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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Estáte of Mary 8. Brown. STATE OP MICHIGAN, Oountj of Wftileuaw, sa. At a Hetiüioa of t)u Probnte Oourt for ih Oountj of Vnshunaw, holden at the Probate OfHce io the City of Ann Arhor, on Wednesdtty, Oio lenth day ot' April, in the year on thousand fiL'lit hu nd red and neventy-eigbt. L'resent, William I. Harrimai., Judge of Probntn. In the matter of the estáte of Mary 8. Brown, dooi ;i"it."l. Benjamin Krown, adiniuiëtrtitor of said estáte, comee iuto oourt and represent thut he ia now preptired to i riiMi'i tiucotint as 8uch ndtniniatrator. Thereu ion it is oi deied , th ut Tuesday , the seventh uay of May nuxt, ut Uu noloek iu the forenoou, l;c ansignud lor t'xainiiiiiir hikI nllowiag wuch account, und tliut the heirs at luw ol ttaia (ieceOM'd, illl'l HU utlltM" [UTrU'DH Hl t (. p's! i 1 n HHUl ■ -t.'H.c, nre rrquired to ttppear at t mum on of unid ' 'nu rt , then to be bolden at the l'ruhntc Office in the City of Ann Arbor in said county, and show oauae, if uny there be, why the snid account ohould not be allowed : And it in fut ther ordered, that mud adnunistrator give notice to the persona intnrCRtud iu said estáte, of the pendency of eaid acCQunt nd the hearing thereof, by cjtuing a oopy of tliirt irder t.o be publwhed in the Michigan Aryis, 't ïnwspaper prinled and circtiUtiüK iu unid couniy, three sncoMsiVS wirku prrvjuiin to KAid dny of hertiinj. W1U.1AM I). HARKIMAN, {A true copy). JiuVe of Probate. Wm. O. Dotï, Probate Regieti 1CK2 Estáte of Malana Berry. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. Ata i--MÍon ot Prubüte ('ourt for the County ot' Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office i the city of Aun Arlwr, on Hnturday, the nixth day of April, in the year oiik tbousaod eight buodcttd and BoreAty-aht, Present, William D. Harrinwn, Judffe of l'robate. Iu tlie niatlor of thu catate of Maiana Berry, dfCra.M'd. Wiltiam Doty, exeoutor of said estáte, comes i uto cottii aud raprOBOntfl that he is now prepared lo rendar Iuh lina) aoeoont ;ss uch executor. Tfaerea pon ít is ordered, that Haturduy, tlie tourth day of May next, at ten o'clock in the forenoou, be a&signed for exantinin and allowtng such account, aud that the devísete, legHieeBí and heirs at law of said di.-cca.sedt and all othei persona intoriMttI in said catate, are requtrod to apcar at a scwion of .naid BOurt, Lhcu to Ik' holdeu at the Probate OfÖce iu Mu1 rity of Aun Arbor in said county, and whow CEQ86 i f auy then be, wuy the aaid account should QOi be allowc] ; And it is furthur ordered, that said executor RÍve not ice to tlie persímis inlcrcstitl in Bald estatO] of thtí pendeucy of said account md tlie hearlos thcreot, hy cauüing a COp7 of this onler tobe paBflshed in the Michigan Arffits, a rii'w-i:inT pi'i ntt'd atxl ;irculatin; in said oouQty, three successlTe iroeks previous to -;ii'i day ol' hearing. WILLIAM I). IIAUKIMAN, (A truc copy.) Judge oí l'robate. Wm. G. Dot y, Probate Register. IG8td Estáte of Mosos C. Kdwarda. TATE OF MICHIGAN, County ofWashtenaw.s. At a ses-sion of the Probate Court for the couuty of W;ihii'ii;iw, holdeu ;ti the Probate Otnce, iu tlie rity oí Ann Arbor, on Friday, the tifth day of Apiil, in tlie year one thousand eight huadred aud stsveuty-eijíht. Presea t, William D. lian imán, Judtfeof Probate. In tlie mattftr of the estáte of Montes C Edw.mK, dfi'easi-d. Mirles C. KdwanN, administra tor of said estáte, comed into court aitd represente that he is now preparad to r;nder bis ('mal accouut such adminÍ8trator. Thereupou it tsordertKl, thut Tuesday. theseventb d:iy of May next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be BBsigDed fbr exanrinlDK and klldwik such aeoouDt, and timt the Eïeirs al law of said dec .