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Chtvm-ffi-y Bale, Siit-;..r MICHIGAN, the Circuit port fr t-hi) Coupty of Wnsiit miw, in ehanoery Hilas H. Dougfap, oomplainant, va. Jamea BftoMabon, t-'unny MoMuhoh, William O . Hughea, lt;ivrier W. Oray, .John X. Bradlee and (ieorK1' 'J. Seáis, nnd alao Eliabi'th 11 uichinson, Kdwin Paokard, and pilarles I.uiiíh K ncke, oxei utor ui Samuel HutohïiiHou, deceuHed. delundantH. In puntúanos and by virtiK f u deere1 mndt mikI e.ntercl in tlieabo i ciuiMt', on tlit: tweiiiy-lhiul day of Mnrcli, .Y. IX' 1878, the unóVrsigU'-d, om; of Xhv ('irculi ''oini ('n)iinii(iHÍont'is in uid ter ;ud County of' VVaHlitonaw. will sell at public vundue. to tlif hïgheal bidder, ut tin uortl dooi oí the Court &OU se. m lbo city oí Aun Arbor, in suin1 couuiy, on M.ONÜAY, TUK TWBSTIKTH 1AY OF MAY, A. D. Ift7s at ten o'cloek in Êhe toremfbn of thui day, 11 thoee 1 racta -r pttroela i tand utuatëd in the uvn oí' Anti ArbÖTi in tlie'Jounty of Wanhteiiaw and 8t te of MiohigHn, Lowit: The !! huif of the nort heust 'inaiirr ut bocüod eiylittrn, in town two ouih and range sia etiat, and alto a triangular picft of lam! ofi ilw w. st halt' of tho unino quarter . i i.'Ti Ijiil ■■...! : t 'ui . w i ■ : i road, commencídjí :it tfic KnrMreast corner ot west haW f the nonhwent quartei of satd aection, and running novthcrly on th' dttSi BÏde of the (Jornwell road twelve roctj ; and aUo the non th went itaéUonai (junrierof the northwest h-nctionitl qaarter of tsef-tinn Beven $eön, oontninipg ixjy-ix and ninety liundredlba ui an aorè ; ana also tfiai tlier tract or parool of Luid heinj? part nt tli northoast auarter of Motfbo MTenteeii, Ia anid tovushlpi comiiii-iw-iu rtt a xtuke nd stonea in Mie center line of seotlon aoVénteen, and rahning t henee easterly forty-one rod to h .stiikií mihI ktonOB) t henee iwrtherly tífty rod.s to ü stiike and fttoiftlSf tbenoe west to the Huron Hiver, theuoti ulong id river to the place )f begrinning; nnd aisp Á (■■it;tin nnd pf-rmnueni right of Sowing land im me Tiortheast quur ter oí' thu -st ptirt oí the noithwest fractionul quartei1 of sèction ieTenteen, not to exec-ed twenty iteres ; und abo the riht of diutinf? and oonstructui - :i mi i 1 -rae o on the most eligibh1 place or grouud on the northeftHt fraction of the Houthwest fr;icti'Hml quaxtei of rootion Beventewn, nnd at all timet of repalrjuf? and keepinjr n repair for the use of the rïouring nnd grist milt wil h other necesHiuy mncliinery ; and alo that otlier piece or parcel of land 'n said see.tion Heventeun, to wit: all che land betweeo tiatd race and the. Huron River; and also aÜ the land on nid aouthveajl fractional quarter of eet ion eventeen betwecn tho aouth line oí the road running ettstorly trom eaid rivor on the quartor line and a lino pasallel theroto, eij;ht roda dintiiut on the soutli oide of sük! road and qitarter line, and alm the riht of makinp and keepinft in repair at alltlmeaa taü-raoe, O called, trom the nuil on the premie8 above deacribed into the rivi-i ut any poiut on the saia soathwest fractionat quarter of eection sev(!ntüen, intendintc to convey the mili aud exclnaiyo water ]Kwer to run the same, known as the Kellogg Mill, and the rights, privileges and fvanchirtcs connected thfrewith, excepling and roserving trom the foregoing the land heretofore .nold by Haid McMahon to John I,. THppun. I)ated, April ó, A. I). Ï87S. KRANK KMKRKK, ifiSl Circuit Court Commissioner. Alphki;h I''ku;h, S{)lintor for Compluiuaut. COATS aadVESTS FOR LAEGE MEN. JOE T. JACOBS. Chancery 8ale. TATE OF MICHIGAN, the Circuit Court for tüe Couuty of Washt-enuw, inchauet-ry. Christian Mack aud Frekerick Hphmid,ïompla nantw, vs. John W. Cowan, Dorea M. 