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Morígago Salo. WiLKKKAH.MiehaelWelch ana KílmuinnwlH,, of township üí' NortlilieM, County o i Waishtenaw, and State oí' Michigan, on the foui teeuth duy of February, in the year uí' our I orü oue thousand üiyht hundred and seventr-fli - cuted a nuirtgage to John N. (ott.of the City of Ann Arbor, county aforesaid, lo sectil ment of certain principal and interest money therein mentioned, wbieh. inortgage waf recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of the couni y of Washtenaw, ou the fourteenth day of February, A.l). 1876, at 'áy o'clock v. m., in líber 51 of mortguges, on page 6C( ; which said moxtgapi duly a&ttgned on the said fourteenth day oi I ary, A. 1). 1876, to Lutbcr Jarnes. of the township ot Lima, county aforesaid, which .said assign was recorded in the office of the Register oí Deed of SHid county on tbe eigbth day of Pi i D. 1878, at 4% o'clock p. m. of s:üd day, iti ! of assignments of mortgagea, on pin ■ whereas duf uult haa been made in tbe pa ment of the interest upon Baid inortgav, tbal there ia now claimed to be due for roterei of two hundred and fifty-two dollars, also dollarsas a reaeonable solicitor ot attorney's fee in iddition to all other legal wfeté, also ,i tV payments to become due upon unid niurtgnp.v foi principal, and no tiuit or preeeedings haying '■ ii ■ atituted oither ín luw or equity to réèov rth or any part thereol : Kotice is hereby yiven, tliftt on Satuhday, tile Eleventh (nthj ';■ 1878, at 2 o'clock r. m. pf said rtny, at the soutl door of the Court Houae in the city OÍ Átin Arbor (that being the building m which the Circuit Courl for said couuty is held), uud by virtue of th. of e ale contained iu said mortage, I shal] public auction, to the hïghest'b'iaaèlr, tire premiaos described in said mortgïige tosatiMv 6hl inlPKdl due with the attorney'.s fee ot iii'ty djollni charges of sale, subject to the sums tö b All thoae certain piecea or pniwls af lnrd and being in tlie township oí Northiiivi. bcuntj ol "Waahtenuw, and State of Michigan, and . as followa, to wit: Being the weöt linlf I northeast (juarter and the went half oí tbe east quarter of neetion number thirtytwo 2), aiso the southwest quarter of thé ñortheást quniter ui aection number (20 , n towfiitÁíp duim ber one south of jjange puanber gtx tfij .-', f'-n tuirnng two hundred ncYGsbt land roön oi l Iatcd, February 15, 1878. LUTUKR JAMES, John N. üott, AsiigneeoJ i 1C74 Att'y tor Aaslguee ot Mortgagee. Mortgage Hulv.. DEFAULT havini betn inadr i-n eöndit-ion ol' a certain öioctgage iuaU" a ml executed y Vincent S. Taylor and Abigafl Tu lor, hia wiie, of thé THIftge of Saline, cónnty of Washtènaw nnd B&te of -MicliiKan, to 'niibhi.'!; oí counly oi' Washtenaw ulm. .. tenth daj of April, in the yettt of our Loïd oue tin liundn-d and seven&y-i in, -aïm) recordEd in Ihe oftiee of regitfii of Deeds fox ihe ■,... said, on tle tjrentièth day ol Ajüil, .. d; l one o'cloCK f. Itl. öTsaïd i;y, in ui 46 oi , nge, page :iMi ; that there ís ir due and unpaid on said BMiitgnffe, áfld Vtfè ■■■ conipanying tho Bame, the su-mof one btmd] three dollars and lifty centa t$103.5Q), alsfl au sttorncy's fue of twénty-ïlVö dollars as a fëasonable al ■ torney fee, in acUtition toll oth'é I should any proccedings be taken to fo] same, and nö pïöte'edingfc ;l law or iri equity hai ing been instituted io Hteöver t!u; mtifá or anj thereof: Kotice is htn?hy given, ll;ai byVirtu ol Lbe powec of sale in baid inortaf r.jjiuiin. .1 . and of the .statute in sucb case njade and provided, J staal] séfl at public auctlón to tbe higuesi bidder, on the Sixt];f..ntii hav of April, A, V. i o'clock p. m, of said day, at the front door of the Court House in the ciiy of 'Ann Avbor, in the couuty of Wahimiaw and State aforesaid (Ihal be ing the building in wbich the Circuit ( Öur1 foi county is held), tbe prémieèe döSeribea In said mortgagii as being lote No, 48 and 19 in Bt nnotl uddition to the vülage oí' Saline, county oX x- I nuw and State aforesaid, aceoraing to u U I plat thereof. Dated, .Tanuary IS, 1S7S. lG70td COMSTOCK !'. 