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J. HOLMES & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAJL DEALEÍIS IK STATJL.K AM) F.OCY DRY GO O DS, 5}vy Groceries, Carpctiug) and paper IlEtngiHgs9 Nö. 03 Woodioard Avenue, Lamed s Bloc;, Detroit. 3 h ji.mks. Nao York. ) s m. iioi.mks, Qctroit. $ WK thismerhodoi bfórmïng oor friciiüï and custoiners thri.ughoiit ihe State, iliai we are s'ill pursuing ihe even tor.or of oor V!.ys. èndcavorjng 'o do our business upon Lir and honorable principies. We would al.-o tender our acknouledgmcn's for ii:c phtjrpnogé ex temlcd to us ly our cuttomers, and woiild Wg ieave lo cali tlie attent on of the public ;o a ven well telectci) assortiñent of st;soiiullo Gotiíí. which are offered at wholcsa'c ir retail at ven low priecs. Oiiriacilin'es forpi'rchasing Gooi's aic unsurpassed by nny concern n the Stntc - One öl'thelirin. Mr. J. Hvlnies resides ii thc cuy of New Y.irk. nnd from his long experienct in the Jobbing trade in tfiat ciiy. nnd from liï:ihoroueh kSibwkdpértf llie maiket, he is ena bied U) avaü !iin:self of the niidions and any decline in prices. We a!so puicluise from tlir iinporters. Mnnufacturer's Agente, nnd ftorhibe euctions, by ilie ;.nckage, tho sairc os N. Y. Jobbers purchnee. tliua savinc ilieir profits. - With these faciüiirs we enn sa!ely say tlint our Goodsare soid cheap for the evideiae of which we invite the atlention of the iniblic to vut stock. Wc hold to the geat cnidinn! principie oí ' t'ic rcatcst good to the v hele nuvilcr." so if yon wantto hny Gnotls cliaip. and Imy a arpe qutnitlty Tor a Vitlc vwvey give us a triftl. Our stuck isas e.xicnsive ns any in the city. rnd we oro coïistn'rttly recciving ncw and fictli Gouds Irom New Yoik. 50,000 Ibs; Wool. Wantod, tlieabovp qunntijyot goöd incrcbaiitablo Wool for which ilie highest ninrkct pricc svül bc paid. J. HOLMES & CO. Detroit. May 3. 1F 1 '. '' t-'f ATTACElMliNT N0T1CI5. Oramiel Beckiey, ) vs. V Before K. Thomscn C8q Sylvnnus II. IIüI. ) AW KIT of Auachmcnt liaving been isüucit by Kdwin Thosrs.-n. e'l . o justicc i ili Peace in mul for W.ns'.uenaw Comuv. al lb snit of Oran.ic! BecftleV agnínat Sjrlvanna II [Jill icturnabic at tho oiilce öfeéid Jiiilicein tin xülnge of AnnArlor, in su.l cumiiy. on th I()ih dny of Mny. I-Ui. at 1 o clock; P. M. am ;he snid defendnt havinir faücd to rfppn, no tico is hertiby gjvéii tlmi said cnuse is coniinnei for trial tt.o 17ih iláiy of At2Uái. .inc o'clocU, P Ai., ot iIih tlse oftice of said jis irc Dated. Jiric -t. 1-1. -CÜ Gheap Hardware Store. fTMiH Subocnber tukr-8 ih;s meihod o infon jL liis olil custoinerd and the public gene:all ih.Tt hu siii! continúes 'o kcepa largeand gc-neru nesoïtmeni of' förelgn tmd Iotnes:c HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. Al.,). Spike. Wrought. Gut ond Hore Sho Nails, Glass, Sliert Iron, Hoop Iron. Sheet an Bar Lead, Zync, Riiglit and AneulKfQ W'irc. Mo Iuïsl-s Gates nnd Tappen?. Mil! ?;s. Cross Cu Saws. Hand nnd Wood Sa-.-.s, Back and Ke llo.'e Saws, AñVilé; Vico?, Be!lows..At!z s,Cop u '.s 1 ooi , Drawing Knives, Spoke Shavcs Tap Borcr?, C.-st Sicel Angurs, Cümnion Au 2M8, AiiL'ur Bitls, llollovv Auguis. Steel anr ?ron Sq'.rircs. Groiind Plasict, Water Linie Grind Stone?, Poiash.Cüídjcn and SugnrEetïlci Cable, Loít. Trace and Halter Chaiüs, Broad Hand and Narrow Axcs, Spirit and Pluriíb Lev els, toiethcr v. i i h p L.'fi:ernl r?ëoinnrni of Moliew Ware. which will le sold !ov for Coeh O mpproved credit at 123. Jtiilrson Avenue. Eï dred's Block. MARVIN. Detroit, Jan. TCtïï, 1840. 248-Jy LOSS BY F1REÜ 7f[TCHEf;L EACKKH. lucccMÓr of M LVjL Ilosv.ird. as Agent for the I'KoTixrin.v tn i;hanck Comp-n. "' Ilnüford. will insuro Uiocü n-rs. Ram f, Mcrchandlzc, and all othe insumbio pro,ciiyon ;s low terins asany olh er good cornpany in thc United Stuies. FARMElt's BARN8 rNSÜBED AGAINST lightning! Office in the Second Story of Ncw Post Office Building, north ol'Court House. Ann Arbor, June 16. 19-1(5. 2G9tf BOOTS AND SMOES, AT WHOLESALE. A. C. M'GÏÏAW & CO., WHOLESALE AfiD BKTAIL DKALERS ÍN BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER AND FINOINGS, Corner of Jefferson and XVoodtcaid Avenues, Detroit. AC. M'GRAW &, CO. would reppectfully infortn the Merchants of Michigon, that hey have opened a WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE STORE, n thc rooms over thcir Rclail Store, Smart's Corner. Their long acquaintonce with the Shoe business, and the kinds f shoes that are needcd in this State, will enable them to furnish merchants wiih such shoes s they neod, on better terma than iheycan buy n the New York market, ns all their goods are ought from first horids, and particular attention e paid to thc selection of Bizea. Detroit, 1846. 2481 y