'lownn, William Kent, and EtTotina Kont, defeudiints. In puiisuance and by virtue of a deureo made and eutered in (he above eutitled cuu&e, n tlie thirtielh flay of November, A. T. 1877, the iinderRigned, one of the Circuit Court Commitsionert} in ;m-l for the said Cuuniy ot Wa.vhteimw, will seU ;t public vendue, to the hiirhoht bidder, at the oorth door of the Comt House, In the city of Ann Arbor, in 8aid couniy, on Movdav tbk twentikth day of May, A . Ií. 'h7, at ten o'clocTÉ iu the l'orenoon of tliat day, iIip land ai.d tenemente dcnoribed as ioilows, to wit : Blook n ii m foei' twelve (l'2), lots uumber five{-r), aix(&)t heven f 7, eifchtftfj, nine (9i, ten ilO). .leven (11 j, twolvo (IL), thirtcen (13), nd fouriftM !l Ij, in block number íifteen flñ;; al so lots ■uiinuer one l ), two (-), Cl), 4), and five (5), In block nuiiibtr thirteen (!-';; and lots number iwi-lve (i'2i, thlrcen IS), ftlifl tourteen (14), ín Mock Qumbfr eleven (11), all in .luim W. Cowan't aeoond addition to the villa;;! of Manchester, aocording 10 the j)lat therett as tho same is recordad in tbe orfice of tht; Register of Dueds for the C'nmty ot Waahtonav ; alao the north halt of the northeast fractional quarter of eeeliou nuuiber two, m town toni soutli of rantje three east. being tlie townslup ol Munolicster. i'ounty of Wawhteii;iw and SUtle of Michigan. Dated. April 5, A. I. 1878. FRANK EMERIOK, 1681 Circuit Court ComuiÍ88Íoner. Ecukne K. FiiiKAi l f, (Ompliiinant's Solicitor. GOATS aadVESTS FOR YOUÏHS. JOE T. JACOBS. 'Mie Ono-1'rUc Clotliiet. Estáte of Lester Latituer. TATE OK MICHIGAN, County of Wjubte naw, uu. JSotice is hercby givtm, fchat by tn o der of the Probate Court tur the County of washto niiw, made on the eighteenth day oí March, A 1). lísTK, aix months t'roin iluit átate wera ailowe for credttijr '■■ ' ■--"■ rneir clüirnB axainst tl cvnne ot Leuter LatJmer, nnc oi saiü count; deeeased, and that all oreditors ot Beid deceaatK areremiired Lo present theii claims 10 sanl Pr bate Court, ut the Probate ottit-e in the city o Aun Arbnr, tor rxuminution and nllowance, on u before the eigbteenjtb day oí September next, iuh thnt such claims will be hetird before said Cour on Tuesday, the erfihteeiith day oí June, indo Wednesday the eighteenth of September next, ai ten u'clock in the torenoon oí' unch oí tmíd dnyn. Duted, Ann Arbor. March IS, A. D. 1878 W1LL1AM U,HAltmiïAN( I68lwt Judge 01 Probate. Chilcli'en'süi Sviits, JOE T. JxlCOBS. Estute of Thomas Culliniine. STATE OV MICHIGAN. County ot Wasbteduw, es. XoLlci; lrt lit'it'by IflVéil, t luit by un ordwr oí tho Probate Coqjrt tor the t'ouuty oi Weahtnaw, made on the secoud day of April, A. D. 1S7S, six months from that date were alloWHd for ereditors lo present thetr claims nguinst the ewtdU; ol Thomas CuDinnne, lntoul' said county. dcceiibtíd, and tliai all cretlitors of said den-.i-.