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Tüespay, April 2. - Senate. - The Sonato Bpent the day in discuseing Uie Paciflc Raüroad Fundíng bilí, and Mr. liurnsidc'a bilí to lemove all restrictions in regard to tho enliatment of colored meu in tbe ariny and navy, without reaching a vote on either. House. - The proceedingB In the House wcro of an unimportant ehuracter. Mr. Üarrison, of Illinois, explained the report of tne luftjoríty of the Civil Service Committee.wbich recomiiiendfl the adnption of the reoolution declaríng the office of Doorkeeper vacant. On account of frequent ititerruptiont, and from the excitement of menner in which he niet thcRe iiiterriiptions (chicfly from LuttreJl, FrankHn, Clark of Mitit-onri, Crittenden, Eden and Ellflworth), the delivery of lus speech was aitended with great nproar, confusión and nierriment, bwt Harrison himself was very resolute and deterinined ia urging on his own side of th House the propriety of expeliing tbc Doorkceper. Wednekday, April 3. - Sknatk.- Tlie Senate devotcd acothor day to the Pacific Iïailroad Kioting XTucd bill. Specchea were delivered by BCessTB Bootb and Dawep, af ter vrhioh there was a loiiRrunniug dtbato The Naval Appropriation bill w;is reportcd to tbe Senate and placed ou the calendar. Housi:. - Mr. Bnck, fiom tho Committco on IUiIcp, roportcd liack the reaolution admittiog one repreBentative of racbpubiic Journal which employa a permanent corrcHponiimt for repoitiiif? the prooeediñgs of Congrese to the halls and pat?sageways around the Houkc. Adoptrd Mr. Reagan, from the ComniilTCe on Aiipropriatione, reported tho Bivor and HatDor Approprtation bill ïhe case of Doorkeeper Polk vaa tho subject of anothcr loug fliBcnption in ihc Houne, TnunsDAY, April 4. - Senate. - The Senate dulged in an animated debate over the Pacilïc Railmad Fuuding bilí, Mepfirs. Thnrman, MattUews, jïiaiiip. Ilill and CoaUmg beinjí the chief participanta. Tho contovt flnally narro wed down to btesérs. Thurman and Jiüi, ueither of whom Boemed disponed to Iet tho other have the las-t word, au tl, oven af ter the adjournrnent, the cttsput&nui coritirined thoir argumente as they lof t the Capítol. ... A reeoluíion was adopted airthoríátag the appoiiïtment of a Beloct committee of neven to consider the subject of taking the teiith ecu sus The Senate authorized the prtuting of 25,000 copien of the report of the Cwaimissioner of Agricultura. House. - Mr. Butler introducid a bilí to authorize the reiBBUe of fracllonnl currcncy of tho dcnomÏDatione of 25 and CO cóiits. . ..The House finally dispose d of tho oase of Doorkoeper Polk by adopting the report of Mr. Ilarrison, Chairman of t'e Civil Service Commitlee, declaring th# office of Doorkeeper vacant. Fiuday, April 5. - Senate. - The Senate pasad! tho Naval A pp ion billt diacusred the Pacific TtñiM# iH Funding bill, and adjounied until MoTiday. TIousk, - Mcfisre. Butler aud Cox furnished conflidcrablo amusement by a wrang] o over the electioa of Doorkeeper, iu whirh they indu'.ged iu a good deal of wit at tho expense of each other. Tt wan brought about by Mr. Butler ttomtnating Oen. James Shields for tbc vacant pceition, and insisting in gomg inio au election bef ore a eaoens had been held by cither party. The Houfle decided to po?tpoue the election to Monday. Af ter flpeudíog somo time on the privato cale ndar, tho H,oiifife acïjonrncd till Moud?.y. Monday, April 8. - Senate. - Mr. Ferry ii troduced a bi 1 to nrueud the Rcvlsed Statutes iu relation to temporarily nlliug vacanclos in the Eiecutive D.partment Mr. Matthews gave notice of ïiis proposed pubstitnte íor a biUtoropoal tho lïankrnpt act Mr. Doraey introduced a bilí relative to tbc rank of (;ertain retlred military oflïcerfl Tho blll providing for a public building at Topeka, Kan., was takrn itp, amended so as to limit the coet to $200r00O, and paeoed Tfeew wör a hrir-f discnPHion on the subject of repealing the lw whch aiithorfzee four regïuacütsof cr-iorod trnopfl Thé Pnciöc Railroad Funding bill W88 dipcunwed without action. Housk. - The Doorkeeper coniroversy was Bcttled aftr r a long and bittor partisan debate, in whicb Beu Bntl r and Sam Cox were the central figures, by the electlon of Field, the Democratie caucus nominoe. The vote was au followe : Chüilf h V. FioM, 123, all Demócrata ; James Hhtclds. 101, all Republicana oxcept one (Springer); John H. Trcnt, 8, all llcpublicanR Ün motion of Mr. Olarke, of Miefioarl the ruien were sttHjeuded and a bilí was papeod authorizirg tho rresident to appoiiit Jameb Shielda a Brigadier General of the United ötatca ariuy on the retircd list, hiu pay to conumence f rom tlie time of the pafpagc of the bill. Tb ero were six negative -Mosera. Iïandulph, Whito of Vconeylvania, O'Neill, Jonea, Oox of Ohio and Atklin. .. Mr, Blount, from tho Committee on Appropriationn, reported the Pontofüce Approprialion bilí. Rcfcrrod to the committee of tho whole. It appropriates $33,000,373.


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