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Ir the puges ot th Abous wer large enough to covar an eighty acre lot there would be no place in its cnlumus for the demoralizíng story of tbe Bishop McCoskry scandal. The fall of auy prominent man, whatever Lis proíeasiou, is a blow at public inorality and nirtue, and wben thut man is a clergyuian of high standing tlio tujury iiiDicteii upon tlie causo of religión is irreparable. If Bishop McCoskry be guilty of tbe alleged aeductiou or debaucliery oí his nominal ward, Misa I?ichard8(now Mi. Banaister) no punishinent, which auy acclesiaatical, civil, or criminal court can mete out to hini woulil 1 too severo. But wketlier innocent or guilty tbose seusatioual journals which lmve made merchaudiae oí the disgustiug detail? deserve iiothiug but coudemnatiou. It is a credit to the Itjspiotable uBwsijaper fraternity oí Detroit tbat the fa'lthy sewer liad to be sought in auother city and .State. Ín this couuection sufñce it to say that a teleyrani írom Now York Bay that Biohup McCaskry has deuied tlje charges aud iliiiit.iudnd uu investjgation by th6 autborities ot the church. - Thi from Bishop Clarkion, of Nebraska, to a reporter f rom the Omaha Herald, in auswer to the question " What effect-will it [the Mctioskry scandal] bav on th church T' has th ríght ring : ■' Of course, it is a very and thüig. It will give the meu ot the wurld au opportuuity to sooif nud sueer at Chrisüauity. The last two days lmve beeu the saddest daya the church has ever seon iu America, but 1 do uet think it a permauuut injury. If Bishop McCoskry is guilty, it eau be proved without a doubt, and he will not bu permitted to resign. He will be deposed from the mimatry. And wheu tlie world seea Unit even the reputation, standing, and influence of euch a nmn will not savo him, and tliat the church will uot condone such crimes, it must comraand lts respect. If the Buhop Is guilty uothiiip; can Bave him." - We hear that the Liconae Committee ut the new Council Iws reïived oue of the practicee abolisbed !y Uie old Council, and we luid hoped lurever. Xbat ia the takiug ot a part (it tha fee ulsargad colicorta, theatei-8, ehows, etc, in tickets for the members of tho Uóujicil. li liutiiua toe ought to be cliarged tor au cxliibitiou 01 purfouoance the whole of ii oughl to b colleotud m uioney and paid into the uity treasmy. Dead-haadiuy into "shows" i uot calculated to inurease tbe nsefulnesa or diguity el the oity fathere, and show tickets aro nut the kiud ot curroney license fees sliouid be L'ollecieJ iu more thou other taxen. - lu the last uumber of the Uuiversity ChréuifU the labontDff cae is thus diaposed of: "Thougli we thiuk it is a lact th:it at firat there was a arge majority of Btudents who sided witli Dr. Hoae in this lamentable case which has taken up su much of tba Hegents' time, yet it ia alsoai'act that there is now a stroug feeling amoug u tlmt it lias goue tar nougb, Ims iujmed tbe Uuiversity euough, that tha decisiou of tho Court should be respected or that of a higLer oue obtained, and that the matter of protessoiships ought not to be involved iu this disgiaceful qimrrel." The 80011er the eutire prosa of the State anrt the geueral public ndopt the saine conclusión the botter will it be for the Uuiversity. -Makers of counterieit money have receutly beeu airested at Adriau, Hillsdale, Kalamazoo, Pontiac, aud other placea. Üld Stephen Burrougho, trom a safe retreat iu Canada, once fulmino ted a deíeuse of couuterfeit money, and claiined that he was d iiig the public a service ili furniahiiit; a mean of cichauge. And so Geul. Butler rtceutly proclaimcd hiuiselt in favor of cheap ruouey, mouey made of the very cheapest materia!, luoney wortiiless iu itseli. Aud why sbould men be pumshed ioi couuterfeitiog coin- it they mak a good rtifile - iï iuflïtiun is 8ü desirabie and quality ol o auoount-as the nverae gtfleíibacker vrciulU have U8 believe 't - -Iu tl. Lansing Rcpvbhvanoi tbe23tl intt., the ehíef William 5. (ienrge-gave a c liarauteris,tic aml iiitorcstiug hiBtory ol bis career of 40 yeari ns appreiitica, jourueyiuj.n, puliiisliei, and editor. 'Ihe record 'made is otie that few apprenlioe? of to-day will he able to givo 10 years beuué. Times have ohauged mid apprentioes do not more ttian lialf leain a trade, Mid, beside.-!, do uot forni tlie habita of industry and eobriety whith have baeii the secret oí Bro lïeorge's aucceü. --President Abbot, ot the Agriuntturul Colfege, sends uu tlie followiiijr: Tlie ioJIowiu),' cb.uuge.fc have bfeu made rur 1878 ; Junior Exhibitiou and ulose of Sumniur Term will be ou Tuesday, Aug. 27 ; Autuuin Term will bejiu Sept. 3 ; a uew Freshman class will enter at that time. Examinatious at 8 a. ra. and 2 p. in. iu closs rooms A aud B, College Hall. Applicauts for admission should be ou band punotually, and be well prepured. Our halls are too crowdod to reoeive stiuleuts whu are not qualified to éuter. - The thirteenth animal meetiug ot the aiicbigau State Medical Society is to be beid at Lausiut', coinmencing Wednesday, May 15, at 10 o'clock a. m. The Michigau Central Railroad will sell round trip tickets at two cents a mile. l'hysicians should procure their certificates in advance by addressing Georgo B. Kanney, M. I)., Secretary, Lansing. -We ieel eaaier : Dr. Hitchcock, of the State Board of Health says that there ia no íoundation for the quite popular belief that eating tomatoes produces cancerx, - and so we shall try 'ein another year. -The Frec Press reporta a íüü.OOO libel suit on hand. John Atkiusou is the plaintiff. Libel suits are a iuxury : hut geurally not a proh'table iuTedtment,- for plaintiff.


Old News
Michigan Argus