1HL1., M-.,;. . . # Mortgage Sale. W1IEKEAS default haying been mud.: in the conditions of two certain rtíortgages, olie i:iade and exteuted by John Crawlbrd and Catharine Crawford to Charles S. Gregory, and dati d September the flttb, A. D. 1871, Erad recrJTded in tlie office of the Kegister of Deeds oi1 Washtenaw County, in liber 4.i of niortgages, on page 027, wbjch .said mortgage was assignea by said Charles S. tiregory to Frederick Laubengayer by deed of assigmnent, recorded in liber live of assignnienl ot morí on page 5W, and the other of said niortgages beine made and üxecuted by F. 11. Kruus to Jolm J Crawford, and dated November the ninlh, A, ï). 1872, and recorded in said Register's office, in liber 44 of niortgages at page 244, which last said mortgage was assigned by said John J Crawforrt to Charles S. Gregory by deed of assignment, i - corded in said t-r's otiiee, in líber fon r of a signnient of mortgages, on page 447, aud ! Charles S. Gregory to Frederick LaubeDgayer . deed of assignment, recorded In .said ïtegister's office; ín liber four of assignment of mortgages, on page 448, and whereas there is now due and unpaid on said first mortgage the sum of Se venteen hundredand eighty-one 19-100 dollars (1,781. 19; and to become due the sum of íive huinlnd dollará with interest at the rate of ten ]er cuDt. iï.ü.. date according to the terms of sa;d mortgage and the l)ond aeconipanying the same, atfto an attorney's fee of thirty dollars, providfct Rr Ín said mortgage, and whereas, ther-tí isnowdiiie andunpaid on said second mortg-age tho Mini of thirteen hundred and fourteen 57-1QD dollars, together with au attorney's fee of thirty dollars jirovided for in said mortgage, and whereas, nö proceedings hare been taken beretofore in law or equity ton the debt seeured b y said mortgages oi any part thereof: Now, thcrefore, notice is hereby gnren that by virtue oi' the power of sale in each of said mortgages con tained, and by virtue of the statute in such cases made and provided, on Rati:rdav, THE TW1ÏNTY-ÖEVENTH DAÏ OF Al'IUt. Blfext, at 11 a. m, of said day, at the south door of toWe Courl House, in the city of Ann Arbor (thalbiing the place and building where tlie Circuit Court for the county of' is held} the undersigBed wil! sell at public anetion,to tlie high est bjad' , premises described in each of said raoVÉgagi bciug tlie same descriptïon in efetch] i tüereof as shall be necessary to satisfy the said debts with interest thereon, togethor liith eaid attoniey fees, albo tlie costa anti expenaee of sale allowed by law, said premises being described in said mortgages as being the .south párt óf the north - west l'ractional quarter of section nunibcr four, in township number two south, range hútnb i east, in the township of Beio, county oí' VF$ h. naw and State of Micliigan, ontitiniiu; ftightj of land, more or less. Ann Arbor, .Tanuary 28, 1878. FKEDERlCK LAUiiJi,. A IA: D. Cramer, Assigneé of fifortgages, Attorney for Assignee. i, . Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the cúnditiu n of a certain purchase money rüortgage, xecuted bj Lorenzo Davis to Zacharias Schaai, mg date Januaiy first. A. I). 1871, and recordé. i in the ottice ot' the Register of Deeds for Washtenaw county, State-of Michigan, on Januaiy sevonteenth, A.D. 1871, at 10:25 o'clock u. m., in liber 46 oi mortgiiges, on page 52, wbich said mörtgagc wards, to wit : on March fourth, A. 1. 1B71, dulj asaigned by deed of aesignment, by the said Zachiiias Shaad to Sarah J, Winner, which deed of assignment was recorded in said Register's office on January fourteenth, A. 1). 