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One swallow don't mak e a spring, but nine grasfhoppers out of every ten do. Smith's Saleratus mado by the new process makes the biscuits Ught and spongy. Use only % as much as of other brands and be happy. Cali for Smith's Saleratui. Manufacture! by HENEY 8. SMITH 4 CO., Grand Kapids, Mich. ITERY: "Wliy wilt men Kmokecommon tobáceo when they can buy Marburg Bros. ' Seal of North Carolina,' tí tlic sime price?" 16G8 "IT IS A YA.CT" Thai yuu ciiii buy tbe liKSÏ ANI CHEAFE8T ÜI.A.CK MfcKS in the city t MACK & HCHMIO'S ïry Iliran aml be couvinced. An Astuuisliiug Fact. A kugi proportlon of the American peqplo aré to-.lay dyiug from the eflects of Dyspepsia or dis. ordcred livcr. The result of these diseasoM upon the masHos of intelligent and valuable penple is most alarming, making life actually a bunleu Instead of a pleasant existence of enjoyment and nsefulnessas it ought to ee. There is no good rea-, aon for this, if you will only throw asidc nrejudiee aud skepticism, take the ajvlce of Drugists AUd your frieuds, and tryouo lottle of Oreeu'u August Hoiver. Vuur npecdy tellet' is uortain. Milli.nw of bottles of thiK niediiünc have been fiveu way to try lts virtues, with re.Milis iu every case. Yoa can buy a sample boltlefnr 10 cents to try. Three doaes will relieve the wor.ct ejiiü. Positivoly soM ly :ill Dniggfeti u khs Wcteni Continent. i57u 00,000 Lottor and Jiote il. mis just received at the AKGUS Office. Now is the time to haurt in your order. Soldier.-, uf the war of 1812, hy au act rt' Mjirob 9, 1878, are entitlecj to a jiouaiou proviug fnurten days service, or who werè eugaged iu auy battleaudwere bonorably dischaigej, ox the Miriving widows of sncli BOldfers. Murcli 21, WJ8. JOHN N. OOIT, Pension Agent, Anu Ariwr, Jlii-li. Cream taid Setter and Facket Note Headsand Fibre Note Heads IPackot and Congrohs) just received. Give uit vour orilorM.


Old News
Michigan Argus