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NEW ADVERT1SEMENTS Xbstracts of 'rrn.Ks. x. AU pftrtieM who urt (lflsiroun of ftscertaiuin tbe condition of the title fco theit lande, ór nartit-s wliu wih lo loan Tponcy on ren] ntute will do well to cali al the Hegintei-'K otifec nrt coniult a Comparecí Set of Abstract Books. 8aid books aro no fr advauoed Ui At Ihe KegJMcr n lurniHh on short nutioe h Perfect Statement ae to the Title of fiuy pJiroel Öf l;iu(l in Wunhteimw County n sliown ly thw oriyiiiKl mooids. C. H. KANLY, liPRistt-v. VTOTICE! The animal meeting of ih1 StodrtroJdera Toledo aud Aim ArtMir RaltToad Compnoy fur üi clection of Directora of 1 lio CQmpáay, will l ■ hjpM at th oflicp of the Compftny, over the 8a vinos Bank, in the city of Arm A,roor, Uichlgan. at 10 oYIihU a. ui., om Wednegday, the 22(1 dtty.of May, A. D. 1878, Tin polla will !■ fceptopen two boura. The etock transfer boolca 11 be closed on' the eleventh of May precedlng. Alsn mx the traoaaotion of Bttoh other buslnesf! m inay propjorlg oomc beforc tbat meeting. Dfitvti, April 10, S7. MMEH M. AS11LKV, Frósklent. Alrxanokií w. Hamii.h.n. Secretary. L683 1 Estáte of Nathan Huzzard. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Cntinty of Wushteimw. se. At i scssum ui the Probate Court lor the Oountyof WriKhtenaw, holden at the PiobateOfflco iu the City ot'Ann Arbor. on Sltónixfoy, the thirteeuth day of April, in the year one thousand vight hundved and eeyenty-eignt. Present, Williaml). Uarriinan, Jndffem Probate. In the matter o( theentatHof {tatúan liwzzard, deoeaaed On re ud ing and flling the petition, duly ventiel, of Helen V. Huzzaid, pwying thnt r. L. Kichols or Hoiiif othor suitable peruon mny !■■■ appointeil ad mi mu tra tor of the estáte OÍ snid deceaaev. Theroupon it is ordered, that Monday the thirteenth day of May next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be naeined for the hearing of aaid pit tition, nnd that the heirs at luw ot said rtttccased, and all othur pertionn intereated in Huid entfite, ure required to appoar at iv seswion of said courL then to be holden ut the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, and how fiansf, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted : And it irt further orderud that nu petitioner give notioe to the persons intereated in natd estáte, oí the pendenny of Bid petition and the hearing thereof, by cttuninfr copy of thls order tobe pubÜHhed in the Michigan Aryus-, a newspapor prioted and ciroulatod in aaid county, tour successive weeks previou) to said day of luiurin. WILLIAM V. HAJUUMAN, (A true copy.] Judge of Probate. Waf. O. Doty, Probate lleirirter. 168Std _A. yÖ COUGH, COLD, JPWTrI Or Sore Tliroal GtÊWCxËr IM.MEIIAT1-: Al rKNTION A continúanos for any Imsrlli olf tllll#, niUM'H 11 rillltlOU Of IllC 1,11 II US, or soitii' vlironic Tliroat af feetiou. NTeglect toftpntinies resulta in soma incurable ljimg dioeaBe.' Hrowu's II ronc li i ui Xrocltest have provfld their efüctacy, by a test of many yenrti, und wtll Almost invantibiy rívo ímiuediate relief. Obtain only Brownü 'Bronrhial '1 'rocheiif and do not tnke any oi' the worthlend ïinitationa that may be onerea. 1669m4 MENS' SUITS. JOE T. JACOBS, VTÓTIÓÊ : All persons art forbid trimt inf; any one on niy accouul April 4, 187S. 1681w3 KOltKHT L RKYN()I,IS, SCHOOL STJITS. JOE T. JACOBS. APPLE TKEKS.