1S77, at 5:1.0 o'cloek p. n., in liber five of assignraent of mortgages, on age C02, by which default tb e power of ale theren contained has become opera live, and no proceedings at law or in equity having beon d ;o recover thd debt secured by naid mortis ioy part thereof, and the sum of lourteên hundred and eighty eix dollars being now claimed to be due ïpon said mortgage, for principal and interest, )esidea the costa and expenses oí this forecb ncluding an attorney fee of twenty-five dolíais , Notice is therefore, hereby given, that said mort age will be forecloaed by a sale of the preinises deaeribed in eaid mortgage, at puotic vendne, to he highest bidder, on Apbií, thiiítkenth, A. 1). S78, at ten o'cloek a. m. of said dfty, at the south front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw, and Stalt ot Michigan (that being the building in whicli tlic Circuit Jourt for Waahtenaw is held). The lande and premHcs described in eaid mortgage, and whieli will be old at said time and placeare describid as folows, towit: All that pïeèeÓfland beginning at he aoutheast corner of the aouthwest qimrter oí ection number thirty-four, in township nu] -wo south and range number í-i.v eaet, being in tbe ounty of Washtenaw, uud State of Michigan, and unniug thence west on the aection line. he boundaries hereinafter rnentioned ttiII iiulu, i Lfteen acres of land, thence north parallel to the ast line of said quarter section to the cen he Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti ï-oad, thence soutL rly along the center ot said road to the east lintoí said qaurter section, and thence south ou said uarttr Bectiou line to the place oí beginning. Dated, January lö, 1878. SARAH J. "WINNER, Aarignce. Henby Wade Rogeiïs, Att'y for Assignee. l6T0 Mortgage Sale. WHEREAS, John Blythe and Joauna Blythe, ofthetownahipofManchester.Micliigan.on ili,' enth day of June, A. D. onethouaand eight hundred nd seventy-four, executed a mortgage to Watsou eer, of the township of Superior, county of Washenftw, and State of Michigan, to secure 11:. meet of certain piincipal and interest money herein mentioned, which inortguge was recorded n the office ot the Register of JDeeds óf U'ftshu naw county and State of Müchigau, on tlieaevtneenth duy of June, A. 1. 1874, at ilve,and one-hali' 'doek p. m. of said day, in liber fiffy-óhe of mortjagea, on page 389 : and whereas default tías I made more than thirty days in the payraent of an nstalJment of aaid interest money which becomt due on the tenth day of June, A.D.187&, by reason whereof and pursuant to the terms ot yaidmortage, said mortgagee electa that so much of said nincipal as rein a in s unpaid, with all arrearages of nterest thereon, shall become due and (ibyable muediately, and whexeas there is clnimed to be ue and unpaid at the date of hifi notice the suru t eighteen huudred andninty dollars and eightyix cents for principal and interest, aleo iif ty dol ars as a reasouable sohcitor's or attorney's fee, in ddition to all other legal costs, sbould any pi" eedings be taken to ioreclose said msfbgwge ', no tjuitorproceedings having been instituted éitber n law or equity to recover the auiuu or au bereof : Notice is hbreby givcn that on tíatnr.i . i , li e thirteenth day of April next, at two o'cloek in be afternoon of Baid day, at the snnth door of tho vourt House, in the city of Ann Arbor (tbfit ; he building iu which the Circuit Court fov ouuty is held) aud by virtue of the power ot Bale ontained in saidmortgage, I shall sell at public auc - ,ion, to the highest bidder, tbe premi?esdt'öcribed in aid mortgage, to sntisfy the amounl of principal ud interest claimed to be due, with the atto ee of flfty dollars and charges of Bale to wit: All hut certiiiu piece or parcel of land nitua!.' and eing in the township of Jilancheter, in tbe ounty of Washtenaw, and fílate of Michigan, and eseribed as follows : Being lot " H " on middle ubdivisiou of the northwest iractional (rnarti ectiou_ number even (7), township aambei ; outh of range number thiee () east, Cootdil ighty-onennd flfty-Öve hundredtha of tui i xcept all lying nortb of the higfeway, sapposed o be three acres, more or less. January 18, 1878. OHN N. ÜOTT, WATSDN UEER, Att'y for Mortgagee. 1670 M n a bsïracts"oF"titt,!' The underaigned, Regiólei (rfDeflds, ii: ;.i y iind cnretully makt; Abstniot of tdtles, Fr om the Original Recor. or Attorney, Agenta, Ormsen, ór I1 ■.,. o pains will be pared tu give u complete cha i tle, and show til] eucunibraneen. Chargoa i oable. C3tA8 i; -ua.,LÏ. Ann Arbor, Janu&i iü, i,,


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