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New Toek haB had a destructivo conflagration. The property destroyed consieted of several large stores in Caual and Howard streets. The loss íb estimated at f 50", 000.. . .The Fall Bivor mili operativos are urging the manufacturera to reduce tho hours of labor instead of therateof wages... .Judgo Blatohford, of ïew York, has decidsd that the guit of tho GoTernment pgainstSaumel J. Tilden, for the rocovery of unpaid iucome tax, muHt po bofore a jury for trial . . . Auother movement han been nrt id in New York for the release of Boss A cmzEK of Philadelphia. haviDg been allowed to make a thorough examiuation of the much-talked-of Keeley motor, has just reported the result of his kbor. Afior sevcral months ?l c.arefl11 crutinv he comea to the conclusión that Hr. Keeloy is au ingenious mountebauk and hu machino a fraud and a hmnbug. A bkakcb of the Bank of Novada (owncd by the Bonanza kinga) ú to be established in New York. THE WEST. The late severo weather inflicted serione damage upon tho fruit erop in many pai-ts of the Northwost There ia stored in the elevatora of Chicago, 1,139,260 bushels of wheat: 347,167 busbels of corn; 220.982 Imühel of oats; 165,829 bushels of rye, and 579,035 buehclsof barley, makirg a grand total of 2,518,-! 293 bushelu, againf-t 8,616,357 busbels at thi i period last ycar Cincinnati is greatly agitatel ovor tbe invsteriouH disappearance of exCtongressman Vanee. It is feared he has been murdered. Two were frozen to doath noar ; enne, Wyoming, during the prevalonco of the I snow-storm of tbe 27th uit The Bank of South Pueblo. Col., was entered a few nights ago, by maeked robbers, who gagged the casñier, H. N. Banks, and obliged him to opon tho safe. They took Í5,000 in currency and a gold watch and chaiu. No clew to the robbers. Gen. Silas A. Stbkklasd, a prominent citizen of Nebraska, is dead. THE SOUTH. Dexter McCeearï and Fortune Bush (colored) were hanged at Barnwell Court House, 8. C, last week, for the murder of Stephen Enricks, hia wife and two children. After killiog Iho párente, the murderers flred the d'weümg and the children bumed to death One nian was instantly killed and eeveral fatally iüjured by an explosión of djuamite near lïaltmiore, a few days ago. Two of tbe worst young desperadoes in the Southwest, Joseph and Teek Brassell, were j cently executed at Cookesville, Tenn. They were ' brothers, aged respectivoly 23 and 20 yeara. I The eider confessed that he had shot nine men. ; CoijLEcron Bbaïton reports from Columbia, 8. C, that the revenue raiding forcé has retiumed from a successful expedition on the North Carolina border, having deetroved eleven illicit distilleries, 25,000 gallons of beer Í mu mam, ana üiu gallons of -whisky At j Eastville, Northampton county, Ta., the other I day, 8idney Pitts and A. P. Thoms I íought a duol -with pistola to settle a disputo. Two rounds were fired by each, and, as they Btood only eix feet apart, Pitts was killed, and Thomas received a ball ia the head from which ho vrill probably die. The Supremo Court of Louisiana bas refused a rehearing of the case of Returniug Board Anderson, aud he has beeu released from i tedy. GENER.1L. It is reported that Gov. Emery, of Utah Territoir, has gono over to the Mormons, and he will probably be removed by the President WASHINGTON. Ibe President bas appointed ex-Congressman Glenni W. Seofield, of Ponnsylvania, i ister of the Treasury, vice Mr. AllisoD, deoeascd The Sonate Kaüroad Comraittee bas agreed upon a bilí extonding the time for tbc construction of the Northern Pacific raijroaá. The House Commerce Committee has agreed npon a bilí of much importacco to Western j navigation iuterests. It provides that all ! wre&s smik which obstruct navigation must be rau-ed by their owners after sixty days' r.otice, and that, in case the Government is compelled to raiec them, the underwriters and owners shall have no claim to the property. Müch of the blame that bas rested upon Mr. ! Delfosse on account of tho Halifax flshery award should bo shf tod to the ehonlderu of I Heeretary Pisb Ck)rrespondenco has been bronght to light at Washington showing that, after haviug once refusod to accept the Belgian lliuiüter, for the very excellent reason that be repreaented a country under the protection of Great BritaiD, Becretary Fish was subsequentlv ': induc?d to change bis mind, and to earneetlv ! nrge Delfosse to serve as arbitrator in the Fmhery Commission. ïde income-tex proposition is not likely to come before the present sossion of Congress, for the reason that the Ways and Means Committee are of the opinión that it is iutxpedtent to re-enact iraeb a law at the present timo. The House Committee on the Eleotoral Count I has agreed toreport in favor of aconslitutional amendmunt fixing the tenure of the Presidential office at six year?, and declariug the President