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MA1MHOOD: ïïow Lost, How Restored! ■ma. Jast published, a new edition of Dr, ■:'-'(X tulverueirN tJclebruted ENSuy &jmffÊon the radical cure (without medicine) oí' SJHlSpERMATOttitHCEA or Seminal Weakueaa, Involuntary Seminal Loases, Impotency, Mental and Phjsical Ineapacity, Impedimenu to Maniate, etc; aUo, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance, etc. BJérF" Price in a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly detnunatrates, t'rom a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming consequencea of self-abuse may be radically eured without the dangeroua use of internal medicine or the application of thekuife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, and ettectual, by mean of which every suiferer,no matter what his condHion may be, may cure himaelf cheaply, privately, and radically. B3T" Thia Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any addresa, post-paid, on receipt of aix cents or twj postuge stampa. THE CULVERWELIi MEDICAL CO., 4 1 Aun St., N. V.; Post Office Box, 4586. THE GREAT ENGLISH KEMEDY! ORAY'S SPECIF1C MEDICIXE TRADE MARK.l8 eapecially TRADKáB-fcjW Seminal ÜÉeW i ,c m' i Bel' Abuse; as -SKK& r üeiore iamngLoss oc MKMo-fter Taking, ry, Universal Lassitudr, Pain in the Back, DimlïEss of Vision, Premature Old Age, and muny otherdiseases that lead to Insanity, Oonsumptiou rid iv Prematnre Grave, all of which as a rule are firBt caused b ileviating trom the path of nature and over lndu]ence. The Speciftc Medicine is the iresult of a lita stuily and muny years of experi ence in treating these special diseftses. Full particulars in our pamplilets, whieli wedeare to send free by mail to every one. The Speciflc Medicine ia sold by all Druggists at 11 per package, or six packages for $5, or will be wit by mail ou receipt of the money by addressing THE URAY MEDICINÉ CO., 1H74 No 10 Mechanics' Block, Dotroit Mich. ir-Rold in Ann Arbor by Eberbach & Hou, and fey all drug'ista everywhere. #COUGH, COLD, Or Sore Throat aSQCIBSS IMMED1 ATE ATTENTION A on ti ii uiin oe for :m y Irnylli of ! time, cnuNe irriUUioit ut tlie I uwi:-, ! or soiite clironic 'íuroat affectiou. Xeglect _oftentimes reaulta in some incurable Lung diseaae. ' Krouii Bronchiu I Troclie hAve provd their etticacy, by ;i test of many ye:irs, and will almoat invariabjy give iiainediate relief. Obtain only Ilrouu's MSrotirli in I Troche, and do not take any of the wortfalau nnitAtionn thftt may be offered. 1666A4 1 OTICE ! t horöby lorbid all persons froui buytug any Notes r obltgationn aainMt me, as ther is do oonsideraÍ tiou lor Mie saine. Dated, Fetiruary 15, 1878. 1678WÖ CHRISTIAN STIEN. ■ 10 ROSES MAILEÜFREE FOU $1 ISplendid aosortment of Plantu Ment safely b ■uxiness or mail, any dlsUuce. Satisfai.'tio ■isuarantenl. 8end thrce een!, stamp (or cata ■logue. Address, R. ,G. HANPORD & SON. Columbus Nursery. U'olumbuis, Ohio. APPLES, PEAHH, PEArttES, 0HBKRIE8, QUINCES, and other Fruit Traes, Evergreens, Deciduous Trees, Shrubs, Rosea, Climüers, Smal] Fruits, etc. A tine stuek at low ratea. Beod three cent stamp for descriptive catalogue. E. (ï. HANFORD & SON. 1677 l'Olumbus Nursery.CulumbuH, uhiu.


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