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A noveltt of tho Paris Exposition will be an cnormous balloon capable of conveying 70 persons. Maine bad 500 divorces last year - an inercase of 100 since 1874, and about one to cvery twelve marriages. Cabbages in the Island of Jersey, English channcl, grow on sterns to the height of ten feet or more. A recent travelcr in Normandy mentions having freqnently seen aged women at work in the grain fieldg. A CHiiD 2 yenrs olcl, at Leeds, iu England, was suffbcated to death, the other day, by a cat lymg on its face when asleep. Aocobdino to Turkisli official returns there are at present 1,730,000 Mussulmans in Bulgaria, and 1,860,000 Bulgarians. A rETMFiED Virginia bacon ham has been discovered in Prince Edward, Va., and forwarded to the State University museum, A good substitute f or gutta percha has been discovered. It is called ralata, and is the hardened resin of a tree growing on the banks of the Amazon. The legend runs that a St. Louis directory man never ventures to pass tbrough Chicago. He alwayo gete out of the cars and walks around it. Thb oldest stove in the United States, if not in the world, is that used in the hall of the Capitol of Virginia, in Richmond. It was made in England and sent to Virginia in the year 1777. The year before last a young American landed at Patras, Greece, and, without a guide, and with no knowledge of the language, walked through the breadth of the Peloponnesus to Atüens. Over 82,000 a year is the value of the Btids of a Bonanza miner's waeh. The dirt washed f rom their shirts has been found to assay $259.10 to the ton. What a field for Nevada washerwomen I Germán newspapers daily mention the fact that Germany is, if possible, more sadly plagued with tramps than this country is. In rural districts women are in hourly anxiety because of these pests, and keep their doors carefuliy locked whenever their husbands are away from home. Theï hnve discovered a bee in the wilds of Northern Michigan which is said to be of more value as a producer of honey than the Italian bee; but, unfortunately, it has a sting which is more painful than that of the wasp. They cali itthe "sweet stinger of Michigan." -Breakfast Table. Bantinq, the great manwhose book on overcoiaing a tendency to obesity had so great a run some years ago, is dead, but England rejoices in the possession of one William Campbell, a man of 23, who stands six feet fonr inches, and weighs 728 pounds. He is tho very picture of health, too, and is growing. The Rus3ian navy lias ready for use a newly-inventod Swedish gun, claimed to bc much superior to the Gatling gun. It moves to and fro, froni side to side, in a section of a circle, sweeping the area it covers very thoroughly. It can be carried into the maintop of a vessel anc worked to great advantage on an enemy's decks. Abotjt the tenth jewel robbery has just been committed in England. The thievos entered the dressing-room o Mrs. Valentino Cunningham, Walton Heath, Surrey, while she was at dinner, and took jewels of the valuc of $20,000, escaping undetected. In a precisely similar fashion have all the other robborics been coinmitted. The Murphy temperance movement in Massachusetts will, if the plan does not fail, be made permanent in the hands of a State committee, with a paid Secretary. Speakers for revivalism are to be provided by this central organization, which is not to dabble in politics. The Murphy pledge has 80,000 subscribers in Western Massachusetts. Edison's claim to the invention of the telephone is contested by a French telegrapher, Charles Bourseilles, who, in 1854, stumbled on the idea of transmitting sound by electricity, but was discouraged by the coldness of his reception by M. Da Moncel, the member of tbc Acadcmy of Sciences to whom he confided his views and suggestions, and so dropped the matter. A correspondent of the Galveston News reeently talked with the old Indian chief, Santanta, in the Texas penitentiary. Santanta, the correspondent says, is treated very leniently. His occupation is chair-making, but ho is allowed to desist and fall asleep -whenever he chooses. He said that his age was 86 years, and yethe is a powerful-looking old fellov, with not a gray hair in his head. When asked whether he liked prison life as well as did the prairies and buffilcei, he said: " Ah - h - ah !" and shook his head. No public man of England ever mingled so much pursuit of everything in the form of indulgence with so much parliamentary aotivity as did Charles James Fox. From the dinuer he went to the debate, from the debate to the gaming table, and returned to his bed by daylight, freighted with ary applauso, plundered of his last disposable guinea, and fevered with sleeplessness and agitation, to go through the same round within tlie next twenty-four hours. Ho kept 110 table and no liouoe, but every houao and table of his party iu politics was at his disposal.


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Michigan Argus