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A CAED. We desire to publiely return our thanks to our friends who so kindly presented us with an elegant silver pitíher, as a testimonial of their frienduhip and esteem. We most lieartily thauk them, one and all, from the bottora of our hearts, and accept the gift in the kindly spirit in which it was given, and bid thein God speed in the noble work in which they are engaged, which work has unittd us as a band of brothers and sisterB. Words are utterly inadequate to expresa our thanks, but we shall ever hold them in grateful remembrance for the many acts of kindness to which we are inil.-htcd. MR. and MES. JOHN SCHUMACHER. Qukby : "Why wilï men smoke common tobáceo when they can buy Marburg Bros. ' Stal of North Carolina,' at the same price ? " 1668 "IT IS A FACT" That you can buy the BEST AND CHEAPEST BLACK SILKS in the city at M.ACK & SCHMID'8 Try them and be eonvinced. - - + Ladies' Library Association. The annual meeting of the Ladies' Library Association will be held in the parlors of the Presbyterian Church on the afternoon of Monday, April 8, at half past two o'clock. A full attendance is desired. Ili8nw2 Mrs. M. L. D'OOGE, Secretar}-. NoMce. Froiu and after (lie ttrst day oi' April the tirm of Bach & Abel will consist of Philip Baeh ut Eugene B. Abel, the latter having takeu the interest of the late Peter H. Abel in said flrm. PHILIP BACH, 15. B. ABEL Mare 21, 1878. A Rcmarkable Kesult. H miikt's no difterenee how many Physicians, or how much medicine yon have tried it is qow an established factthat Germán Syrup is the only reinedywhich has given complete satiafaction in several cases ol' Lang Diseases. It is true there are yet tbüiisands of persons who are predisposed to Throat and I.un Afteetions, (.'onsuinition, Hemonliaes, Astbma, Severe Colds settled on the Breast, Pneunjonia, Whooping Couyh, &c., wlio have no personal knowledge of Boschee's Germán Syrup. To such we would 8ay that 50,000 dozen were sold last year without one complaiot. Consumptives try just one bottle. Kegular size 75 cents. Sold by all DrugKists in America.


Old News
Michigan Argus