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- At the uew Cpnrt House ll tacoud story oist Bre being lald. - Amateur gardenerB ootnmesiced putting out tomato planta on Tuesday. - OdIj' about 11 miles of iron to be laid on l)ie Toledo and Ann Arbor Eailroad. - - Tliu half a score or loss of postoffic cnilifliifes aro atill ou the auxious sent. --- The Havings Bank of this city ha comniönced paying out {ïod over its counter. - Judge I.awrenco has Het out 2,000 peach trees this spring, and nearly 100 pear trees. --Whoso moJallion portraits are to be placed in those four tublets in the Court House walls ? - The First National Bank at Ypailauti proposet to rMume Mny 1, piyin coin for its bilis. - Willinni Soimlte, well kuown resident of Sharou, died on tlifl l'2tli nat... nged 50 yers. (Jonsuuiption. - The depot for the Toledo aud Allll Albor Ruilroad luis not yet. leen louaterf. Price ttsked not atisfactofy. - The street sprinkler was out imt week, tmt ït manipulator hss tliis wtck found no me for the "mahoen." - Mrs. Louiya ,J. (ioodvear, wite ot' Muuson Ooodyear, Esq., of ilauchester, died on the llth intit., in the 6'd year of her aye. - Ït coiumenced raiuin; a little after noon Moudity last and has coutiaued by spelts ever since: to the disgust of farmers and gardeners. - The main or office story wall of the (Oürt lloiiHB are nearly up, aud the belt ing course of atone whieh compItfB it íh beuig laid. - Byrou M. Cheerer h building nevr housfl - in fact has it already iuolosed - at the corner ot' l'ackard and División streeta, frontÏDg Hanover square. - J. A. Wilson, of YpailanH, took an overdose of morphine on Suudar, but n prompt ministration of autidotes umi a torced íufircb of several hout-a biought him througli. -The Munchester Enterprise says : I lip Blura, of Bridgewater, has lately deposited 40,000 white fish fry in eaoli of the followiug Ittkes, - Columbia, Joslyn and Shaffer." - The town of Manchester paid f368.08 for the relief of the poor during its fiscal year just closed. This item does not include the amouut paid for the suport of poor sent to the connty house. - $ü and sixteen ' front aeat " tickets : that was what the H May Fisk English Blondos" paid for the privilege of ?howiug (we don't know exactly what) nt the Opera House on Monday eveuin. -On the 18th insr. Martin A., afjed botweeu 8 and 9 years, son of Autou Eisele, died of scarlet fever ; and on the 21st, Jobn M. Swift lost a 8on- EHgar V. - sed 4 year, by the same disease. - Company A is to liold a meeting next Monday eroning to eleet a second lieutenaut in placa ot V. A. Uatch, whose term ot service has expired and who declines to inuster agaia. A meiuber ot the Board of Directora is alo to be elected. - Ia the laliorntory suita- the original t)ill agaiust Dr. Douglas and the cross-bill framt the Eegeuts- the consent of Williara L. Web ler to the substitution of J. (í. Kamadell has been filed, aio :i 8tipulatiou eztendiiig time tor filiug statemeuta to May SO. - TiiBie was ■ hule bit of fight near the Court Housu mi Siturday atteruoon last. Pat Furgusou, (Jim. Kaarus, aud Chris. Mattbews participaÜBg. Ftii-guson said the wearon of the red ribbon weie Kar ud thieve d drank oíi iba ly. And ttiat causad the "mili." - Coi. Burleigh pixiposea to "train" Mr. Sol. Brownell, wbos.e chosen voeatiou is public readiugs, and have hiin uring out the dagger .cene ïrom Jlaobatu ;it no dWtant day, - witb uil Uit niodoru improveiuent. Judgin by the reporta tf Sol's readinys litnt Tiifxdav e-vttiifig there wUl be nclrnefi in it. - Aun ArborV iilver-ionaued reader, Sol. Hrowuelt, had wit. snough to respotid to A Irieud whü sugiiested "they are mking a fooi út' you," meaning ttie lavvyövs ainl rniLiters and scholarly gent!einn wiio wtjre so loud in their applause on Tnesday eveiiiug at the ATade, "Well, I guem you'ci let 'em make a bol of you for 17.'' - A Dexter iteiu in the Post and Tribune says: Sunday forenofln Mr. De Witt, resiJiug a mile south of this vülage, feil in a rit of couvulsious and expiiüd imiuediatoly. He was a min of over 60 years ot age aud of very intemperate habits His stomach aud braiu were tound in a terrible oondition, '.üiectly traceable to excessive driukiug. -On Friday evaning last Jiiiue &1. Cole, of thia city, printer, essayed to sit down iu a rooking chair at his residence, when the chair ireacherously slipped írom uuder hita and he feil upon the stove breaking hin riglit arm just above the wrist. Not a fortuunte break tor a typo. He is doing as well as could be expected. - The Comriiou Couucil of Dexter, respoudIng to a petitiou of the Cornet Band of that viilage, pioposes to erect a public stand in the village park, at an expense ol f 1Ö0, from which tree rausic inay be dispensed,- of eveninga aud ou teetive occasions we suppose. Such a stand may be a good thing, but i it au ppropriate ohject for whicfa to levy a tax i - Walter Bilbie died at the reaidence ot bis sou in the town of Aun Arbor on the 23d iust., in the 79th year of his age. Mr. Biibie wao tiorn in Xottingham, England, where be was once engaged in the manufacture of lace. He carne to Ann Arbor in 1848. His funeral wiil take place at the Unitarian Ohurch at '.' 1-2 o'olook th8 (Friday) afternoou. -The special school meeting held at Ypsilauti ou Friday eveniug last was largely atteaded, and after full disuuaaion resulted in a vi te of ? 1,000 for a ward school house, aud in a uuanimous vote authorizing tbe school board to expeud the insurance money on tha old building- uearly $30,000- in buíldinf? a aew house. Iu additiou to tliis amouut the board wilt have, applicahte to the saine purpose, what it can realize trom the material ved íroiu the buiued building. -In the Superior Court, Detroit, ou Wedueaday, the suit of Goai-ge Sutton, assiguee of tlie Anu Arbor Trading Aaeociation, os George W. Hay, late superintendent of the store oparated by tbs Association, and Hice A. Beal nd Jacob A. Polheraus, suretiea, cauie to a suelden end. At the clone of the plaintiff's testimony, Jude Cochrane said that m he supposed au apieal would le taken to the Supreoie Uourt on his ruling alrealy made, it was liardly worth while to spend a week, m re or lesi, in hearing the witnusses for the defense, and o he instructed the jury to bring in a verdict tor defendants, which was done. Execution stayed and forty days givan to sattle bill of exMptioBt. - The papur read in the parlors of Mrs. J&JCOX on Tueeday eveniug, by Prof. J. W. Langley, for the benefit of the Ladies' Library Associatiou, was au exceedingly iuteresting uBf. It was both historical and descriptive, telling where and liow porcelaiu aud pottery re mude, sketching tbe procesaos and manipalationSj and giving the hearer a olear idea of rtj une porcelaius nud potteries are so valuahle. The distiuctions wore pointed out between the Chinese aud Japauese aud the French and Dreeden wares, aud the ditiereut mode of ornainentation descrïbed. Some vwy beautiful specimens were exhibited iu 'HuBtration of the lecture, or rather familiar 'alk. The rooms were well filled aud all were well pleased with the paper. Again must we fommend the ladies of the Library Aseooia'iou for the series of really instructiTe eutertsinments they have been giving those of our Uizens who have heen so wise as to attend Uun


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