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BcVBBAL heavy commercial failures are rcported in tho East, includiup; Joseph Foulks' Soup, sbipping and commission merchauts, New York, liabilities $450,000 : Booth fc Edgar, migar refiuerH, New York, liabüiües $750,000 ; and M&ouing 1 Hcars, cotton broi.cri, Boston, liabilitios $200,000. Thekk bas bcon a terrible accident on tho Lehigh Valley railroad, noar Slatingtou, Ta. An uil train, going at the rate of twenty miles an boor, dashed into tho rcar of another freight trein, wliich had stopped to allow a hot box to coul off. The tngine of the oil train exploderl, setting fire to the oil, and tho entire train wan destroyed. Four cari of merchandiso were also burnod. Total loss, $200,000. An oil tank exploded soon af ter the collision, sc&ttering the burning oil in all directioiiö, kiliing four persons and woundiüg twenty-ono. At Chester, Pa., a few days sgo, Clvmous Lloyd, aged 40, killed bis wifn aud himself." Joaluusy was the cause A real tragedy was enacted befóte a horrified audienco gaihered in a Pawtuckot (K. I.) theater tho other üvening. O do of the feats to bo performed was the shooting of an apple from the head of a perfermer. Mlle. Volant', a trapezo performer, held the apple on lier head, and Mrs. .Tonnie Fowler was to shoot the apple. With uncommon reeklessnesK, the ehooter stood v.ith her back to the mark, taking aim by reflection in a mirror. The riüo was dischargod, and 1111e. Volante feil dead on tho stage, shot througb the forehead. A blood-cüedling disaster occurrcd at liath, Steuben county, N. Y. , on the morning of tho 7th inst. Tho insano department of the connty-houso waa fired ly L. C. Ford, an inmatc from Horncjlsville. Ne:vrly teventy patients wero in tho building, and lifteen - five males and ten fouialcs- perished ia tho llames. Somo escaped, and forty or more were rescucd. One was fatally injnrel. Ford. who fired tbe building, was subject to fits of aberration, tut had never before done anything violent or dangcrous. He wa tiubted. and hatl for some time been giveu almost complete liberty, while many of the others were kept closely coutiued under lock and key and iron-gratd windows. Ford had a lamp ia lus room. and ït U supposed while temporarily inmiiR lie set fire to tho bedding In bis room A fifty iiorKi-power boiler in the engine-room of tliu Boston stamping ïnanufactory of Soavey & Cu., Cambridge, Mass., exploded the other day. Tbrce men wero killed, another fatally injurcd, and three oiheis raoreor le-s nour.ded. The Wellfleet (Mase.) Sa ving s Bauk, with deposits of 8422,163, and tho Sonth Boston Savings Bank, with deposits of 1,565,962, finding themselves uaable to meet the demanda of the depo.-ilors, have been placed under tho reBtrictions of tho new Saviugs-Bank Stay law. THE WKST. Detroit papers report the drowning of Henry Croucb, his wifo and two childrou in a pond noar Augusta, Mich., cansed by the capsizing of a boat. Holt fc Bugbf.e, himber dealers, Iiidi:mapolin, Ind., havo suspended. The failuro was caused by tho fraudnlent action of Joueph W. Bugboe, brother of tho junior partner, and hitherto an honoied and respocted citizon. To cover his own losses ho drew hoavily against tho firni, nsing as collatexs] tho notos" of parties in the West whoso iguatures re aömitted to Ie forgeriea. Bugbes coufesfea iasuing í 132.000 of these notes. Tho rovolationof his crime caused a great sensation in Indianapilirf... . Tho paying teller of the Amorican National Bank of Detroit i i a defaulter to tho amount of over $5,000 Tho reeiderce of J. J. Wincgardner, a farmer at Bunbvillo, Fairfield county, Ohio, wat entoretl by burglars a few nights Bince, and $8,00;) in cuirency stolen. Hox. Henhy Faiebaííks, Mayor of Terre Hauto, and a wealthy and honorod citizen, ia dead. THE SOUTH. The Chosaneake and Ohio rail road was