ineligible for rc-öltction . . .A new stjle of torpedo has beer. inventod by an officer in the ümted States navy, aud the infernal machine so deeply impressed Secretary Thompson with lts fine pointe that he ha communieated the mattor to tho House Committee on Naval ! Aliairs, which in turn agree toreport a bilí Riving the inventor $60,000 for (he eole uso of nis patent. The Committee on the Presidential Count, iu ad'litiou to fbe tums of the now constilntu.imi amendments relativo to tho Presidential clection are endravoring to mature, a plau to próvido that the Lnited States eteccions sball b held m iiovember, as they now are: tliat 1 gress asremble on Jan. 1 next thereafter, and ! tho Presioential term ehsli also begin on Jan 1. . lo the close of Marcb 1,000.000 silvir dollars had been coined. Arrangenieütshavebeen complsted nnder whicb, during Apri', the Phuadelchia wint wijl turn out èl.750,000 In the paa oight mouths the receipte of infernal revenue have fa'len 5,500,00 below the öö.im&tiis. The House Comm ttee on Baukiug and Curreacy had another long conference with the Secrotary of the Treasurv; the other day, on t'ie subject of the proparationa made by the ireasury ai:d uational banks to execute the Hetumpaoii law. Tho Becrotary reiterated lus coaft'ïent behef that, with the assUtanco of the iropoaecl navinge-bond scheme, pecie nayS 'n re8llnicd by the Ist of Jauuary POLITICAX. A Washington dispatch eays "a number of Senators and mimbern of Cougrcss called upon the President with referenco to the spoesh of ! Senator Howc. They all expressed more ! ing m the matter than the President himself, i and üuggested that tho speech be answered, ff-aring that to perniit it to pass in silencc might be an admisnion of lts entire truth. The President took a different view, placing fcimself on the ground that what he had done in tho ir of official action was basedon nis senso of right, I without thinking for a moment, what might be i the result as affecting him personally. He was opposed to a public response, preferring that nis acts shonld be the bent of hi motives and principies. He had songht to form his duty, and with thú hewacontcnt, no matter how ethers withprejwliced niiuds mieht view his conduct." The State Convention of the National party of Illinoie was held at Springfield on j 'lay, March 27. A platform of principies was adopted and a ticket for Stttte officers placed in nomination. E. N. Bates, a forraer Uepablican, was nomiuatcd for Treasurer, and Frank n. Hall, an ex-Demoerat, chosen for ! Superintendent of Public Instrnction. A CAij, bas been teued for the assombling of the Pennsylvauia Repnbliean State Convention at Harrieburg on March 15. The República u Senators in Congres held a eaiicns the ether eveninp, of which the Associated Pres Agent at Washington furnishes the ; following report : "It appearn, f rom tho views eipressed bySenatorp, that, wliilo they concedo that the recent speech of Senator Howo is i mainly just 'm its Btrnotures on the conrsn of tho Adiiiuict:alion, they can see no propriety in recalling past events in Louisiana and el e■where, anJ rnakwig a direct isme with tlie President, and thuy are alno agreod that the bocülled civil service reform is a deception and a failure. They, thoreforc, Uiink Ihat tl-e Republicana should sirive to s'.rengthen their party, iireipectivc (f vhattho President mav say or do. ïhcy are of optalon that it woukl be better to apprive of sach measuj es as they can in the future, rather (han op;o.-e ihe President in bis Southern couciliiticn poli.-y aud other mcasures whioh do not meet with Kopubl'can approval. They do not imnute (hdhoDexty of purpose to tho President, ardxee sonie Ihiugs in his adiuinistiatioü to anprovi ■ hut they donbt the wisdom of mu.-h of'hii so-' cal'.od poücy. Under sll cironmsiancea, ihc I'. ! ) iiücau KenatorK do not thiuk it wise to i take au activo part sgainst the President, but t do Jio most they can íor the intsrests of the;r party, rcuiiicjbering that the President : has three moro yt ara to jervo." T.i. joiiir rcoiutien o{ M aitit, j I instructing tho Attomey General of Marjland to exhibit a bilí in the Supremo Court of the Unitod States on behalf of the State of Maryland, praying for a judicial review of the electoral couut, and which passed the House of Delcgates March 28, has been passed by the Senate by a large majorily. FOKEIGN NKWS. A IíONdon special to the CMcago Times saya " ncither England nor Russia Eeenis willüig to yield, and the result io incroased mutual illwill, whieh may, npon a mero tcchnicnlity, drift the countiies into war. Information is received from varions European capitula to the effect that gloomy views, the outcome of the present situatimi. genorally prevaal, and that war, while not npceiaariiy ncar, is inevitable in the end." Diplomatic relations betweou Ruasia and Turkey have beeu renewed. ïhe Grand Duke and