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Red Ribbons

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- Kv. II. B. Pope will address the club next Sunday afteruoon, in the Opera House. -The Milán club are arrangiug íor a series of teinperauce revival meetings in that village. - The temperauce work is soon to be revived at Dixboro. " fhe lovrer light bo buining." - Tlio Ypsilauti club have already taken the mitiatory etep tor ociebrating tho coming Fourth of July. - It. E. Frazer will spaak at Lunsiug nest Suuday oveniug- the closiug meeting of the tetuperauoe revival in progress in that city. - Hev. C. A. Clark, of Dexter, will address the Reform Club of that viilage on Sunday eveuing. .Subject : " The glotj of young men." - -Jhs. B. Siiuudüik has been eleoted Sacretary uf the Reform Club, vice Amsden reaigned, and Aid. II. E. H. BowW lias b en put in charge of the Club room. - A telegram was received frorn Mr. Kniukei boeker, Saturday nfteriioun, anilüuiicing his inability to address the Opera House meeting Kt Suuday. The vacauey was supplied by ilev. I'. T. Brown, who dihveied an interestug nddresi to a fair sized auüience. ---At the regular business ineotiug oi the laform Ulub on Weduesday eveniug a commitee cousistiug of Chas. Boylan, T. Taylor, J. f. Jacobs, Wm. Burke, and laac Dunn, was appomted to ariauge tor au excursión to Toedo,- the Jirtt excursión over the Toledo and Anu Arbor Railroad. About May 21 is su"ested. - Several lueinbera of the Auu Arbor club, Acoouipauied by the Glee Club, weut to Salem Mouday eveuing and hbld a temperance meetug at Peebles' church. Speeches were made y It. E. Frazer, Wm. Burke, Chas. M. Jonea, H. C. VValdron and others. Thirty-five names were secured to the pledge. Another meetiug will be held at the sume place next Thursday eveniug, to be addressed by Capt. R. Beahau and others, at which time a club irill be orgauized and ofneers olecttid, - Auothor rousiug meeting was hold at the jodi Flains school house last Sunday eveuing. The priucipal speaker being Capt. K. Beahuu, of thia citj-,- benig his lirst temperanoe speech. Ie relatod how ho had wrestled with the demon of iutemporance in his youuger year and bis recue therefrom, aud how, after sevral years of sobriety, he had boen agaiu rawn into the clutches of the demon, declarug that ïnan'B ouly safety was to ti on the ed ribbon aud live strictly accordiug to its rinciples. His speech throughout was an aruest appcal for tomperance. He waa folowed with short speeches trom Alf. Milici ud J. W. Hall, of Saline, aud Chas. Boylan ud Wilham Burke, of this city. A larga lumber of signatures to the pledge wen obained - only two iereons leaving the meeting without the ribbon.


Old News
Michigan Argus