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A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAlt KARNK1) ! NEW GOODS! An.i piiceu LOWKIÍ THAN KVER. II li:ive purchased in "ew York, for csli, nd I m now iLiily rcceivintf one of the lurgeHt and most select stocks of Groocries iu "Wiishtcimw [ I County, consisting: of a iull und well selecte! LINE OF TEAS, All of' the nfw erop - inclii-ün Uuupowders, Imperial, Young 11 - sous, II ) sulls, J i 1M111N, OolOMST, lorniosjis, 4 'miruiis, Souclioii-s. itnd Twaukayn, Togctlier wilh a full line ofOOFFEKS, coniittnL' of the tollowing brnada: MOÖHA, of.L) GÖV'T JAVA.MAUACA1HO, LAOUAVKK.BANTDS nud ltl(), both rahüted üd ground ; full aud well selected tock of SUCARS, SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, Togetker witb eveyythin? in the line tf Pure apicen.C'anned fruits, and Vegetable. We biive a full aud complet" line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CA1S, GLOVES A n il HoBÍery. AIsu, u clioice AtiBOrtmcnt of Ludie' aud Gentlemen' Undorwear Cali and examine Qooda tml l'iicus and we wiü iourcmitiafactiuD. EDWARD DUFFY. 11 Maynard'g cor. Main and Ann etreeta Aun Arbor, Mich. i"Hirliest inh price iwid for all farm produce, "lia FURNITURE! J. KECK & CO., iAXUFACTUKEHS OF Fï RMT URE OF ALL ÜESCR1PTIONS, Are nw OlftTliife' Great ln(1iirciiit'iils li ruroiiasors. BUYER.S WILL SAVE MONEY BY BUYING THE1R FURNITURE IMrci't ui' iMe Maniil'acMirors. Manufactory, corner of rill iam and West Fourtli Streets. Salesrooms, 52 Soutli Main ! and 4 West Liberty Streets, Ann Arhor, Mich. 16C5


Old News
Michigan Argus