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- luat wasaquiet little bit of sareasm 111 the letter of Hon. Wm. L. Webber to Eegents Bynd and Duffield, who had sent B. F. Grangcr to Saginaw with a communication asking him (Webber) to step down and out of the laboratory case on the score of " economy," and turn the papers over to Granger : "The auggested chungo being, as you say, in the iutereat of econoniy, I regret that you deem the engency suoh as to make it neceaBary for you to employ Mr. Granger to come to East Sagiuaw, and tioding me from home, to follow me to Lansing thut he raight persoually deliver the letter inte iny hands at a coat of at laast two doys of his services in additio to his neceasary traveliug expenses, wheii my past experience wou!d leod me to believu that three cents for postage would hava HCcompliilied the same result." - The llegouts set tled tlie vexed quesüon of couiiüel by aoueptin-i tha resiguation ot Hon. William L. Webber, by refusiug to rocognizo Hon. li. F. Granger ds having been legitimately appomteil iu the case, and by appointiug Judga ltamsdell, of Traverse City, as sole counsel. The bill of Mr. Webber tor his services to date was allowed at Í898. No allowance was made to Mr. Urauger. Iu tliis uonuection it is well to quote from the RyndDuftield letter to Mr. Wobber referred to in auother paragraph : " We wish to state iu the most frank and candid niauner our couiideuce iu your ability and integrity, to expreso our thanks tor your labora thus far, and to indulge the hope that your business interusts will perui it y ou to render us such aid in the future as the iuterests of the Uuiversity may demand. Of this we shall advise vou siiould the geucy arise." - It has boen understoud that Regent llynd has congressioual aspiratious, but this little threat indicates that he proposes to move on Lansing. The Post and Tribune repotts him sayiug about the laboratory case, "If the matter went before the Legislatura its treatment would uot be lelt to a few lawyers. He should probably take a hand iu it then himselt." Iu which case we have a hope {ïj that he may forget partisuiiship and remember that he is the sworn guardián of the University with no Itegents or eneiuies to "punish." - Saloon keepers, druggists, and all persons selling liquors ol auy kind, distiüed, brewed, or ieriuented, nutst file nexo bowls with the Gounty Treasuver ou or betore May 1. The bonds must be ttpproved by the Commou Council or Township Board before tliey are filed, and thero is a peualty- either rine or impriaomnentfor not tiling the bond hefore making any sales. A special session of the Council will be necessary to enable dealers to comply witli the law- as the regulur Couucil meeting will not be held uutil May ti. - A bril Haat idea: that of líogent Duffield reierriuj; the " cotuplicated relations" growing out of the laboratory defalcatiou te the Legislature "forsuoh advice to the licgeuta and such further action iu the premisea as they inay deern wise and necesBary." The Legislatnre holds the purse strings of the State, but that scarcely musa a court of appeals of it or constitutes it either the legal or fit adviser of the Regenta, - who are swoin to act ou their own judgment and not on that ot a paebred or partiean body. - "Beal thtows up the sponde " was not oxactly a truth-telling headiug to that Courier paragraph copied into the Free Prsss of Tuesday. ïhe cloaing eentonce, " We do not say good-bye, but God bless you ! " indícate a chuuge of vciiue rather than a disposition to ground anus: that is from the Begents to packed caucuses and a iUsinterested(?) Legislature. - At the Council tneuting uu Monday eveïinig last Mayor Sinith, mistakiug his duty, uummated three inembers ot the Board of Iieulth, but lus i'ellow mem ban thiukiug that they knew the iualiiteatious for that board better than ita late President (the Mayor) elected 011e ot them - E. B. Gidley, and shelved Drs. Kapp aud Wilkinson. - In a moment of mistaken zeal Aid. Busimer threw down the gauge of bnttle to his lied lübbon a.ssociates on Monday eveniug, whicli was piomptly picked up and John Schuuiaoher elected Treaaurer : the very thiug he thought to defeat. Ansou should be sure ot his votes before he volunteers to raiBe an issue. - The Committeeninn who brought us the " neutrality " resolutiona,- see another col. umu,- said that the medical students now here neither knew nor cared auything about either Eose or Douglas, and after readiug the reaolutions we ate fully sutisfied that he was riglit. - In the Supreme Court on Tuesday, ment below in Bordiue, plaintiff in error, vs. Simmons, defendant in error, was aftirmed ; and iu the case of Nichols, plaintiff in error, va. Sober, defendant in error, judgnient below was revsrsed. - The raembers of the Normal School graduating class have petitioned for the abolition of the usual commencement day oratorical exercises. They want the wind for that occasion furnished by "some eminent orator of the State."


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