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State News Brevities

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Ionia county has voted to raiso $10,iiiiii by tx and build a new juil. Sanilnc county haa just voted a $20,000 loan to build a house at her new county seat. There has been 303,404 barrels of snit made this year up to April 1, against 107,049 barrels last year. Mr. Dow, of Sunfield, Eaton county, has just been eleoted supervisor tor his 4l8t consecutive year. Wexford county votes against the removal of ita couuty seat trom Sberman by 500 or 600 oitijority. The boot and shoe store of Peter Eiwards at Hudson was broken open and robbed, on Thursday night, April 4. Oov. Croswell ha pardoned Benjamin D. Hoylan.eonvicted on a charge of stealing papers from the office of the Detroit Pólice court. The Bortree Manufacturing Coinpany, of Jackson, reoeived $35,000 in orders last week, mainly tbr the dúplex corset, which they make. Whisky and shortness of fnuds caued James Strain tocominit suicide at St. Joseph April 7, aged . 40 years. Leaves a faniily destitute. Amos Roberts, a farmer of Benton, Eaton couuty, was found deud in his bed on tho evuning of April 0. Attributed to heart disoase. Aged lio. W. C. B. Teller, teller of the Auiencan National Bank, Detroit, is a defaulting teller. From #13,000 to $15,(K)0 are missing. Teller went to Canada. Lumbering in St. Clair county is abont iinisbeil. The Black River drive, at Port Huron, which bas been in years past 100,000,000 feet, is this year 3,000,000. Sturgis townehip paid last year over $250 bounly for skunks, foxes, and woodchucks killed. The business (ot overdone and they repealed the bounty at the last town meeting. 1 1 u'ismi does a romarkable busiiicRS in poultry. During the past winter four firms have shipped 1,420 barrels, worth $25,652. The largest house shipped '20,000 turkey and cbickens. Franois W. Lawson, a frmer well known forwarding and couimission merchaut of Detroit, but of late years a man of man y miafortunes, died on Saturday at the Wayne Couuty l'oor House. Joseph Brown, a farmer of Florence, iSt. Joseph county, shipped a few days sinco 204 fat wethers, for which he got ( 1-2 cents per pound live weight. They were in splendid condition, had been fed threo months and netted $2,100. There are employed in the Pullman Car Works, Detroit, 600 men, and the monthly pay roll aniounts to $23,000. The amount expended overy month in this city for material and general expenses is over $83,000. - J'osl and 'J'rihune. Albert Burk, of Detroit, aged 14, climbed into tho tower of the church of the Sacred Heart of J.-sns, in Detroit, on the evening of April 0, to tix the heil rope, and when descending feil 25 feet, striking on the rloor and crushing his akull. He lived about half au hour. 'lucí Stítte lioard uf lleultli bas iuued a circular to the Supervisors and otbur officiers ot' townshipa, oalling their attention to the laws ot' the State relating to tlio report of digeasen wbich endnuger the public health, and to ome of tbuir duties in oonneotion tberewitb. Cyrus W. Iligliy, Mayor elect of Jacksod, bas bad Jacob Uiebor arrested for iisserting, on eleotion day, that be (Higby) had stoten $20, whilo an alderman, of the city's mouey, which slmuld have beeu ugod iu purchasing stone, and that be bad stolen from bim, all of wbicb he asscrted that he could prove. At Marshall the other day George (jrraff, in making cbauge, took a stnall Groriiiai] uoin and was urprtsed to lind Iim invii naini' Ktiiinped upon it, and to reoognize it as one wbicb his mot her sent liim trom Genuany twenty-six yuars go, and wbich he lost twityfive yoarn ago whilo woaring it a n cbarm on bis watcb chaina. Ottowa county : Not more ttia.ii onetenth of tbe peach buds have ibu fur been killed by cold weather ; about five days of warm weatber will cause them to bloüsom, in which condition an ordiïiany trost will kill thom. Tbe hinU will blossöni about onc uiontb earlier llüiii usual, and it will be fortúnate if they t'scupii boing killed by trost. Tberé is every prospect for a fine erop of apples and other fruit. Dr. Charles Ilibbard, of North Brancb, formi'ily of Detroit, was throwu froui his curriage Weduesday night. April H, while returning from a visit to a patiënt, aud sustained injuries from which Me ilied thn next night. The hors took fiight while Dr. Ilibbard was ligbting tbe Itmip on his carriage. Dr. Hibbunl graduiited from tbe University, liturary class of '71, and from the Detroit med ■ ical class of '70.


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