that promised ad tells oí rare attractions - Tbero are six wards in the city and thirty Kepublican candidates tor Alderman,- more or lesa. - C. H. Millen & Son are building a rear illitiou to their store, and otherwise improv,,g tho interior. -The public schools of this city close the Kcond term of the year to-day : to open again on MonJay, April 1. - Binsoy & Seabolt are the only ageuts in this county for the Higgin's Salt. See adverttsement headed "Facts." - To-morrow Justioe Frueautt' is to dispose ui a coinplaint charging Norman Levero with maulting Christian Schaebele. _In the Probate Court on Mouday Judge iUrriraan made au order committing Miss Sopiiie E. Garland to the Iusaue Asylum. - üa Haturday last 1 1-4 miles of iron wore laid on tlie Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad : snd it was not a very good day for iron either. -Candidates lor City Marshal uuder the aooming administratiou are busy just now axatching their heads over the " coming Aldermen." -The Ypsilanti Commercial says: " Cornwell Brothers oí Ann Arbor, have a large order for wrapping paper for Loudon, Y.wj,Imd." -The Eepublican City Uonvention ia called tobe held at 2 o"clock, p. m., March 30. - next Saturday. The Ward Caueuses ot the same party will be held ou Friday evening - Don't forget to register on Wodnesday uext if you have becomo oï age, been naturalized, moved into tlie city, or moved trom ono ward t') another smco tlie last electinn. -Calvin Hecoclc, of Sylvan, vvho tiought liis íarm oí Únele Kam in 1831 and lias lived on i erar since, died on Saturday last at the adtweed üge of 'Jl ycars. His funeral took place on Moiui:iy. - ltev. J. H. Allen piopoios to dsliver a ihort course of cvoning leotures ou jCIuitariann. Subject on Sn:i!:iy veiling, Aarcti '11, ".Intt'üüili-uti aiid Ch (racter oï tTnitiirianism," lobp follo.vcl ii , ::i,l débate. -Satiml.iy ot next ivruk is the time tor i-w L-U'Ctois residiiig iu thfe sever.i! towuships that finir náríies ara registared. M'lie iffiíb of the lowiibhip clerk 's the nhtoy of meeting at the boaïti oi re-ïUtvntion. - 0;i Maiidaj J -i .; H -i l-íiii:lh made his dotaiónintiiB jènii Kettii'éi' c.ise : hoicfiiig that Üiewuman el:uüiiu to bo Mrs. Kettner was uot liis wií'tí, liut. w:is M8. Haupt, iiiid that sh? was, therrforu, Ontitleïl to aih allowaneo :is the wiJowof the deeenscd. James M. Ashley, Ji-., mie of the directora ui the Toledo and Ann Arbor Rïiilroad, gives ui positive asjurance that tlie road wil! be tomoleted befcwean Aun Aruor ond Toledo by j!iv 15, and thal a passenger triim will rim over he road oil tliat ihiy. -Sheriff riii. V. (Ja-c, oí ídaho, brothev tí Sheriff Oase of this coauty, who ha been Uiting his pureuts and brothers for some nOQtbs, left tor his diafant vvestera home ou He 12th mst. Ho will probably not again be a "lost sou and brothei." -Just because a boy got a linger piuched in the "coggs " ot tho Ypsilanti Commercial press tbat iournal moral izes : "Don't pay to tread on ilan'erous grouud physically or morally." ïf his toes had beun pinched wc couid soe how ie " tread " was suggestod. - A Young Teople's Chriátiau Associaliou Ta3 organized in this city on Mouday evening ist, with the following officers : President, Charles Wngner ; Secretary Thomas Laird; Ireasuror, F. C. Pray. Meetings are to be held every Mouday evening in üood Templjrs' Hall. - Next Monday evening, March 25, Prof. Pettee will give a parlor lecture ou öems and Precious Stones at the house oí H. W. Hogers, E}-, on Hurou street, iu bohalf of the Ladies' Library Associ&tion. Leoture to commence 80'clock. AU are cordially invited. Admission lü cents. - A half dozen or more BpublicauB havo au eye 011 the office of City Treasurer, fully ipecting that the Council will be Republican. " it should chauce to be a Democaatic body 'tere ia uo telling the nuniber of Demócrata rto will suddenly develop into aspiranta. ind yet we ave told that the collection fee is too sraall. -Br. Beech, of Coldwater, one of tho most Prominent physicians and surgeons in South"o Michigan, read a paper on Tuesday evenH before the Ann Arber Medical and Surgi1 Society on " ïke treatment of dissases of 'lie femtüo sexual sysfcem." A discussion iol'weü, participated in by Drs. Dunster, Froth"Stam, Collar of Wayne, Maclean, and Pala% all oL whom commendeil the paper and 'teaching:!. S. D. Allen is canvassiug for advertisc"lents for a new City Directory to be brouglit Uhis spring. About half the advertising Wcessary to insuru succes lias baen pledged, JilMr. A. anticipates no difliculty m filling ptlio pages wlnch can be given to that puiPe- A well gotten np directory, with names lnl locations correctly given, will be au ac'lisitiou, but a ponr ono won't be worth a '""liiisntal. Bo do your best Mr. A. -I'liis eveniiig, at 7 1-2 o'clock, a meeting of "w oitizena ïnterested in establishiug of au Art Ualiary ia to be held in the Oregory l"Uic pariera. Tho valuablo iortraits 'Ul1 othor paintiugg ownod uy Prof. dish are talked of as tho uucleus of a colctiou which may easily and cheaply be made urb'ü and valuable. ïhe plan includes a build With ollico or studio attaohod. Those iuted can team the details of the plan by anaing the meetmss. -Wnting fTOm Washington under date of atch 14, the correspondent of the Detroit mng Nevw says : " Joe Jacobs, of Ann f. is here trying to lay violent hands uu f e Alm Arbr postciffice. He wants it tor .his ff6"il John Moore. [For ■' John " read (ieorge ■ Ed. Abqu3.J Likewise C, A. Chapiu, of the samo placo, íb also hcro, for a likc purposo on belialf of bimself. Whure's lïcal and Iiis postmastor, Clark ? Tho iight lucks symmotry without Beal." ]'or)iips Beal is making reajy to "shake" Clark, mcl striko hunds with " Joe " for (.eoige. ffo ouly say perhapa !


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