tho Sultan have exebanged visito at Constantiuople. A cable diMpatch of March 28 saya : " Rnsúia's an8wer to England s late question merely saya that tlie Government adheres toitsformer views. No hope of the meeting of the congreas ia now Jefe, and there seenia to be no mean of estiinatiag what will be the outenme from the present diplomatic muddie. It is cortain that England acd Itutsia havo now reached tho most critical part of their iutercourse, and there is moro probability of war than peace. Bussia is making every tff.rt to ifolate England from the othe'r pow.TS. and, if 8he can obtain the noutralïty of Austria aud HuDgary, it is not Hkely that Englaud can get any othe'r ally The Sultan has honored Osuian Paaha by 'appointing him to the command inchief of theOttoman forcea. There bas been a seriou explosión in a mino in North Staffordahire, Eng. About thirty minere lost their livej. Ik tho Britith House of Commons, on tho 28th nlt, tho Hon. Gathorno Hardy, Secretary of State for War, replyiug to various question?, aaid it was necessary to cali out tho first cla68 of tbti anny reserve.'numbcring 13,000. aud the militia r86( rvc, which was between 25,000 and 26,000. Thia was followed immcdiately hy tho ro-ignatio:i of Lord Derby, Miuister of Foreign Aftairs. In amiouncing hi reiirement, Lord Derby said he did not diaagree with the Cabinet as to tho conditions iipon which England shonld be representod in the conference, but Bolely upon certain moaenres which he did not consider prudent in the interest s of peace or neees?ary for tho safety of the country. Diaraeli thon explaincd that the jr.ea6ure ojjjected to by tie retiring Minister was tho calling out of the reserves. This step had been resolved npon, he frankly said, in consequence of the Govcrnment's belitf that tho congress will not be held, and that all hopes of rectifying the dUtmrböd balance of power in the Moditorranean had ceaaed. Late advices from Havana, Cuba, report that the surrender of the insurgents, armed and unarrued, continúes in different portions of the ialaud, and only one of tho promiuent ohiefs, namííd Maceo, is still holding out in the ruouutains of the Eastern Department, with, it U Haid, about 400 f ollowers, ircostly colorcd .... A proclamation has been issued by the Hussian authoritie inviting tho exrcatriated Turks to return to thoir homes in Bulgaria. The Kaflir war in South África is ended The Pope bas indicatod his intention of rosumI ing diplomatic relations with Great Britain .... i The Kuísinn army around Coustantinoplc is bcing largelyreinforced Orders have been Bent to tho British Admiral oommanding the Mediterranean fleet in the Sea of Marmora to patrol the Dardanelies aud Bosphoms with or without Turkish consent, and to use aueh pressure, in unisón with tho Britieh Minister at Const&nUnople, as to force the Porte to reaist the demands and eccroachmeata of the Bussian ! Grand Duke. The visit of Gen. ïgnaticff to Vienua for the purpose of gaining over Austria to the Bussian sido has proved a failnre. He has returned to St. Petersburg with the alarming news that Austria will not accept the San Stefano treaty, and will immodiately masa an army of 400,000 men on the Bosnian frontier, with a view of protecting Hungarian interest. Loed Salisbuby, the new Minister of eign Affairo, bas addressed a circular to the power?, giving England'a reasons why she j uot enter the proposed congress. Nearly every article of tbo San Stefano treaty is condemned I as lending to establish a daugerou I sian upremacy iu the East. Lord Salisbury I claims not only the right to dieenss each clauae of the tre.ity in detail, but to raise objections lo the treafy in the aggregate. In a word, England wishes to set aside the whole (rtaty, and begin, k' novo, the work of settüngthe Eastern questions by diticimsiong in a oongreas . . . . Queen Victoria's message iu relation to mobilizing tho reserves was read in both hoases of tho British Parliament last week. It staf,es very briefly that the present state of publio affairs in the East constitutes a case of groat emergenoy, within tho meaning of tho acts of Parliameut, aud that. thereforo, the Government is about to direct that the reserve force and the militia reserve force bo forthwith called out for permanent service. Debate on the message was postpoiied for a week. It is stated in a cable dispatch from Constautinople that "Osman and Kyouf Pashas have bccome more Hussiaa than English. The Turkiüh and Itustian soldierB fraternizo, the latttr going about ConKtantiuople in uniform without evoking animosity. If war comes, Eulacd must contémplate the possitility of having 10 tight Tarkey and Kubia. At best sho would gei f rom Turkey a oue sidtd neutraiity, of little or 110 substantial uto.:' Lord Hsht:bury succeeds Deri y as British Minii-ter of Foreign Affairs.


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