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Ann Arbor Markets

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The lullowmg priOM wer? Uiüd vi-Mwtdav y dealere in thi city : Apples, jrOtiu, it:r ha 1 1.7591 Applea, dried, per 1b, 6@7 - Uüan, per bu., . Butler, perlb , 17ín I8o. Obeese, pr lb., t:;c. Kgga, per doz., 7fit-8o. Hay, pertoD, $ll.WK'il ■':. I.ard, pur lb., 7(w8c. l'oultry, chiokeni, BitfSe tuikey. lOfti Beef, per lb., 4,'c l'oik, per cwt., i3,SKVS'4.00. Clover seed. p-r bu., f4. ?." Corn, per bit., 20e. Oala, por bu., .Vc'JTc . I'ottttoi, per bu., 30@35e. Wheat, ber bu., 91.15rtoi.t8. Wood, per oord, $4.0Oii.00. Flour retnilfl at $n,00 per cwt, - DETROIT MARKET. The Detroit t'ree Pres in it regular weekly review üL the Petroit rmrket under date of April 24, nays : The movement in general merchaudise Uuring the week p:tt has been urmeually large Jobbers of all classes oï goods repon ui active ti'uilr, and the telling produced by thi reviral in bnsiuess in made roanit'twt to the advuntage of all grades oí society iu many ways In dry goods there tuut been a liberal trade ik1 priSé have ruled atendy. (irooeriea have been ordered with freedoiu. Cofiees have ïuled strong and steady. 'í'phí nhow au improved feeling aui! ïor tow grades of Japan, higher fiauree are aaked. Dried iruiti am.1 canned roo'Is liave lajijel. Druga and chemicala bave buen liiinlv active. Iu oila there has beeu a good trade witli no ch&uges exoept in lunl oil which i now otfured iu barrel !ot.i at Sic per al ior extr winter; Xo. 1, GOo jier gal; Ny. '2, ')6u per gal. I.umlier, hardware, irou, uaili im trhtilemsota bnve niet with u iair reueat. The gruiu warketa iluriug iim week under review have ruled muderately autive. The deijiüini hat beeu cbierly iur canli wheat, prieel iur wtiifh have tshowu & marketl inchnatiou to dvin.v. Trading iu tature has tieeu light ud u;ub'iied almost entirely to contract; for April umi May delivery. The ruceipt of Huur au.l gram tor tlm week were n tollowit i Flour, 5,140 bbU ; wheat, 127,742 bu; corn, 1,677 bu ; oat, ll.ill bu ; barley 11,972 bu. The shipinenta for the same tiinewere: Floar, 4,653 bble; wheat, 16!),4M0 bu ; corn, 1,071 bu ; oaU, .i.ilöl bu ; barley, 461 bu ; rye, 2,600 busheln. The iolluwiug Ulile sluiw the opUÍ41g nuil closiug pricee paid tor extra w hite and Xo. 1 winti', cash, and Nu. I April and May wheat at the uoou aossiou of the Koanl of Trad eacb doy during the past week : WHKAT, OABH TBICK8. Tnxlr White. Nu. 1 White. I Opeued Clowd Opened Cloaed Tuwiav, $1 2 Sino ïïlëjTl Ï1-J7 Woduvsday, 1 ;to'-á IS1 1 27V, ] 279Í Thiimday, I noj 1 30' ( 1 7K I 1271? Krily, . I 1 80( 1 30'i 1 T,i 1 SBU tïturday, 1 1 :(1 VWA 1 1 ' 1 'SS Mnudüjr, ' 1 1 MM i:l2 1 W-X I 1 289 1UTUBK8. I Ñ"o.l"WÜÍtTÁir '""Nu. 1 , MÏy."" I Opeued Clused Opeued Closed T'J.;sday, ?1 28 8127% Weduesdny, 1 21% %in:)i 1 28W 1 ■&.% Tbursdaj, 1 28 1 28V Frlday, I 27 127"i 1 28 1 iR3 Haturday, 1 27? 1 LfiV 1 28J-Í 1 -i Moody, Í a lïï) _____ Coru lian ruled dull ; bigh mixed, at 43 a 44c per bu ; Xn. 1 mixed hld at 43c: Xo. 2 mixed held at 42c per ba. Oats were (jniet at 29 1-2 a 29 .1-4c per bu ior Xo. 1 white ; Xo. 1 mixed at 28 3-4c bid. Barley lius ruled dull and easy : No. 2 State at $1.20 ; 1.22 per cental ; No.' 3 State at $ 1.10 a l 12 per cent]. Rye ciulet at 66 a 57c per bu. Trade iu general produce hae beeu rathar quiet. Applea are quiet and steady at 15 a 6 per bbl for fair to good. Extra choice variaties, f b.úO a 7 per biil. üoans aru in better demimii, with city h.iudpickei] held ut 1 1.4SaI.ñU per bu. Butter hae tuet with but a light iniuiry aud lor choice Iota 20c per lb is au outside figure, majority of aales beiug at 18 a 19c per lb. Medium und low anulen are unsalabi. Ltrease stock fair reriuest at ■ a .1 l-2c per lb. Etfgs nave met with a good ale at 0c per doz for crate and 8 1-2 a 0c pur doz for tub and barrel lots. i'.arly Hose potatoes have beeu in jood re({tinst at 'id a 29c per bu, the outide figure being attked for choice lots on shipmeuts. Seeds bave met with but a light Order trade. Prime lots clover seed quotable at $3.90 a 4 per bu : timothy, tl. 40 a 1.46 ber ba.


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