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Py no attention to slanderers and gossip-mongers. Keep straight on in your eourse, aud let theirbackbitingdie the death of mgleet. What is tho use of lying awako niglits broodiug over the remark of some false friènd, that runs through your brain like Iightuing ? Wliat is the use of gottiug iuto a worry and frot over gosf-ip thnt has been set afloat, to your disadvantage, by some meddlesome buey body wlio has more time than eharacter ? These things caimot possibly injure you, uniess you take notice of thrm, and, in combating them, give thom a standing and charaoter. If what is said about you is true, set yourself right; if it is false, let it go for what it will fetcb. If a bee sting you, would you go to tho hive to destroy it ? Would not a thousand come upon you ? It is wisdom to say little of the injuries you have received. We are generally losers in the end if we stop to refute all the backbiting and gossiping we may hear by the way. Tliey are annoying, it is true, b'ut not dangerous - so Jong as we do not stop to expostulate or scoM. Our charaters are formed and Bustained by ourselves, by our aetions and purposes, and not by others. Let us always bear in mind that " Calumniators may usually be trustí.d to time and tho slow but steady justice of public opinión. Aud oh, how much evil designers fear public opinión !


Old News
Michigan Argus