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The Prefident and a party of dislinguished guest were entortainod by the cilizens of Philadelphia on thu 21th of April Tho twelfth annual meeting of the National Board of Fire Underwriters was bckl in New York last week, Alfred G. Baker, of Pliiladelpbia, presiding. About fortv-üvo companiea were representad. Tho following oflicers wero elccted for tlio ensuing year: Alfred G. Baker, Philadelphia, President; B. Lockwood, New York, Vico President; M. eiuiot, Jr., flartfoid, gecrotary; J. 8. l'ariah, Providenco, Treasnrer ThoErio railroad was sold tho otlierday at New York, in fore9osnre sutt, by thn PamerB1 Ioan and Trust Ctompany. The road was ptirchased for f 6,000,000 by ox-Gov. E. D. Morgan, David A. Wells and J. Lamber VTelan, who aro trusteeo for the stockholderB. At tho time of the pauio, Nathan Mathewe of Boston, was a heavy oporator in real oatate, and was reputed to be worth $7,000,000. He has just failed for $5,000,000, and, it ia said, when hi8 debts are paid he will not have a dollar left . . . A number of heavy failuros aro reported ia New ïork, including Ben Wool, who -e liabiiities aro placed at .230,000 ; the Mai'Kuab it HarUn Manufaotnring Company, liabiiities $200.000 ; David T. Kennedy, bnilder. liabilities $540,000 ; Thcodoro llecd, liabilitieB $82,000. THK WKSr. CmcAOO elevators coutain 570,800 bashols of ■heat, l,8S7,008 bushola of oom, 139,450 bushels of oats, 83,102 buahols of rye and 460,319 bushels of barley, making a grand total or 3,10,827 btwhelx, agaiiiat 7,525,393 bushels at this period lftst ycar. A lady living nar Conncrsville, Ind., astouished her husband, tho other day, by giving birth to flve healthy childron, all boys. Mother aud little ones, at last accounts, wero doiug well John Bnnk, who murdered Policoman Coates, of San Francisco, a year ago, au hun;; on the 26ih of April. " Ottr Aldormou" is the title of a neur and Rparkling comedy jnst brought out at McYicker's Theater, Chicago, with a speoially trong cast, includiug Charles Btanley, flarry Pearfon, Roland Kecd, aud all tho members of the regalar company. The Detroit Free Press office bas beon almost totally deBtroyed by fire. Tho flames burtt ont nddenly at an early bour in the morning, &ud sproad eo rapidly that it wís imposniblo o eave any of the material. Tho loss ia a severo ono to the pnblishers, bnt there has been no delay in the issue of the papor, tho other publishers of tho city gouerally coming to the astistance of thoir unforlunate contemporary. The Cincinnoti Enquirer pnblishes reports whieh reprosont the greater portion of the States of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and Ken" tucky, and which show that the present prospect for a heavy yield of fruit this season is very flattering, THE BOUTH. A San Antonio telegram reports another raid on the northwest frontier of Texa by Indians froin the Fort Stanton reservation. The Indians who murdered fifteen persons nea Loredo a-d ca) tured a large number of torees mado good their escape. è ooixisioy on the Itichmond and Danville Tailroad, ninety-six miles from Bichmoud, resulted in the wrecking of a Blceping coach, causing the death of one passenger and the ' rious inj uring of five others. GENKBAL. Sexsational dispatchos to the San Antonio (Tei.) Express, dated April 23, detail additional Indian and Mexican outrages. The raiders murdered men aud mimen and carried childron into caotivitv. No leas thrui fortv pere ons havo been killed and much stock takeu. The Windsor Hotel at Coburg, Canada, was destroysd by flrc few days sgo. Wliile the flremen were at work ono of tho walls feil outward, Irarying :.;x o[ iheiu iu Ihe raing. Three ! of tlicm wero taken out deati, fcheir bodies being horriblv mntilated. A fcurth reccived probably fatal injuries. Tho two othors were badly injured, but will probably recover, It is reported from San Francisco that, in anticipation of the breakiog oat of hostilities betwoea Englaud and Kussia, a movemeut is afoot to fit out a privateer in that port to prey on BritUh coramerce. Letters of marque from tho Uuseian Governmeiít aro already tliere in blank, waiting for tho dcclaration of war, to bo filled out. Wilbur F. Btohey, of tbc Chicago Times. has started on a twelvo months' tour of the Old World. The peace in Cuba was short-lived. Insnrgent Gen. Mñcoo with 1,200 men has renewed uperations against the SpaniarJn, and there are said to be 1,900 other men in tbo field to continne the atruggle. A new provisional goverument has been fornied with Gen. Calvar as President. And it is aruiouuced. froni Madrid that the Spauish SoverDmeat ha decided to send 8,000 freah trcopB to the island. WASHINGTON. Ax order has been issued by the United State 8u rjmo Court, at Washington, assigniug the Chief and Associate Juaticea to various Bupreme circuits, as foUowïi : First cúcuit Nathan CHIIord, Associate Juetico ; öecond circuit, Ward Hunt, Aaaociate JuMtico ; Third circuit, Wiiliam ötrong, Assoeiate Justice ; Fourth circuit, Morrison I!. Waite, Chiof j tico ; Fifth circuit, Joseph F. Bradley, j ciato .Tufitice ; Sixth circuit, Noab. H. Swajne. Associ&tó Justioe ; Seventh circuit, John M. Harían, Aascciato Juslico ; Eighth circuit, Samuel F. Miller, Associate Juatice ; Ninth circuit, Stephen J. Field, Associate Justico. Tho tiew order was made in accordance with the recent appointment of a new Associate Justico. The Honse Committoe on Naval Affuirs has agrecd to report a bilí recommending Uiat the claim of Mrs. Dahlgren, for tho Dahlgron gnn, be referred to the Court of Claims, with a limit of $05,000 The Prosidont has norninated Geo. L. Sniith to be Collector of Customs atNewOrleans The United States Renate bas reconsidered its aclion in rejecting the ppointment of Mr. Colburn, of tho New York Tivies, as Consul Genoral to Mexico, and conlinued hini by a handsome rote. The Secretery of Treaeury eout to tho Senatc today, in responso to ios resolution of Jan. 15, a statement of the iseuo of loans and treasury notes from March 4, 1861, to Jnno 30, 187T, iLc'.usive, thowiuf? that the 7-30 bonds of '61, amounting to $20,000,000, eold at 3.25 premium ; thu 81's of '61. from 85 to 127 ; tho loan of '63 at an average premium of i 13. and tho 10 10' of '61, at par to 7 per cent. premium, and all others at par. Tho total principal is given at .f 6,320,2.