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New Goods GRAND OPENING OF- SPBI1 CLOTHING ! - ATWm. Wagner's. SPRING STYLES IN AND to be made to order at 21 South Main Street, MEÏVTS' SUITS. JOE T. JACOBS. IOTICE ! All persons are forbid tiuatintr any one on my account Apnl 4, 1878. Iti&lwó ROBKKT L REYNOLDS, SCHOOL ST7ZTS. JOE T. JACOBS. APPLE TREES.- A Bne lock of flrst-clas treeo - Ben Davis, Büldwiu, Kiuj;, Stark, (irimes' Golden, Dominie, Northern iipy, Golden Kiuaet, Rumbo, Ohio Nonpariel, Cufveit, mul other approved sorta, at low ratea. .Sentí thretï coni stomp lor descriptive catalogue. E. li. HANKOUD & SON, 1677 Columbux Nuraery, Cohiiubus, Ohio. BOYS' SUITS. JOE T. JACOBS. I I 0U8E AND LOT FOB SAUS, I.üciited in a deairablo part of the city, and in good repair. Alno a house to rent on favorable tenue, lnquire at the Anuup ottice, ei 22 THOMSON STUK KT. Ann Arboi', March 14, 1878. I678tf. CO ATS and VESTS FORLARGE MEN. JOE T. JACOBS. A BSTRACTS OF T1TLES. The undernitrned, Kegisltir ofDwdl, will prompt ty nul carefulLy muke Abtttractu of titila, Fr om the Original Records, For Atturney-, Agenta, Ownerw, or PurchaiifrH No piiins will )■ spared U gire h chnin of t itlf , and show nll encunibriincea. Chrgei reus - onttble. (,'HAH.H. MANLY. Ann Arbor, January 10, 1977. 1617, COATS and VESTS FOR YOUTHS. JOE T. JACOBS. The One-Price Clalltier. TRICF OF'LIME REDUGED. Ohio lime will hereafter be old at wholesale at my lime room, in thia city, at 3.1 cents, and Mouroe lime &t 30 cents per buehel. Altto for snlu a large took of Grand Ka pi ds Piaster, At prices to uit the time. Ann Arbor, Februmry 20, 1878. J. VOLL.VM. Children's Hriits, JOE T. JACOBS. Conimiasionerö' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of WaafateoftW as. The underaigncd having been appointed bv the Probate Court ror said county, ooiambslonori to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demanda of all periJoiiH against thu tétate of' Johii Vreeland, lato of'said county dtweast'd, hereby give notice that híx moutlis froni dau are kUowod, y order of aaid Probate Court, for oreditora to present theirclatm acainst tbe eatete of uid deooued, and that they will meet at Hip otfice of Everett Clark, in the villageof 8aline, in .said cminty, on Tut'Hilay, the second day of -luly, aod on Wcduetiday the seoond day of October next, ut ten o'olooit a. M. of each of aid days, to röcoivs, oxamiiK' and adjiiKt said claims. Iatd, April 2, A. D. 1K78. I68Iw4 OEOUíJi; COBÜ, HEMIV K1L1SKY, CommtssionerH. YOUTHS' SUITS. JOE T. JACOBS. PAÏtM FOR SALE." RARE CHANCE. The undersiirned hu for sttle h furia o -:i04 ucruH well miproved, tind with 5U aerea of the bettt orchardin in tlie county. Located within hult a mile of a railroad depot, with another depot soon to be located oear. The tarín can be eanily divided into one of 18C acres and another of 118 Mfc. ench havinv buildings and orclmrdH. A reaaouattle payment down attd balance on lontf titne. Anu Arbor, Kebruary 7, 1878. 1673 OHAS. H. niCHMONUTHE DIGEE & CON ARD CO'S BKAUrilUL AN1) EVBK-B.I)OM1SI ROSES. .I.liv.r MltlIM. l'U'I' HOM. uitable for lluuirhls, kfely by nwul, at all poMtoffflceH 'iré npleudld varictiea, your cholee, all lubelod, for SI i l'for'; lfor 3: 8fri: 3óforó; Tó for 1O; IUO for 13. Sond for our i; (iliDE TO IIOM. I I l i !t I . and cliiKie froiu over ."() tii.n( aorta. Our Great in gfrowinjf and diatributinir Kobos. '': KIM.I.i: a t'OHAHD CU., Iliiwtiroivrrs Wv+t rov, Chealer l'o , Pa. lU77-eow VTÖTÏGE! I huroby forbid all peraons froin buylug any Notos or obligations auinst me, as thert' U DO Couelderation for the saine. Dated, February 15, 1878. 1G7ÖW6 OHBJBTIAN STIKN. 110 ROSES M4ILEI3 FKEE FOK $11 jplendid aeortment ( Plantit nctit wu; b I dxpresü or ninil, miv diatance. Sutiüactio I fuaranteed. tíená three uent itanip for natal foue. Addresa, R. tí. II A M OH I) x SON. ' ■miiniliuH -N nr. ■! y. Oolumbus Ohio. APl'LKS, PEAKH, PEACaiíS, CUKHKIIlS, UUINCKS, aud othor Fruit Treea, Evergreens Jeciduous TriTN, Shitibs, Rosea, Climber, ShihU íuita, te. A tlne stock at lov raten. Seud three ] cent Miiimp for deccríptive catalogue. , R. G. HANFOKD & 8ON. ; 1(377 Columbus Nuraery. Columbas. i


Old News
Michigan Argus