recently sold at auotion, at Kichmond, Va., for $2,750,000. The Bank of .Tacksonville, Fia., was latuïy robbed of 67,500 in broad daylight. A telegram from Dallan, Toxas, says " the through expresa train on the Tcxas Pacific road was stopped and robbcd at Eagle Ford station. The expresa messenger and mail agent Burrendcred without resistance. The pasHengcirf were not molested. The amouot stolen ík not known. The robbery is snpposod to havo been oommitted by the Farao party t'.iat rooontly robhed a train at Huichina atd Allon station, on tho Central Toxas rcad." 8uxiAY, April 7, was a great day for the porta of San Antonio, Texas. Thoueand of peoplu turno 1 out to witness a fight bctween a honess and an immense TcxaH buil. The lionesa had been starved to incicase her fercoity. It nt overdone, and left her weak and fmtirely at the mere; f the bul1, which, in a'oout ten rai'mtes, had well-nigh gorod her to deatb. The Sandy, a small steamer running from Catlettsburg, Ky., np tlio Sandy rivir, exploded her boilers at tho mouth of the Sandy, aud Dunk in three minute in nine feet of water. Four perrons were inatantly killed, and a number badly injured Accounts from the Texas border show that roceutly Ihere have been but few, if any, incursión from tbc Mexican eide. GKNKRAt. Gkain in fight in tho States and Canada: Wheat, 7,503,479 bnshelfl ; corn, 5,728,462 buslielH ; oats, 2,539,250 busheU ; barley, 2,583,133 buHhels. The rush of people to Europe has faiily bognn, and nearly every steaim-r Bailing from New York is crowded to its full capacity. A Tobon'to dispatch 8ayn the Manitoba secfiona of tlio Canada TaciEc railway are being rapidly constructed. Sevural thouaand workmen are engaged at $2 a day. WASHINGTON. The April public-debt utatement is as follows : 8tx per cent. bond } 738,020,200 Five percent. uondB 7O3,2fie,G50 Pour and a iialf por cent. bondB 200,000,000 Four per cent, bondB 79,860,000 Total coin bouds $1,721,786,850 Lwful inoney deht $ 14,000,000 Matured debt $ H,0f0,780 Legal tendera 347,911054 Certifícate of deposit 25,215 000 Froctional curreney '. ]6,%0115 Colu certificaten 57,88 i, 4U0 Total without ínterOKt $ 447,350 570 Total debí Í2,191,7B7,2K) Tctal interest 22,290,773 Caen Ín treamiry : Ooln j i:tíi.:7.f,08 Ciirrency 751851 Ourrency held lor rcdcniption oí fraotlonal oarrencj 10,000,000 Special 'lepoüits beid for redemption oí certificatcs of deposit 25,215,000 Total in tressury $ 174,324,459 Debt lesa caeh 1n treasury íy,o;t'.í,7i2:(,.IiJ4 Decreoseof debt dunnp Marcb 2,313 614 Decroase slnee June 30 1877 20,431 708 BondB ÍHSued to Pacific xíailroau CompanicB, interest iMvable in lawïnl money: Principal outstandülg 64,023.512 IntreBlaccrnrdandnot yet paid 969:152 Interest paid bjr Unitod States 37,89C 334 Interest repaid by transporíatlon of mails, etc 9,159,143 Balanro of kittreet paia by tho Unite.d 8utc 2Ji,737,190 Bepresentelive Wood ia oonfldent tliat hi8 Tariff bilí will go through the House without material change. A Wasiiingtox telegram eays thero .re indications that Iho bill te repeal the Itcsumptior. act vUl be fayorahly reported by the Sonate Financo Committce at au early day. The Hou.-e Election Ctommittoe liavc agreed, by a nnaDimous vote, to ditnuBs the 8 mth Carolioa contesteO-alection oase of O'Con. nor (Dein), against Cain (Bep), the fsitting member. POUTICAL The election ia Rhode I-iland hos rcsulted in the ehoice of Van Zandt, ltopublicau, for Governor by about 8,000 majority. Tho Grecnback candidato received 583 roten. A private meeting of tho Republican Nat'onol Gommittee and old CongreBaional Conimittoo waa held et Washington one evening la wck. John A. Logan presided. Thero woro present Z. Chondler, E. Hale, W. E. Chandler, Charles Fostor, and olhirs. The object of the mectinp was to roiiKiillinformally about the organizaron of tlic parfj for the f&ll cmnpaign. It wfls decided tó ask the Kepublioan8 in Congrega to roorganizo the Oongreaslonal Coromittee, and t inake arranewnenre for au carneiit flght to currv tho next Congress. A Wasiunoton dispatch saye, " it is intimateJ that tb Sentfe wil] Instet that all nominahereafter sent to tbut body shall contain the Stilte from wbiob tho poreons are appointeJ, aad fuller reasDiiu for theappointment." 