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The adjourned meeting of the Coranion Council was held on Monday. All the members were present, and the following business was tranaacted : UNFINISHED BUSINESS. The following, submitted by Aid. Bower at last uieetiug and made the special order for this meeting, was taken from the table and uuauimously adopted : Whebeas, This city is iu debt to a considerable amount, and believing that economy should be practiced and that the affairs of the city should be economically administered ; therefore be it Hesolved, That the Marshal, chief of pólice of this city, be paid the sum of $600 a year, which aura shall bc for all services as marshal and chief of pohce and poor-maater, and that all fees received ahall be turned over to the city ; deputy marshals and policemen ahall bo paid the sum oï IÖ00 a year. The Mayor appoiutod the following standing comiuittees : Finance - Aldernien Wbodruff, Tremain, and II. II. General Funrl- Aldermeu Uott, McDonald, and Hutzel. Strcets- Aldernien Bower, Besimer, McDonald, Matthewson, Woodniff, and Gott. Sidewalks - Aldernien Sprague, Besimer, and Handy. Pólice- Aldermon De Forest, Hnndy, and BUI. Licenses- Mayor, Recorder, and Aldermeu Hutzel and Sprague. TETITIOJIS ANJ COMMUNICATIONS. Of H. C. Waldrou and 75 others, for the opening to the Hurou river of Hainlin street, in th Third ward, and Cedar street, in the Fifth ward, and to conuoct said streets by a bridge across said river. To Street Committee. Of C. B. Cook and 15 others, for building of stono bridge over Mineral Spring doek on Miller aveuue, west of Mann street. To Street Committee. Of E. Duffy and others, for plank sidewalk ou nortb sido of Anu street, between First and Main sheets. To Sidewalk Committeo. Of Fred. J. Sohleede aud 7 others, for plank sidewalk on west side of Second street, between Nortli and Anu streets. To Sidewalk Committee. Ot L. B. Kellogg aud 7 others, for building of sidewalk and crosswalk betweeu Southwest corner of Exchange Block, on Broadway, and Huron river bridge. To Aldermen of Fifth ward. Of Ueorge W. Cook, asking to be appointed Marshal aud Waai ot Pólice. Kiled. Froin Pire Department, submitting lit of officer receiitly eleoted, and asking that tlia same be conüruiud. Coiifirmed. KLECTION OF OFFICERS. CouDcil proceeded to the election of City Marshal, as follows : lat ballot. 2d. J. Gr. Johnson, 6 8 Dan. W. Amsdeii, ö 6 U. W. Cook, 2 Blauk, 1 Johnson declared elected. Proceeded to the election of City Attovney : lst ballot. 2d. J. Q. A. Sessions, 6 8 Frank Euierick, 6 6 D. Cramer, 1 Blank, 1 Sessiona declared elected. Proceeded to the elction of City Treasurer : Ut ballot. 2d. 3d. 4th. John Schumacher, 4 7 7 8 A. A. ïerry, 7 7 7 6 Blank, 3 Schumacher declared elected. The Board of Health, composed of three niembers, was then balloted for : Ut ballot. 2d. Dr. C. George, ó 3 Dr. J. Kapp, 2 3 Dr. G-. L. ötone, 6 8 Dr. Morton, 1 Dr. Stone was declared elected a meinbor of the Board. The vote tor the secoud ineinber of the Board stood : Dr. Thos. VVilkiuson, 5 ; Dr. W. W. ISaruuin, 8 ; blank, 1. Dr. Barnum declared eleïted, For third member the vote was : Ut ballot. 2d. E. B. Gidley, 7 8 Dr. C. Georg, 5 5 Dr. J. Kapj), 2 1 Mi. Gidley declared elected. Marshal Johnson presented the uames of D. W. Amsden, Wm. Forter, and Daniel Fletcher, and asked that the Couucil should select therefrom a (leputy marshal and policeman. A ballot being taken the vote stood : Amsden, 8 ; Porter, 6. Amsden declared elected. KBPOBTS OF COMMITTEES. Finance - Aid. Gott reported hat of bilis exatoined by the committee, recommendlug their allowauce at sums named. Report accepted, bilis allowed, aud warrauts ordered drawn on the different funds for the following ainounts: General fund, $350.57 ; General street, 16.26 ; Third ward, $8.57 ; Contingent, $261.73. MISCELLANEOUS. The bouds of Constables John G. Johnson, Jasper Imus, Thos. Clarken, and Eli S. Manly, and the saloon bond of John Eaisch, were presented for approval. Reterred to Uity Attorney for examination. By Aid. Bower, Resolution- statiiiji that the expense of lighting the Council Room and building with gas during the past year had been $168, and directing that hereafter ou all occasions, except at meetings of the Council, the same ahall be lighted with kerosene oil. Agreed to. By Aid. Sprague, that John W. Johuston and N. D. Gates be appointed Commissiouers of the City Cemetery. Agreed to. By Aid. Bower, that Finance Committoo be directed to settle with Treasurer Terry previous to next meeting, and that Treasurer-elect Schumacher be instructed to present his bond at the next meeting for approval. Agreed to. By Aid. Gott, the followiug, which were adopted : WnBBBAS, The arnoimt of orders alieady arawn agaiuet the Ueneral i und for the current year will leavo uo surplus over aud above the amount necessary to defray the ordinary and imperative drafts upon said fund. And, whereaa, it ie the desire of this Couucil to observe the strictest economy, aud to leave to our succossors their sevoral funda unimpaired ; therefore, Retolvcd, That the General Fuud Committee be directed not to iucur any indebtedness in behalf of eaid fund, ejcept for unavoidable neoessity, withaflfirst submittiuc the same to the Council. By Aid. Hill, that W. A. Shaw be appointed special pohceman for the Opera House, hls services to be performed without expense to the city. Agreed to. By Aid. Bower, that the Rules of Order of last Council be adoptad tor the goverument of this Council. Ajjreed to. By Aid. Sprague, that the regular meetings of the Council be held on the first Monday evemng of each month, at 7 1-Í! o'cloclc, until turtlier ordereii. Agreed to. Adjoiirned.


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