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Special Legislation

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A. joint resolution to nmond thn eonstitution, proMbiting special logislotiou, ntioilucud iu Congiess by Mr. Springer, of Illinois, is under eonsideratitm by the House Oomtiiittce on Oivil-Scrvico Reform. TJh'. reRolutioii ia as follows: í-'f.ction 1. 03Q($%M f hp.'l not pass any local, private, or special ct in uiy.c&ijO whoro tho stjbjífct matter tlicrco coukl ds oiabrioeti in a gcaci'ül law, aud tlio courtn may determino ii uli i s whuilmr any local, prívate or special 1 : e i'ild havo bcon embraced m agcncnil ouRclmcut. Svr. . ODfYeM Bhall cstabli?h cytirts in which nliall be adjndicated all claim agaiuiit tho United States, uudcr euch rcgulfttiou as Congreea may by geboral luw preEcnbe. Tliu feub-cüiamittec uiny probably mako a report in favor of the propositioii. In the (liscussion before tlio comrjaittee it was maintained ihat an nmeniJmtnfc of thia kind wonkl very íauch sirapliíy Bnd reform the logislatiou of Cougre.88. Tho text does not mention general laws for tho roason tlifit the Ce ir; alrcady a provisión in tlio. uonatitution n ((uiring CougreBS to make provisión to corry iato effeot aJl the powers that nro oonferroil npou it. Uudt r this proposad nmeni.lrnoDt it wiH be tlio duty oí Oongress to p;uss general laws to ojj-ry ovit all of the matteranow acfiompliiheit by f-ji! oial aots, Tliis would oonvort Oongireaa i')'" ll legislataj for general busim bs ti' De rrírke applitíaore to all classes of peoplo, and cffeotnally put a Ktop to all Congressional iobborv and i-lnims


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