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MAIVHOOD: How Lost,, How Kestored! _ Juat published, a new edition of Dr. vcrwcir Celebrated Es&uy SfiÊÉp011 the radical cure (without medicine) of ;3s?P Öpermatorbhcea or Seminal Weaknesa, Involuntary Seminal Lossea, Impotency, Mental and Phjsicíil Incapacity, Impedimenta to Maniate, etc.; al=o, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagante, etc. EL" Price in a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thírty years' successful practice, that the alarming conaequences of self-abuse may be radically curad without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife ; pointing-out a mode of cure at once simple, and effectual, by means of -which every 8uflferer,no matter what hia condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. BiSTbis Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under Beal, in a plain envelope, to any adcfree&i jwst-paid, on receipt oi" six cents or twj post age stamps. THE CÜLTEHWELL MEDICAL E0., 41 AnnSt., X. V.; I'ost Olliou Box, 4580. THE GEEAT ENGLISH EEMEDY! OlUY'S SPECIF1C MEDICINE ■"""ADEMARK-Isespceiallyrcc-1"0!: J' ommended as an tfrws Pjr-unfailing cure for bËL. % BefbreTakinglElFIir- ry, Universal Lassitude, Pain inthe Back, Dimness of Vision, 1re.viaïure Old Age, and many other discaees thut lead to Insanity, Consumption and a Premature Gravo, all of whieh as a rule are firat caused b deviatinti from the puth oí' nature and over indulence. The Specifio Medicine is the result of a lifd study and many years of experience in treating these special diaense. Full particulars in our pamphlets, wliieli wedesire to send freo by mail to every one. The Speciftc Medicino is sold by all Drufegistaat $1 per package, or six packages for $5, or will be sent by mail on reeftipt of the money by addressing TUK (íEAY MEDICINE C0M HÍ74 No. 10 Mechan il' Block, Dutroit Micli. -flSold in Ann Arlior by Eberbach & Son, and by all druggists everywhere. #COUGH, COLD, Or Sore Throat REQUIRI2S IMMEDIAÏE ATTKNTIOX A cgntlnnanoc tor any lengtli of timo, cauKCti irritatiou of the I,iinx? or soinc clironic 'l'iiroitf affection. Neglect oftentimes resulta iu soiue incurable Lung dist'iiso. Btown'i Broncbial Xrocbea have provfid tlieir eflicacy, by a test of many yeftrs, and "ffill almost invariably pive iramediate relief. Obtain only Itruu'll's 'llrulli lii ui Iroches, and do not take any of the wfrthlcss miitations that raay beoffercd. 106Ö1U4 VT OTICE ! 1 hereby furliid all jioisuns i'rotii buying any Notes or obltgauone ajainit me, as there is 110 considcration for the same. Dated, February 15, 1878. 1675w6 CHEISÏIAN SÏIEN. 1QR0SES MAiLËDFREE FOR $1 Splendid assortment of Plant sent safoly bj' express or mail, any distance. Sutisfaetion ïuaranteed. Send thrce cent stamp forcatulog-ue. Address, R. G. HANFORD & SON, tolumbus Nursery. Columbue, Ohio. University letter and Note Headg, with and without Cuts, in Hodder's Fatent Blottlng Pad Covers- 100 and 130 sheets in a book -for sale at the ARGUS Office.


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