-d are requirod to present tiieir claima to aid Probate Court, at the Probate OíÜctí in the city of Ann Arbor, for exstmination and allowance, on or before the aocond day of October nexl, .mu that auch claims will be beard betore tsjiid Court, on Tuebday. the m-cond day of .luly, and on 'edm-sday, the scoond day ol October nexi, at ten o'clnck in tlie íorenoon oí etich of ïii'i days. Datt-d, Ann Ailmr, April 2, A. D. 178. WILUAM D. HAlUïIM AX, ltKlw4 Judireot Probate. Commissioiiers' Xotice. TATE OF MÍCtUGAN, County of Washto o an sv Xhe underslgned h&virig been appolDtèd by tho Probate Coorfc för Baid county, eomfa lagttmera to recoivo, exiiuiin1 and udjust all claims and dömftnds of :ül persOos agatDSI the éstate "f Jolm Vreeland, late of said oouoty deceaaed, herefoy give aottc6 thut 0ÍX imiiit hh ti1 nu ilaíí' BLíe illuwcd, by order of said Probate Court, foi ereditors to pfoHDt thelr claims against in"istte of said deceased, and tbat they will mei-t at the ottice ot'Evcrctt LJlark, in tlie, villar oi StiUne, in said coaptg; on Tuesday, the second day of July, and on Weanesday the second day Ó( üciober next, at ten ó'clocl a. m. of.oach of said daysf tn reactive, exantiM iii'i Etdjust said claims. patea. Aprfl _', a. t. IR78. HiSlwl GKOROI-: COBB, HENttY KKLsi:Y, COituniasioiiefs. YOÜTHS? SUITS. JOE T. JACOBS. Kstate of Patrien Hughes. 2JTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of V:ishu-naw, 3 ss. At a sessloo of the Probato Cour) för flie County of Washtt-naw, holdêb ;it the Probate Office, ti tlie city of Ann Arljor, on Wednesday, tho bixd day of April, in the vear oae thousaod Uzht hundred and si-v.nty-eight. Present, Williain D. Harrlman, of Probate. Intlie matter oí' the c-staie "l1 l'atnck lluglieii, eoeuedi On readtngand fillngthe petltlon, duly Torlfled, f John Hughes, adminlfltratOT with the will anlexed, praylng thai hemay be lioenued to'll the eal estáte vrhereof said deceased dled selzed. ThereupoD it la ordered, that saturday, the ourth day of May next. al töü o'ctock t ))■ fbrenoon, be aüstgned ror the hfailgof said etltloQ, and (hat the d.eTÜtees( legutées, tma héin t law of said deoeased, aud all otber pen s1n erested i'i Baid estáte, are requún ' to apucar at ;t aion of said court, theD ► bê bolden at the Proate Office in the rily of Ann Arbor, itul Bho mist', ir any there be, why the prayer pi iiu petliiiii-r shouid not be gran.ted: Vnd i (a furtheirdered., thai said petltloner give notlce to the perhiv lntereatod tn sai) estáte, ol the pondenoy of üd petltlon and the headng thereof, by caualug a ipy of this order to publisbed In the Michigan rffus. nëwspaper prlntea ánd efreulated in said juuty four Bdocesulve weeks provloua to said day f hearing. WILLIAM D. EIABKIMAN, (A truccopy.) Judge of Probate. Vm. G. üoty. Probate Register. 1681 rpARM KOK SALE. RARE CH AISTCE. The u ndorsiif nd ba 4 ioi mie n farm o -304 aeres well improved, and witli 50 ftore of the best orchrdint; in the county. Looated within huif a mile f a ruilroad depot, witli auother depot won tobe ocated near. The tarín cnn be eaaily aivtdeu into ne of 180 acres and anotber of HS acres, éneh nivinK huildinira and orebards. A reasonablc payïent down uifl balance on long time. Ann Arbui, Fubruury 1. 187S. 1G78 ÜHA8. H. RIUHMOND. ia iWWl Firnt -ïüKs, oneyear-old Dwari wUU,fUv Penra, budded on best Freneh ock. Duch1 d'AugbOleme, Tj. it. A'Jerw y. mvcl!. Hiittiiiii, ' of Vk'iakQold, iJoyt-ntn' ouvaookt Beurre d'Anjou. Bartlett, Qaband'fl Sumer, Lawrence, BoliMlgood, Branaywlne, CHapp'i navorite, and otber approved soria. Prioe, 1M per lundred. Boxe and paokins free. K. il. HANPORÜ A 8ON. IB71 Nursery, Oolambue, Ohio. uiui;k vont i,i:i i i;h-ií i;ads, ' Kote-Heads, Blll-lieads aud btateuient at the k. is Office


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Michigan Argus