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Detroit Market

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The Detroit Free Press in ita regular weekly review of the Detroit markets under date oi Maroh 20, says : The wheat market the past week has been unusually active, with prices unsettled and irregular. Transactions have been attended with considerable excitement. Near the close of the week dealers " long " in March contracts made an united effort to corner the "shorts," and assisted by the warlite disputclu-ti racetved ffom liurope, suc(eeded at one time in advancing prices from 4@Sc per hu. Later the market reacted and prices feil off considerahly, thoutfh not to first figures. The corn, oats, barley and rye markets have heen neglected, dealers' attention being diverted to the wheat markel. Prices are nominal and unchanged. The receipts for flour and frain for the week under review were as follows: Flour, 6,389 bbls; wheat, 191,612 bu.; com, 9,436 bu.; oats, 14,648 bu.; barley, 5,87; bu. The shipments ivtrr Flour, 4,672 bbls; wheat, 178,621 bu.; COOI, 9,646 bn. ; oats, 7,oS3 bu. ; barley, 2,412 bu. Th following ti-ble shows the opening arul closIng priem paid foe Kxtra White and No. i White, cash, and No. 1 April and May wheat at the noon Bessitm of the lïoard of Tradu cach d:iv during the past wH-ck : WHEAT, CASH PBICES. I Extra White. No. 1 White. Opened Closed Opened I Closod Tucsday, $1 SO I $1 :0 il 27 I íl 27 Weducsday, 1 :1O I 13I)]4 12Í1% 1 28 Thursday, 129141 1 29'X Fnday, 1 36 1 30 1 35 1 a-V,}, Saturday, 188 1 34U t !14 I ISíO Mooday, 133 1331 1311 131 FUTUEÍ58. I No. 1 White Jan No. 1 February Opened Closed Opened Ciosed Tuesday, í 1 f Wednesnay, j 27 1 27 Thursday, 1 28M 1 28 1 28 1 í$ i Friday, i 34 1 88 1 23 1 :5 " Suturday, 1 33 1 32VL 1 24U 1 ;K ouday, 1 2 I30 1 2S__1SI% The faenera] producé trade shows no iinprovement and merehants do not renard the outlook for the immediatc future as very prombin. The solient features and the quotable sales of leadin produce are as folio ws: Apples, quiet añil steady :it $5!i per blil. for good to choice. Beans, dul!; iity hand picked, $i.S0i.S5 per bu.; country, do, S-?9&'-3D; unpicked, 75OI. 15 per bu. Butter, quiet and sle-.nty; "gilt edge" stock scarcï and in deinand at o@2ic per Ib; so-ralled choice, Blow sales at 1% nf per Ib; lower (rrades neglectod; (rrease stock in fair rcquest at S@5c per Ib. Clover seed dul] at $(f . k. per bu. for prime. Cheese quiet at J@'3C fot selections. Tigs, tirm and in moderate demaml al oc per doz. Maple suir, failly active at 1 ílS)i2c per Ib. Hops dull at s@7c per Ib. Onions demoralized; select shlpping stock, gl@i.ij per Ib.; fair to ffood, 4O@6oc per bbl. Onion tops dull, $l@i.2S per bbl. Potatoes dull; Early Rose at 24027c per bu; peachblows neglected. Poultry irrejrnlar and quiet at 9ÖSO2C for chickens; io@ioác per Ib. for turkeys. Provisions firm at $io@io.25 per bbl for mess; $10.50 for clear. Iird, 7l4@7%c per Ib. Timothv seed quict'at $1.-15 per bu.


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