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The University Commencements

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The animal Uommencementa of ttio professional departments of the Umversity were held yesterday. The day was au exciting one, dot because oï any unusuul exercities, but beca use of the doad-lock in the Board oí Regenta --owiug to which the gradúa tea of the Department of Medicine and Surgery, of the Homeopathie Medical College, and of the Dental College- were unable to get their degreos and diplomas, lu lieu of diploma each wnl get a certiticate of the completiou of the required course and the satisfactory passage oi the examiuations. COLLEGE ar MEDICIXE AXB 8ÜEOKKY. The 28 th annual Commencement of the Department of Medicine aud Surgery was held in the foreiioon. The address was given by Dr. Morse Stewart, of Detroit. The iollowing is the list of graduates : George W. AlUn, M. A,, Plyinouth. Knln-rt Willïam Alton, I.aiisin. Charles Orrin Baker, M. A. Decatur. Henry J, Banta, Reneaelaer, Ind. Jennie S. Etarnard. Ann Arbor. William Bfernard, Ann Arbor, ILoward Malcom Bcnnett, i'hiladclphia. Pa, VelÜe A. lïrown, SanltSt. Marie. f. NctJamls Huckham, P. C„ Flint. joliu Dalflisb Campbell, Hartlaml. RiclVard W. Corwin, Ann Arbor. Carter J'. Crippen, Biirjce, H. Y. Thomas Allyn Cullis, Auburn, Ont. Charles Bdward Dampfer, Xorthiield, Minn: I.Miian Deck, Riplev, . Y. Wilhelmus Decker, B. S., Ann Arlmr. AUrvamlriiie Egeroft, lï. S., St. Petersburg, KioMa. Clara M. Kllshusy, iïeorgetown, OhlO. Wiiliam Brown Kty, Ann Arbor, John K. Prancis, Washliufton, 1. C. ) Li litis (.arst, Phihtüelptiia, Pa. Zowel) M. Gates, lï. S., HiUsdaU-. Cïeorge Garrett GonSoo. I'lint. Licy Mahel Hall, Omaha, Ntl. Hamlet Hart, StlOcoe, Ont. tn-tiiLTt: N'ieholas ] Iurt well, Bowensburg, 111. Robert Henderson, Milforu, Iiul. Frank Pierce Herr, Attoona, Pa. James Simpson Herrie.-., Geut-va, . . lionice KiKÏncy HUchcock, Hillsdale. Frank C. Horner, Itcllevijle. Olivêr Xixon IIufT, New Garden, Ind. Absalom Winficld Jones, M. A., Ann Arbor. Titus Dixon Keillor, Strarhrov, Ont. William Krederick Knapp, Monroe. Charles Sumner Kniy ht, Marlboro, Mass. John Joseph Lawless, Atlt ian. EdgTiir Dudlcv Lewis, luersoll, Ont. Wiiliam H. D. Lewis, P. C, Chicara 111. Adelaida I.ewitt, Ann Arbor. Georg;e Henry Littlefield, B. A,, Honroe. Thöinas M. Martellus, Xortliiitld, Minn. AlfVed Gcoive May--, l'pper Ihiph, Pa. Robert McGurk, Gapác Charles Heiiry SfcKain, Pavihon. il McKure," Marlettc. Xorman I.amont McLaohlan, Ciiss City. Gearge G. Monroe, Potsdam, N. Y. t.viiüin S. Osborne, Hastinjfs. Ch:irk-s Dooltttlc Parsons, lïurr Oak. Lev? Augustus Proper, Pöntiac. Geore lU-nrv KaïulaH, Ba y City. Alexander ucCaadtess Reid, RocbesCer, Pa. Bcniamin Le,van Saeger, Kreidersville, Pa. John Chester Salmón, Ann Arbor. Witliain Lewis Schoalo., Constancé. Ont. Kloyd Preston Sheklon, Gosheil, X. Y. Warren 1 lohart Sherman, Ann Arhor. Charles Gilbert Sniith, Detroit. Eli James Smith, Cascade, Wis. )i:tiisüin H. Stevens, 1. c. Graad Rapids. Charles C. Van Valkenburg, Hudson, N. Y. Víctor C Vaughan, Ph. O,, Aim Arbor. johan W, Grand Rapiils. Sila Addison Wfssel, Ames, X. Y. Johu L. White, Ph, B., Ann Axbor. The 3d animal Commencemeut of the Dental Collogo was held in connection with the Medical Commencetueiitt Dr. Gao. L. Field, of Detroit, giviiig the addrest. The graduales were as follows : Edwin Harl Arnold, Lapeer. John Norman Cowan, 'psil:mt]. Thomas Sears Kwing, Dexttr. Sherman Fremont Fiiu-li, Adrián. Mark lIorus Plnïey, Ypsilanti. Alvtn Knapp, Ft. Nrayne, Ind. Fremont Ernt-st