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Dogs In Boots

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The Journal of Chemistry says " Puss in Boots " is a ruythieal personage, but the dog iu boots is no imaginary oreat ure. In the regions of eternal snow and ice, wliere tho ouly beast of btirden is tho dog, tho cold is sometimos so intense thut sharp ioicles form between the claws of the canine sledge travelere. This causes a most serions obstado to the speedy progression of the dogs, and wonld, affcer a few dayp, render them utterly unflt for their laboriotis duties, as the icicles grow lurger and larger as they go on, until the poor creatureR are quite unable to stand. The oldest dogs, however, will every now and then stop and bite off the ieicles fi-om their feet. Not so with the novice. He trudgcs wearily along ; every step he tnkes adds to his torture, and after a time every imprint of his foot on Ihe snow bears a red stain from his ent and Meeding paws. At such time the dog-boot is called into roquisition by the driver, principally for policy, but oocasionally, let us hope, out of humanity. The dog-boot ifi generaily made out of raw hide, and is simply shaped like a small bag or pocket. This ia drawn over the foot of the animal and made secure by tyiug it round the ancle with a leather string. Thus protected, ïf the surface of the snow is pretty level, these wonderful Esquimaux dogs will travel at the rato of forty miles a day for many days in suecossion. The last new remedy tor hydrophobia íb a ChinoHc plant ealled Datura stramoninrn, a violent poison. It is aesorted tbat a Chinaman who drank some of the water in which a few leavcs of this plant had been steepeel coinpletely recoyered.


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