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Health And Disease

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To Cube Hoarsenerr. - Beat well tho whites of two eggs, add two table-spooniuls white Bugar, grate in half a uutniog, add a pint of lnkewnrm water, stir well and drink often. Bepeat the preparatioii if necessary. CtlBK FOR BlIiIOUS HeADACITE. - DÍ8solve and drink two teaRpoonfuls of tinely powdered charcoal in oiie-half a tumblerful of water; it will relieve in flfteen minutes; take a seidletz powder an hour af terward. CURK rolt ÜHRONIC RlIEtiMATISSt. - Dl'. Bonnet, of Graulbet, Frunce, ïocomrnends and prescribes for chronic rheumatism tho uso of the essential oil of turpentino by friction. He used it himself with perfect sucedas, having almost instantaueously got rid of rheumatic paina in both knees nnd in the left shoulder. Asthma.- One ounco flotir of stilphur, ono ounce pulverized sugar, a small quantity of ground eapsicnm, enough to barely flavor it; dose, as much as a 3cent pieco can hold every two hours; rub tho ahest and spine with buttcr and salt. The homeopatliie remedies are arsenicum and capsicum; avoid sauces, cheeae, cakes, pies, gravies as food. Kinqwobm Resíedy. - Oil of paper by burniug a shoet of ordinary writing paper npon n plato will curo a ringworm, which is canaed by contagión or somo impurity iu the blood; the oil will bo Roen after the paper is btirned in the form of a ycllow spot; this applied with tho flnger twice a day will in a very short timo curo the worst oí ringworms. New Use fob Bekï1 Tea. - It has been discovered that beef tea serves to check thirst botter thnn stronger stiuiulants after exoesaive indulgeneo in liquor. It is now prescribed in attasks of delirium tremeus. Tho tea ifi readily prepnred from the beef extract. lts bcneftcial effects in these cases aro chiefly due to the readiuees with which it undergoes digedtion when other aliment wonld b refused. GüABDIN'O AöAIN'ST INFF.CTION. - The Family Doctor saya tho funerala of persons who die of iufectious diseaso shoulc be strictly private. Disinfect tho clothes, bedding, and room by sprinkling them with a Bolution of commercial carbolio aoid, two quarts to 100 parts of -watei or other disinfectants may bo used in ; similar way. Lot tho doors ba closet for Beveral days. Sulphur may bo burned iu the room Buflicicntly to fill il fonr times a dny. Continue this for four or more days. Tlien strip off the paper, serape tho walls and ceiling, ant wbitowash them. Scrub tKo woodworl with strong sucIb and Bolution of carbolic ncid. Cobns asd Warts. - These troublesome exerescences reoeive muoh attontion in tho domestio coiumns of onr exehnngcB, and wo copy a few of the hints given to sufferers with the promiso o: specdy relief: (1) One writer says: "Foi more than a year I was afflicted with a largo corn on tho ball of my left. foot, and also a largo wart in the palm of my left hand. I hit upon a cure for both. It was a simple applicatiou of wooc (hickory) ashes and strong eider vinegar Bufficient to moisten. I kept it on thirty six h lurs, often nddiug more vinegar to keep up the moisture. Tho application then was renewod for thirtysix honm more, when I fouud all pain had censad both being entirely destroyed. I then could wear my boot, and, by a small ap plieation every night of beef tellow, in ono month all the hard substancc tha had formed around tho corn had bei;n removed . There is now nó traco left o; eitlier eorn or wart. " (2) For soft corns betwecn the toes, another writer bids us take a bit of old soft linen or cotton bat ting, snturato it thoroughly -with glycer ino, and then dip into tannic ncid anc apply to the corns. (3) A physioian says that warts may be removed "by rnbbing them night and morning tíita a mbistened pieee of muriato of ammonia. Thei söïten and dwindlo away, leaviug no Bnch mark as follows their dispersión with lunar caustio." (í) A ohemist sng gtsts still another cure for warts: "Dis solve a few lumps of bi-chromate o potash in a little water. Apply severa times each day." (6) And JlaU'-i Jour nal of Health directs the sufferer to "dip a stick tho sizeof a knitting-needlo into muriatic acid, and touch the top o the wart night and morning -with wha adheres to the stick, to effect a painiess cure. Buy a smnll quautity in a glass stopperod bottle, koop ont of the way o children, oft" your clothea and t'no skin and you aro safe in using it. "


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