- A ñu ttock of Bnt-ClMI trees - Ben Davis, IïuMwin, Kiuj, Stark, Cirinies (ioldpn, Dominiy, Northern Wpy, fïolden Iluhhft, UambOt Ohio Nonpuriül, ColvL'it, and other approved surta, at low rates. öend Ihree ooni stamp for descriptive catalogue. R. G. HANFOKD & SON, 1077 Columbua Nuraery, ColumbiiB, Obio. BOTS' SUITS. JOE T. JACOBS. IJ OUSE AND LOT FOE SALE. Locuted in a Josi rabie part uf the city, and in good repair. Alao a house to rent ou favorable terins. (nquire at the Ar.iirp office, er 22 THOMtíON" STREET. Ann Arbor, March H, 1878. 167itt Two TÈai lüs FOK SALE. The property belonglng to the WELLES ESTATB, situated od DIVISIÓN STREKT, at the head ol ANN STKEET, and the property lutely owneil and now oceupied by A. WIDF.NJIANX, 'will bc sold VEBÏ LOW I'RICE, ANDON LONi TIME IK DESIRED. Apply to S. II. DOUGLuVS. A FÜLL LINF OF HATS and CAPS, JOE T. JACOBS. )ií éUiii First -cUsm, üne-yt'ar-old Dwati áVUjVUU Pean, budded on bost Frenen stocks. Duches' d'Aogouleme, L. B. d'Jersey, Howel!, Buffuin, Vicar of Winkfleld, Doyenne BouHSock, Beurre d'Anjou, Burtlett.Osband's Mim mer, Lawrence, Bolodxood, Brandywine, Clapp's Favorite, and other approved sorts. I'rice, $10 per hundred. Boxee andpackiog free. R. G. UANFORD & SOX. 1677 Nuraery, Columbus, Ohio. T)EIGF OF LIME EEDÜCEI). Ohio l:mi' will hcreafter be old at wholeaale at my Urne room, in this city, at 35 cents, and Mouroe lime at 30 cents per bushel. Aluo for sile a large stock of Grand llapids Piaster, . At prices to uit the times. Ann Arbor, Februaiy 20, 1878. J. VOLLAND. ■pAKM FOE SALE. " RARE CH A1STOK. The uiidersined hti.v íur salu a farm o .301 acres woll iinproved, and witli 50 aerea of the beat orcharding in tlm county. Lociitcd withiu huif a uiile of a railroad depot, with another depot aoon to be looated near. Thé tarra caa be eattily dirided into one of 186 acres and another of 118 acres, each having buildings and orchardn. A rLasonu)le payment down and balance on long time. Ann Arbor, Fobruary 7, 1878. 1673 0HA8. H. RICHMOND. THE DIGEE & CONARD CO'S IlKAUÏU XX AM) KvKR-Bl.ooMlM. ROSES. ililivir STRONK I'OT KOMIS, ■uitable for immediiit Howcriiin, tiffely by iiliiiI, ut all postotf li-s. Fiv npli-iitlitl varieties, junr i li.m ■. all lubcled, for Si: I2turï; lOfor S3: 2Ufor4; 35foró; 75for810: 11)0 for 13. Send for our NKW I. TO nOSh. I1! I.Tllli:, iiii.l cliooae froui over 5O0 finest sorts. our Grent Specialty i erun iiiy and dilributinr Kom. TUK IUV;i:i:. iwaiiii CO., Hose-Urowerti, Wen Urove, i 'ln-siiT Co , Pa. lf77-eow VrOTIOB! I hereby forlml :ill persona Tiutii buyiug auy Notts or obligations ajaint me, as thore Umi OOOsldeTfttíou for tbe saine. Datelf February 15, 1878. 1675w6 CHRISTIAN STIKN. 10 ROSES M41LED FREE FOR $1 Splendld iorimciit of ríanla twiit, Bafely by expresa or muil, mv distance. Bftttafactton uaranteed. Heud thrue cent stamp for ruta logue. Address, R.G. HAJÍFORD & SON, (olumbus Nursery, Columbue, Ohio. API'LKS, TEAR8, PEACHE8, CHERKIfc-S, CAUINCES, and otber Fruit Trees, Kvergreens, Deciduous Trees, Shruba, Kobos, Cliiubers, Smull Fruits, etc. A ñne stock at low rates. Send throe nent stump for deocriptive catalogue. R. O. HANFORl) & RON. 1677 Columbus Nursery, Columbuw, Ohio. FINE JOB PRItfTIG oue at the ,AROUs OFFICE.


Old News
Michigan Argus