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Agricultural And Domestic

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It is stated, on excellent authority, tbat a Western New York farmer called 100 bushels of common marrow beans " Ox-mairowf - a dcw variety," and spld them to the Washington Deparhmnt of Agriculture for $i per bushel. Touch the chnfa geDtly, if at all, is tlie advice of two Tesas fftPnda. They planted seed of it, at 60 cents i poumï, on good fioil, and gave cultivation iraflicieiit to insure a erop oí peanuts, and got for their pains a result indicated by the flgure 0. To makb the email fcücks used as supports for plants " last indefinitely," a Long Island florist scasons them when new, then soaks in linseeá oil for two or three days, according to size, then removes them from their bath. and dries again, and finishes off witk a coat of " verdigris paint." It is advisable, ín the construction of poultry houses, to use pine lumber- the more pitch it contains tlie better - as this is very offensive to poultry vermiu. íáome think it pays well to make the roofitiug criVjs of pitoh pine boughs as a protection aguinst their greatest enemy, lice. - Wen f er n Uur al. A 0OB2SESPONDBNT of the New Ërijland Farmer says that af ter fifteen years' experience with it he cannot recommend orchard grass for general culture; that it is only suited to rich soils which eau give two or three crops a year, and that its excellence consists in its rapid growth after each cutting. June grass has a similar habit, and both do well together. When a horse stumbles, neer raise your voice; he dreads his master's chiding. Never jog tho reins; the mouth of the norse is mere sensitive than the human lips. Never usethelash; the horse is so timid that the slightest correction overpowers its reasoning faculties. Speak to the creature; reassure the palpitating frame; seek to restore those perceptions which will form the best guard against a repetition of the faulty action. Seeds are more easily killed by üigh temperature than low. Though no seeds have been known to germinate below 37 degrees Fahrenheit, thev are, with few exceptions, destroyed by a temperature above 168degrees, and many kinds perish below that point. They will not germinate above 128 degrees. Most seeds will stand the severest cold of the winters in this latitude, and wheat left for years in üie Arctic región has been sown in England afterward, where it germinated freely. The laying-nests for hens can be profitably arranged upon the ground in most poultry yards. Where this can be conveniently done it is a good plan, and no method excels this for the avoidance of an accumulation of vermin in the frequently-visited nest. When this convenience is not at hand, if a good-sized green sod be placed at the bottom of the nest, and the hay or straw laid upon this (the roots to be turned upward), it is an excellent plan during the summer months. - Poultry World. The best time to secure Hungarian grass is when it is in blossom, and before the seeds have formed. The beards at this time have not reached that degree of stiffness which the writer thinks causes injury to the stomach of a horse. while the embryotic seeds are perfectly harmless. One large farmer in the State has, to our personal knowledge, been using it for feed for his horses, at one time keeping eight on it without injury; but then he alwajs aims to cut at the right time. - St. Paul Pioneer-Press. Tke value of parsnips for feeding purposes lias heretofore, by many farmers, been underestimated. Horses, hogs and bullocks are f attened upon them in a very short time, and the flesh of the jatter two is considered of superior flatraordinary yieïd"of mi Ik" havíng "á1 rfch color, and aftbrding butter of excellent quality. The culture of parsnips is largely extending in France ; the soil that suits beets will satisfy the p.-vrsnip. SVhon the plants are flve or fifteon inches high, respectively, tliey are weeded findhoed; the leaves are cut in the nionth of September, and .allo wed to fade for twenty-four hours bef ore being given to the cftttle; the roots can be taken up dnring the winter as rcquired; f rost does harm ; the ration is sixteen pounds three times a day, and the roots are cit; when given to pigs, they ought to be cooked. - Western Farmer. Plan fok a Pottltby-Hoüse.- Small houees and large runs are most in íavor. We give the dimensions of one to acoonimodate a dozen fowls ; if a largerone is required, the same general features may be retained in its consti-uotion : Ground dimensions, five feet by seven f eet ; three and one-half feet f rom ground to roof ; six feet froni ground to peak of roof ; door at one side of one end, two feet wide ; nests on ground at tbe other side, running length-wJse of the house ; platform just above nests ; roosts four inchea above platform ; holes for ventilation in front and rear peaks ; roof of dry boards, pressed tightly together, and cracks battened ; sides same. Cover the whole -with water-lime paint. Brackets can be placed on the four corners, and poles pnssed through so that the house can be moved to new grbtmd.- WeetétÜ Rural. About tlie House. To Pot Ur Hobsebadish. - Grate the root ftfler thoroughly cleansing it, and put in wide-mouthed half-pint bottlep. When Ml, add two table-spoonf uls of good, sharp vinegar, cork and seal airtight with wax. PolishingCoppebVbssbiiS. - Acopper vessel, badly tinned, Miss Severn found in the kitohen, which had never been properly cleaned and was covered witk that deadly poison, verdigris. She had it cleaned with vinegar, rotten stone and oil. Cübbant Cake.- Cream, one cup of best butter, and two cups of sugar, one cup of sweet milk, three well-beaten eggs- the whites and yelks separately- three cups of sifted flour, two cups of well-washed currants - dried and well dredged with flour- two teaspoonfuls of baking powder. To Keep Me at Fbesh.- For years I have preeerveu beef as fresh and nice as iust from the meat-shop. Cut in convenient pieces, wash and weigh; to every 100 pounds take from three and onehalf to four pounds salt, two pounds sugar, one-half ounce saltpet:r, dissolve in eDOUgh water to cover the meat, put in a tight tub that will not leak; after it has been in the brine for two or three weeks take out the meat, wash it, boíl the brine, skiin it and put back again. This recipe isworth many dollars to persons far from market. - PhiladeVphia Leücr. Cobn Pone.- If yon will allow me space in yonr vakiable paper 1 will give you a recipe for cora pone. riace Bbree pints of water on the flre in an irou kettle- adel one-fourth of a cup of a salt; let' it boil; then thieken with Indiau meal gradually until it is as thick as you can conveaieutly stir it with a pudding stick. Wben it is thoroughly sealded, take it from the fire, add three quaxts ot' cold water and one cup molasses; then make it as thick as you oen stir it conveniently with' meal, addinpc a pint of shorts or graham flour. Keep it m a warm place till it rises up and cracks open on top. Bake slowly ior three or four hours, or loDger, with a slow fire, or what is better still, steam it. This quantity will make a two-gallon vessel 1 bake it in the stove-oven m an ol porcolain kottlc unfit for other use, and 1 have met with few peoylo who are uot


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