'J uk. New ïork Tribune' t Wnuhington corroepondent iDterviewed sevoral Kenatora on Biair'.i Marylaüd regolntiona to unneat Hayee. Davisand Hcrgan both agreed that theSnpreme Conrt o( Uu i'niied HtattB, if tlic oase WM bropght to U M(.;ntioi], wmld hold that Congroas had aheady exerciaod its reserve power nndor tho constitution to settle theProsidental difficolty by tho oroation of tho Electoral Comniissión. N iihor of them is in fay r of reopeniug llao doctoral controvoray. FOREIGN NEWS. A DübuH dinpatch roports the aaaassination of the Earl of Leitrim. His Lordship, together vith his clerk and rtriver, was ehot dead while driving noar hia calato in Coimty Derry, Iroland. The Riiine wa committüd by bohío of bis tenant, eighty-nino of whom wcro nndet notice to quit.. ..A Constantinople áispatch announcos thattho líasaiaue, fearing the Turks wi'.l endeavor to maintalo nentrality, havo made the foHowiug domaiul, wbioh may be regarded as nn ultimatum: Tho abandonnient to the itusRianaof the fortificatiouB on both sideH of the Upper Boaphorus, and Gallipoli and Boniair, on tho Dardanelles. The Tmke are alao to evacúate Makrikcvi and Maslak, and place somo barracks and hospitals at the dUposal of tho Busslans. It is also stated that tho Kuai-iHiis havo begun a fresh movement toward Gallipoh Frauce ban uotiftcd Bnesia that ene will not particípate in a combination agalnst Englaud. Advices from Havana report that 2,000 Cuban insurgents Burrondercd in the jurisdiction of Manzanillo dnring March. Of theae 1,250 wera mon. Tho arms of all kinds given up ainouutod to 2,030 uiocoB. RoraiAMA is bitterly opposed to the cession of Bessarabia to Bussia, as wcll as several other provisión of the treaty of San Stefano, and a rupture betwoen the Rusiaii8 and Kouiuivnians is esceedingly probable. A Londok dinpatoh says the trustees of tho Champion pedestrian belt have decided that O'Learv in entitled to take it to America, and anybody challenging hiir nmt po to America, unless O'Leary agrees to compete in England. It is announced from 8t. Petersburg that Gen. TchernayefT ba:: been appointed to the command of a npocial corps of oclaircurs destined to penotrate rapidly toto tlio heart of Central Asia, in the countries wherc the Bussian armicshavo alrcady been on several expeditions. Bihmabck's orgauB teil Russia that, in negotiating tho treaty of San Stofano, she did not flufïiciently consider the interests of other powers, and that she can only purchase tho complete f ulfillmont of the treaty by tiiccess in aiiother war. The tono of these 'articles is úioderate. bnt numistakably hostilo to tho uaintenance of linssia's present position. f Ê It is annonnced from OonBtantinople that tho curreut of foeling in tbo Tnrkish Goverm ment is now running wholly against Kussia A correspondent at I'esth bas had au interview with 51. Tuzit Premier of the Hungarian Ministry, who ïaid Au-itria-Hnngary ■woiild go to war if neceseary to prevent tho establishment of a Sclav state on her southern frontier. Iw the British House of Lords, on the 81h inst. , Lord Beaconsf.eld moved an addreas of thauks to the Queen for her Jlajesty's message calling out the reserves, and followed with a speech which was repeatedly choered. Sir Stafford Northcote moved tho address in the House of Commonp, and made a speech. He was followed by Gladstone, who nrged the accoptauce of Germany's proposal for a preliminary conference.


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