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TIÑ8EY & SËABÓLT's" BAKEKY, GROCERY -ANDFL.OUII &. FifiEl STORE. Wa keep constantly on Duna, BEEAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC. FOR WHOLE8ALB and BMTAIL TKADE. We shail also keep a aupply oí DELHI FLOUR, J. M. SWIFT & CO'S BEST WHITE WHEAI FLOUR, RYE FLOUtt, BÜCKWWHEAT ÏLOUU, COEN MEAL, FEED, &c, &a. At wholesale ana retail. A general stock oí GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS constantly on huud, whioh will be sold on us reaont'ble terms na at any other house in this cií y. Cash paid i'or Butter, Egga, and Country Proiuct generally. HüT" Goods deliverc-i 0 any part of tlie city with out extra charge. itlNSHY A: SEABOLT, Ann Arbor, Jan. 1. 1876. 15C4 YOUTHS' SÜITS. JOE T. JACOBS. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wasbtenaw, sa. I u the matter of tho estáte of Frederick Miller, deceased. Notice ia hereby given, that in pursuance of au order granted to the undersigned, exocutor of the eafate of said Frederick Miller, by the Hon. Judgc of Probate for the county of Washteuaw, on the niiithday of March, A. D. 1878, there will be sold at public veudue, to the highest bidder, at the uorth door of tho Court House, in the cityof Ann Arbor, in the county of Washteuaw in said State, on Tuesday, the thirtieth day of April, A. D. 1878, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all eneumbrauees by inortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the death otsaid deceaned, tho following deseribed real estáte towit: All those certain tracts or jareéis of land situato in the city of Ypailanti, bouuded and deacribed as follows, viz : Beginningoii Ihe north line of Freuch claim G91, üvo chains aml üve liuks east of the east bounds of Huron struot, running thence north twenty-eight degrees went to the south lino of land formerly belonging to James M. and Newton Kdmunds, thenco westorly along said last mentioned line prolonged to au alley on the oast side of a lot owned by William Jarvis, theuoe south on said allny to a road ou the north line of French claim 6U1, and loading across the Huron lüver near and above the Eagle aud ICtna Mills site, thence ensterly along said road to tho place of beginning, exra'iiüug and reserviug an alley twenty feet wide on the east side of the above deseribed land. Also the following deseribed pioce or parcol of laud, eommenciug at the south bounds of the public highway at the northeast corner of Case and Ferry's additiou to the village (now city) of Ypsilanti, theuce north TG10 east along the south bounds of said highway one chain and twenty-five links, thence south sisteeu degrees one chain and seventy-three links, thence south seventy-aix and one-half (70U) degrees west one chaiu and twentyfive links to the east bounda of Case and Perry's addition, thence north sixteen degrees west one chain and se,reuty-three liuks to place of beginning, contaiuing thirty-sli rods rtf huid be the alne more or less. Dated, March 9, 1S7S. lU78td GEOKGE MILLER, ICxecutor. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Oounty of Washtenaw, s. In the matter of the estáte of Fidelus SekLnger, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of an order grnnted to the undersigned adminiatratoruf the stilte of said deceased, by the Hou. Judgeof Probate lor the County oí Wa'shtenaw, on the eighth day of April, A. D. 1S78, there will be sold at public vendue, to the highest biddnr, at the late residence of said deceased, on the premises to be sold, in the township ot t'reedom, in (hu County of Washtenaw, in said State, on Tcbsdat, THE ÏWENTY-EK4HTH DAÏ OF Maï, A. D. 1878, at one o'clock iu the afternoon of that day (subject to all encumbrancos by mortgafre or otherwise existing at the time of the death of said deceased), bhe followiug deseribed real estáte, towit: The ioutbeast quarter of the southeast quarter of aeelion number twenty-two (22), in town three (3) louth range four (4) oast, (Freedom) Washtenaw 3ounty, Michigan, except one acre off from the Northeast corner of aaid pareel above describwd. Dated, April 8, 1878. 1682 Mff'IIAEL FOSTEK, Administiator.


Old News
Michigan Argus