TJyon, Akron, O. James Buchanan Mríirepor, Detroit. Benjamin Kranklin Milk-r, iisilimti. Wiiliam II. Miller, Columhiana, O. William Mitchell, üelawure, O. Kben Levi Parker, Ilirininyhani. Charles Warruii Sanderson, St. Cloirvílle, N. Y. Geortfc Henry WUaoo, Paincsvillc, O. THK LA.W COMMKNCKMKNT. The uiueteeuth annual Law Commencement was held at 2 o'clock p. in., a large audieuce htjinsf present. The address, giveu by Jadge M-irston, of the Supreme ('ourt, a gradúate ui the departiueut, was welt received. The degree of Bachelor of Laws was conferred upon, and the diptonias presuuted to the graduates, 147 iu number, by Judge Campbell, President Angelí being with the tour Regents who were practicing purliamuutary táctica by meeting aud ftdjourning. The list of gradúate ie apJ""'lS - V--Ji-Jpi Ann .rnor. Warren Ashley, l Sun Francisro, Cal Loraine Ashinan, Threc Sptiogs, Pa. Charles Albert Barnes, Jacksonville IU Robert PoJlwk lïarr, Kendullville, Ind. Monis C. Baum. EvánsvUle. Ind. Carlton Ah]u- Hcardsley, Pontiac. Geargt FYpderick Bedford, Lostant, III Wiiliam James Klack, Oftvitt O. B. Frank Bower, Vnn Arbor. Frank Gilbcrt Bohri, Fountain Citv, Wis. Jamo .l.'C;iinplell iJoytl, Goliad, Texas. Archer Brig-gs, Battle Creek. Henry Monroe Campbell, Detroit. Frank L. Carpenter, Grand Raplds. William Lelañd Carpenter, Orion Wiiliam Carter, Jr., Defiance, Ohjo. Jacob Catlin Clark, U Ritpids. Joseph Burton Connell, JacksQnvilIe, III. Charles Connor, Utics Eujfene M. Converse, Battlu Crek, U arren J. Cook, Pontiac. William Henry Cook, Chicago, III. Zimri Lonzo Cooper, Pokajrtjn. livron Jav Corbin, Ann Arbor. Charles Arthur Cfmillard, Kichlield, Minn. William Alfretl Craiulall, Ann Ajrbor. Jhn Mil ton Davis, RossvUle, III. Frank Fremont Dawléy, Fort Dodee, lowa, Lee Bureet Des Voïgnés, mendon. Edward Donovan1, Ann Aior. Anderson Simpson I.)wie, Kendall, 111. Bese Bafleafield, Terre Haute, Ind. Herbert Van Allen I-erusun, Carthajre, N. ". John Everet Kinke, Sa-vanna, l'. John Owen Garrett, Cíottawa. Terexniah Wright Gladisli, Pefersburs, Ind. Louis P. C. Godfrey, lÜfonroe. William Goodcli, N'onh Parma, . Y. Kred Harrv (iouiil, Owuso. 'I'huiston Pierc liatkleinan, Albany, Oreeoo, Henry Allvn Iiuigh, " Itnsinw-. Charfes Edward Hak-, I-o#ansport, Ind. Toel Warren Hamilton, Ann Arbor. Henry Hanaw, Jackson. Harn IMiilüp Hancock, Cazenovia, N. Y. John lianilcli, Dayton, O. Abner Kcllojf Hayward, Conn'eaut, O. Joseph Hidy.Jr., Detroit. Walter Bunvan Mili, Bowtinff Green, Kv. Henry Hoflmari, Fenton. ('lüvton John S. Hoover, Allen, Pa. Ahram F. HostetU-r, Orejón' Pu. Thatcher llowes, Portland, Orugon. Eugene Ralph Hntchibs, Owowo. ('liarles Smnner Ing"ersoll, Mooroe. Krederick Gerard iiijrersoll, St. Paul, Mimi. W'oosicr Morrow Ireland, Colombia City, Iml. James Washington Johnston, Orcjfön, III. William Allen Johnston, Sanjosc, Cal. Samuel Clark Jones, Cottage Grove, Minn. John Culbertson Reith, Vintnncs, End, John CaUlwell Kirkjwtrirk, SteubenviUej O, wilired Ivanhoe Klein, Barry, Dl. Jeroine Cyril Knowlton, Ann Arbor. Elbert Le Roy Lampson, Jeffèrson. ). Víctor Hutfo Lane, Ann Arbor. Xathanii:l liciijatniii Iv.mdon, Orion. Chark Ncwioinh I.auinan, Dh venport, lowa. Krank Barbour I-íiy, Allegan. Mvron W, ÍA-'t-, (oKlcn Sprints, Neb. 1 K-in y I -imli u-r, Sehewjng. Thomas Cornelius Loen, CWcairó, lil. Alfred Edward Lucking, Ypsilanti. Patrick WIHIam Magrath, I.awrenre, Kun. Aibert Kuene Manon, Chark-voi.v. Ovíd Luther Mattliew, Butler, lu Calvin lx:niilns M;i, Steubenville, oLio. lamea Jlenry McDonalil, Ann Arbor J. Bob McOüffin, P't Pleasant, V. Va. Ambrose Petót McCïuirk, St. Mary, Ont. 