%, 904, and the premium at $54,112,195. The reissues amount to Y2,478,819,198. Wjlljam M. Evakts, Jb., the only son of the Secretary of State, died at Washington, a few dajs ago, of cousumption. Ho was 27 years old Thero is little hope of the paaeagc of tho Tarift" bilí at tliin SOision of Congress. A careCul canvaas of tlio House reveals the fact that upon a full voto tho result wouldbe- for Iho bill, 135 ngainst tho bill, 156. So tays a Washington cerretpondent. A TEST ugly caBe is paid to havo been made out against Goorgo ö;ward, Minivter to China, and Consul General Bradford, in tho investigation now in procesa by a Houso committoe. Albkadï 6,000 applicalions have boen roceived from persons claimiiig pensions undor the act latelv pasted ly CongrcKH, granting pensions to soldicra of the war of 1812 and tlieir widowr. and to pay thom would toko $550,000 a jon When tho bil! was under conwderation it '.van stated that the ïmrnber of pensiouers would not be more than a few hundred. POLITICAJL. A Washikotos special to the Chicago VVÍ'june eays: " A dipatch has been roceived here that McLin, of the Florida Iieluruing Board, hao confessed that tho State wan carried for Hajes by fraud.". . . . Hon. Gcorgo C. Uorliam, of California, has been appointed füccretary of thu National Itcpublican Cougressional Coinmittee. Tns l'resident is reported to have informefl an inquiring Coiígrcsáman that, under the civil-sürvioo poücy of tho administration, any ofüce-hoider of the Government nho voluntarily chooses to do no may coutributo to pülitical campaign funda, but ho dexirea it to be underBtooa tbt no oflicer or crnpluyo oi ïhfi GoYernmeut will inour any danger as to the tenuie of hia oflico by ref using to do so. It íb openly assertod at Washington that oth Coakling and Butler havo dono much to aid Tilden in opening up the Florida busiess. "It is said by prominent Democrats that a reïoiaüon will troon be introducod in the Houso directing tho Oommittee on tho Judiciary to investígate tho alleged Florida frauds, and'authorizö tbem to eend for persons and papers. This would include tho statements of McLiu and Deuiiis, and other proofa in that connection. Tho investigaron will bo mado with a view of ascertainino; all tho facts, and not to in'.erfere with the present po.itiouof President Hayc-s." So says an Aeaociatod Press telegram from Washington. FOKBIGN NKWS. The pólice hav dixecvered important ovi ?nce regardíDg tija murrtur of Lord Leitrim, iinplicating at least one of tho pi sonora now in cuatody. . . Dispatches of April 23 say that the diaturbanora between the Itua.iiana and Turks in the Balkan district of Bulgaria and Roumelia have assiimcd proportions which threaten to malte tho matter a serious ono. Fighting haa been goiug on for perenal days butwoen tho reeidenta on ono ide and the IluBsian garrisong aud Bulgarians on the other, and at last accounts tho Turks had f roved moro than a match for their enemies. The International Telegraphic Congrotw, announced for Suly noxt, in London, haa been poatponed for one year on the motion of the Engliah Govornmont... .In a violent gale on the Black soa, & Turkiah coryetto was lost, witli nincty of the orew. Üuksiau declarations of privateering ia rcportod to have prodneed a depresning inlluer.oo on British ühipping iatcrests. . . . K mimber of Germán bankera, who werc induced to meet at Berlín to consider Iho practicabilitv of il i.iting auothcr liUAHiau loan, unaniniousíy refuaod to engago in tho work. . . .The Servían authoritios hnveuoen orderod toprevout tho Kussians f rom rocruitiug iu tho recently-anncxed tei-ritory. . . . The Riifaian presa havo been f ornidden to report or comment apon tho political demonstraliona, riota, or local clisturbanoes, undor pain of anapouaion Qen. Tcdleben haa been appointed Comm&udor-in-Chiof of the Kuaman fiiices Eouth of tho Damibe. Intellioesok has been received in Constantinoplo that tho Mussulman insnrgents havo Biu-priaed a Ruarían encampmeut near Philippopolia, taking l,0C0 pri&oners and four gvinn. They are now marching toward SaraakoÍT .... A cabio dispatch aays il is rumorcd that l'rinco Bismarck has retired from tho poKition of mediator. Aa tho principie of siinultaneous withdrawal from Conitnutiuople is accepted, ho thinks tho negotiations as to details can be moro conveniontly oanied on direotly between tho partiea concerned . . . . A boiler burtt in a fonndnr at Dublin, Ireland, kilhng fif teen poraona and wouuding twolvo, the victima being mouUy occupanta of adjoining houaes dcmoliüliod by tno forco of the explosión Tho Grand Duko Nioholas haa been promoted to the rank of Field Mainhal General, and rccalled to Kusuia on account of ill health.


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