The Ladies' Library Association
The 12th annual meeting of the Ladies Library Association was held on Monday afternoon ín the parlors ot the Presbyterian Church. The Treasurer's report bh o wed tho receipts during the yeai to have heen $46",12. $112.00 have been netted trom the various entertainments giveo. $0 remaiu in the treasury. The Libranan's report stated that 120 persons regttlarly take bouka f rom library. During the past 12 months 3,644 books have been drawn and 114 new books purhased. Mis. J. W. Maynard, Mrs. E. B. Pond, Mrjj. M. C. ïyler and Mrs. J. lï. Angell reeleeted ineiubeis ui the Board. Mrs. J. W. Langley was elected in phioe oí' Mis. Bach. Mis. C. K. Adams was eleuted Freaident, Mrs A. Ten Brook Virü-rrüaident, Mrs. M. L D'Ooge Secretary, Mis. Jaycox Treasurer. It was voted by the association that the iue]tilurship lee of threo üollars le leduced to one tlollar. In COH8equÜO of this reduclion, it is hoped that many who have not hithm to conneiitetl themselves with tlie association will now be induced to do so. It is desirable that the meiubersiiip be as largo as poeeible, for thus the i utO rest in the library will he more wideh spread, a greater number will beneiited by it, and in turn its owu resources will be iucreased. At a meeting ut the Board held since the auuual meeting, Mrs. Dr. C. B. i'urter was appointed librarían atid Miss Mary Louiho Fond asBÏstant hbiarian.
Old News
Michigan Argus
Mary Worcester D'Ooge
Mrs. M. L. D'Ooge