'illiam NV-wlnirv Möore, Whitt; I-.ik.-. Justus Tfllman Néff, Cuba, Hl. Ch. irles Cúnpbeü Nt-lson, Brunswick, Me. Prederick Thomat Nonn, Peru, Ind. Julius Sinclair Oan, Cojusobua Grove, O. AVilliam O'Keillv, Ann Arbor. tlennan Henry Osthpoft, Overton, Pa. Juel WcbsU-r Pac.Jr., Watervitle, 't. George li. Pantlind, Grand Ranids. Alfred Noble Paxton, t hu inniti, óhio. Franklïn Pieroe Paybe, Empória, Kansas. Kdwin Zina Perkins, CTieboyjfan. Syrus O, D. Phelps, Chicago, UI. Bageae Donólas Piersmi, lluilson. Jantes Mt:Millan Powers, Bellevue. FVanklia Henrv Iray, Detroit. Daniel iúlward Prescott, Ann Arbor. Eugene E. Prussing, Chicafo( III. Charles Morgan Randolph, Chícalo, ui. Herberi Stanley Reed, ParkvilltDanid Clark Remlch, Colebrook, N. H. Daniel SñiHh IteihseiL Ann Arbor. Henrv K-eiulall Rlmatk, Quncy, III. Thomas Rinaker, CarlioviUe, 111. Herman Kitter, Edwaxdfiville, UI. Charles ïlumphrey Ruherls, Short Creek, C) Hans Krcderick R'ohde, Parkvllle. Josepfa Charlea Hoyan, rfouston. O Krank Kinley Etozzelle, BrockinriÜffe, lío. Wilbur Kreinont Rmly, llavesvillc( Ohio. Kingpa-y Saito, " Tokio, Japan. Char les James Sawbridjre, AUvandria, Aiimi. Horace Bigélow Schaeffer, Valley KülU, KanGeurde Ilcniv Sk-;itor, Dcxter. Benjamin I-ranklin Sinith, Toledo, Ohio. Charles William Sinith, Bast Lynne, Mo. Georc Smith, Bowling Green, Ohio. llouanl Burnbani Smith, Omaha, Neb. bvnuel Williinn .sniitli, Clarkstoo. Jaines Alonzo stacv, Adrián. Howard Stcphenson, Ypsil:mli. Jereiniah I.011. SiuUi:trth, Mareiuío, lnd. Wiiliam Dawaoñ Talbot, Ami Arlxr. llcnrv Gce Tavlor, vVni Arbor. John Warrep Taylpr, Warren, o, Aldcn Stcwart 'nionison, TiJioute, Pu. John Alexuider Ttndall, Shelbyville, lnd. Hcnrv Stever Tremper, BatUe Creek. lunlcai l'ki.inni 'lud-.i, Uukatsu, Iiipan. M. Turner, Grand Kapids, Samuel W. Vanee, Arm Arlmr. Claudius Damont Wralker, W'incïicstcr, Kan. Myron liamilton Walker, Grand Uapids. Warren IlJwíii Walker, Ann Arbor. Wlllii Shotwell Walker, Kenton, Ohio. Oeorge Proctor Wantv, Ann Axbor. AJvin C White. Jeflcmuu, Oliio. John Stcwart Whitford, Gancd, Kansa-. Smith .Newell Wilbur, Ann Arbor. Fred Potter Wilcox, Rochëster, .. y, John Hcnry Wishck, Sharoii Center, u. íiustnx Adolpfi Wolfe, OranH Rapftltt flunry Wolluian, Le&venworth, kun. lames Robcrf Wvlie, Martin. William Vost, " Glenford, . THE COLLKOK OF ItOMtKOPATUY. Tlie eecoud animal Commencement of the Homcponathic Medical College was held in the eveniuL. Dean Jones nmiounced the inability to give thi deyree ani diploma hut aud that their prenonco there tiistified to their graduation. Tho riddroüH was then rívoii by Prof. (atchell. The gnuiuatesot the College are: Anu-lia Martha Atkins, Brtvtot, Conn. Aaron lt. Avcry, Chtilse. James i.uljI.i. Ritkur, Palo. S;ir;ih J. Coc, MoiUOe. liorace Marvin C'orey, . .ivi-rlv, N. V. Clark De Muth. Toulon, 111. William Alvord Pranklin, Ph. lt.. Fall River, Wis. Merritt Euirene Graham. Koneoye Falls, NT. V. William li. Knapp, M. I)., Leslie. John M:illorv Lte, l'LiinwclI. Snmuel Stewart Moflktt, AJpena. Charles Bugené Walker, HorneWsvilIe, N. V. Su-phen Kitsene Warner, Plint. Williara Watts. Parmingdale. III. Bllen María Webster, Put-in-liay telaiio, . PVaok Ncwman White, Marquette. M. YlUCUU l-aitiiinulon, l:i. ALUMNI GATHERIN08. Tho Alumni AüHOciations of both the Medical and Law Departments held their exurcises on Tuesdtiy evening, wilh orations, poems üssavs, banqueta and toasts. A good tune is reportcd, Next wonk we will give the lists of ofticers elected for the ensuing year.


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