-'■- i. aud all other porsons intereeted iu said estáte, aie reqolfod t( appoarat anesslonof said min!, ihi'ti to be holden at the Probate Office in eity of Ann Arbor Ín said eounty, and .show cause, if any Uiere be, why the said account should not be allowcd : Aud it Ís furthur ordered, that f-aid administintor give noticetotbe persona inteiested Ín said estáte, of tho pundeney of said account and the heaiins thereof, by cansina a copy of this onler to be published Ín the Michigan Argv&i a newspaper printfd and circulating in said connty, three successive wecks previous to said day of hcarin. WILLIAM D. BARRÍ MAN, [A true copy.) Judgc of 1 róbate. Wm.G. Dotv, Probad Regtster. H582 Ktítate ot' Jane iiush. yTATK OK MICJIUÍiAN, County of Wnshtmaw k as. At h seësion of the l'robale Cuuitfor the County of Wasntenaw, holden at the Probate office iu tlie city of Ann Arbor, on Wediu'sdny, the tenth dny of April, in tht year one thousítini t-i .hr iiiJTM j.'ii nnd neventy-eight. Present. Willmm I). Hirriman,.ludeof Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Jane Buuh, deceaeed. Ou readinjr and fllinK the petition, duly verifled,of Cathariue Bush, prayin timt ehe may be ntpointed adiniDÍtrtitrix ot the estáte of tiid deceaed. Thereupon it oideted, that Monday,theeixt)i (liiy of May 'next, at ten o'clock in the foreuoon, be asined for the hearing of said petition, und that the heiis at law of siiid deceased and all other jii.tsoiu tnteiested in said estáte, are required to appear at u eession of snid Court, then to be holden at the Probate Oltioe in the city of Ann Arbov, and -bow cuuae, if ny there be, why th prever of the petitioner uhould not be itrranU'ii: Anc it ia turtln-r orderel that suid putitioner yiw notice to the persona interested in Raid estáte, of the pende ncy of naid petition and the hearing thereof by ciuimijk a copy of this order to be publinhed in Die fflettffan ArjftÊÊ, a iiewspaper printed aud cir culated in eaid county, three nucccHsive weeks previouH to Sfil day of hearing. W1L1JAMI), HAKRIMAN, f A true copy). Judie ot Probate. Wm. Ü. DoTT, Probate Ueinter. ltis-itrt Estáte ot' Anti Burke. OTATt; OF BfICttEQAH, Couuty of Washtenaw 3 ss. Notice is hereby jiiven,that by an order of tbc Probate Court for the County of Wa.shteuaw, made on the Ihirtieth day of Maren. A. D. 1878 six munt lis iïoni that date were allowed for ert-ditors Ui present tbeir claims against the estáte ol A n ii Burke, late of said county, deoeued and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present tbeir claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office In the City of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or hefore the thirtieth day of September next and that sucb claims will be heard before said Court on Huturdny, the twenty-ninth day o; June, and on Monday, the thirtieth day ol September next, at ten o'clock iu the forenoon of each of said daya. Dated. Ann Arbor, March 30, A. D. 1878. WILLIAM I). HARRIMAN, l(J82w4 Judge of Probate. Real Es tato for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. In the matter of the estáte of Pidelus Sekingcr, deceaBcd. Notice is