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While blasting out tlio roadway of tho Southern Pncifio railway vast stores f honey were found in the fisaiires and lielterod places of the rocks. Drawikos mado on the asrmmption :iat the light falls from tho left-hand op corner appcar solid ; hut if the light s mado to fnll from therííAd-haiid lower orner the objects will appcar liollow. Fbom a chemical standpoint tho roots f au acre of clover contain 185 pounds f nitrogen, 240 pounds of lime, 45 magnesia, 75 potíisb, 10 pounds of soda, 24 ulpiiur, and 70 poands of phosphorio cid. Tire Bonring of milk during thundertorms is very rnpidly produced. Malvern W. lies considera this to be dne to he conversión of tho oxygcn into ozono ; he oiione then forms acetic acid, and the aootio acid caneos tho precipitation of asein. The French OoeshI at Candia snys hat the use by Sir George Nares of the word palseocrystic in dtscribing the im)enetrable portion of the Arcticocean ia improper, and proposes, as a better designation, tho cpitlict pnlieocrystallino. It is loncer. too. Thb Japanese make n 1 ird-limo, wbiclv not only snares birds, but which catohes and hoids animáis as largo as monkeys. Rata are easily caught by placing a board aproad with this limo near their Holes. Tho same substance is used for medical purpoces, as a cure for wounds. An acre of soil one foot deep contains 4,000,000 pounds. An average acre of American soil, six inches deep, is estimated to contain 17,333 pounds potasb, 12,500 pounds lime, lfi.OOO pounds magnesia, 6,000 pounds soda, 2,730 ponnds snlphuric acid, 4,000 pounds pliosphoric acid, and 500 pounds chlorine. Tt is a remarkablo faot that miners who work in the hot, Bteaming regions of the deepest sbafts seldotn or never ! suffer from rheumatism. Sufferers trom tho disease might try as a cure this atmosphere, having themselves lo?ered into the depth of the mine, there to sit during one shift per day. But for the immense quantities of ice-water which the miners drink the men could not dure the great heat in whiek they are placed or the floods of perspiratiou pumped from their pores. Tlity swallow fallona on gallons of it without the least in jury. The idea that tools, like workmen, get ' tired " and require rest is not founded on a mere delusion, but is a faet which can be proven and scientifically cxplained. Barbera have, perhapa, often noticed this exhaustion in their razors. The. microscope reveáis that the tired razor, from long strappings, has the nltimate fibers of its surface all arranged n one direction. After a month's rest hese fibers are f ound to have rearranged hemselves heterogenously, crossing each other, presenting a saw-like edge, and each fiber aupporting its fellow. [t ia so with other toola constantly used and then allowed to rest a aeason. Thk Buddhist religión is the one most extensiveiy aceepted in the world, having, in round numbers, 340, 000, 000 adherents. Thero are not more Eoman olies in the world than people of all otter religieus classes. The total nutnber of Boinan Catholics is about 200,000,000, against about 80,000,000 of the Greek Ohurch, 100,000,000 Protestants, and 6,500,000 of othei Oriental churches than the Greek. Of the 1,400,000,000 people in the world, about 1,000,000,000 are not Christians, but, with the exception of the 6,000,000 Jews, are what are calkd heathens. It will bo observed from this that there is still a great field lef t for the spread of Christianity. Pbof. Rilet, says, in a scientific exohango, that the ' early dajs of June sliould herald vigorous and exterminating wariare upon thoso subtle pests, clothes moths; closets, ■wardrobes, etc, should be cmpt.ied and the clothing laid open and tlioroughly exposed to light and air, and well brüshed before being replaeed. Spirits of turpentino should be brushed ia cracks, wainscots and shelves, and camphor or tobáceo placed among garmente, furs, plumes, etc, when laid asido for the summer. To secure the cloth linings of earriages from motli8 sponge them on both sides with a solution of corrosive sublimat-o or mercury in alcohol, made jnststrongenough not to leave a whito mark on a black feather.


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