hereby given, that iu pursuance of an order grauted to the undeisigned aduiiniatratorof the estáte of said deceased, by the Hon. Judgeof Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the eigUh dny of April, A. I). IS78, there will be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the late residence of said deneased, on thopremises to be sold, in the townsbip ol Freedom, ia the County of Washtenaw, in said State, on '1'ikkd.iy, THK TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY OF MAY, A. D. 1878, ftt one o'clock iu the nfternoon of ihit dny (subject to uil encumbrnnce by mortgae or otherwisu existing ut tbc time of the death of aaid deceased), the following desenbed real estáte, to wit : The Houthenst quarter of the southeast quartcr of sectimi number Iwenty-two (22), in town three (3) Bouth imiiltc four 4j eaitt, (Frcedom) Wasbtenaw County, Micliigan, except one acre off trom the nortbeust corner of said parctl above desoribed. Dated, April H, IS7S. 1082 MICIIAIiL FOSTfiR, Administrator. Chancery Sale. STATK OF MICHIGAN, The Circuit Court for the County of WashtenHW. In chancery. Chritiun Mack and Krederick Hohinid.complainanta, v. Miiinret Conway, defendant. In pursunnue and by virtue of n de(ree made and entared iu the iibovc entitled cause, on tho twenty-ninth day of Miirch, A. I. 1878, the undeined, one of the Circuit Court CommiHsioners in and for aaid Couuty of Wfkshteiuiw, will sell at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the oorth door of tbe Court House in thf city of Ann Arbor, in said county, ou Saïurday tuk xwknty-fifth DAT of May, A. I). 1878, at ten o'clock in the lorenoon of that diiy, hH thut certain piece or pnrcal of land uituntc in the city of Aun Arbor, County of Wushtenuw, Uiohigaili and dencribed as followo, imnmly . siiiiiiinl in the norlhwest corner of lot number iwo.ui hlork Dumber four north of Huron Rtreet in rune number ix eatit in aaid city, tronttng ihzefl roda ou Fifth street and extending east of the same width ninety feet, beinff the same premit- decded und latuly occupitd by Mrt. Klizabeth l'oiiway. Dated, April 1% A. D 1878. VU ANK EMERICK, Circuit Court Commisdioner. II. J. Bkakrh, Complninant'a Solicitor. Qtk C0UGH' C0LD CmTJwÖ IMMEDIATKATTKNTION A coutlniianoe lor any I n-fli of 1 1 mr, cuuweft í i riintioii off tbo 1 unes, ar Mom i bnniii 'JPliroitt uffectiou. Neg'luct uit i ntiiiirs reHulto iu sumu incumbió Lun diseue. ' Itruu u's Kromliiul 'Froclien hnve provRd their etfiuitcy, by a t6t of mnny yenra, juni will :iiuini in an.vhiy ffive iiumediate relief. ObtAin only KrunuN 'Ilruurliiul 'lri cIicn, Jiüil do nut tnke uny of the worthleBs imitationd that mny be uffered. 16ft5ra4 Two Valuaïle Houses FOK SALE, The propertT belonglng to the WELLES KSTATK, BltUBtedón DIVISIÓN 8THKKT, ut the hcad of ANN STBLLT, and tlie proporty lal!)1 ownod and now uccupiud !)■ A. W1UKNMANX, will he sold at ■ VEKY WW PKICE, AND ()N LONG TIME IK DESIRED. Apply lo S. H. DOUOLAS. ÍW iïtUi h[l"' ' '""■ onu-year-old Dwarf UlijlAHF Peur, buddpd on beat Freni-h t)toekn. Ducho' d'Augouleiiie, L. B. d'Jcraey, lloweli, Buffum, Vicar of Wmküeld, Ooyenne ltourïsuck, Beurre d'Anjoil, Brtlett, Otiband'a Slimmer, Luwrence, rïolodKood, Biandywine, Clapp'g Favorita, and otber pproved sorla. l'rice, lu per hundred. rtoxos nnd puckinir t'ree. li. Ci. IIANFOKD & SON, 1677 Nunwry, Ooltimbus, Ohio.j yiSK JOH PRIXTI!VJ done at the


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Michigan Argus